The horizontal PVC pipe frame in the pics is 8' high. Couple more from today. Been getting minor PM flare ups. Mainly on just 2 of the plants. Trying a method Ozzy passed on to try. Copied and Pasted
"Originally Posted by ozzydiodude
I have been doing alot of reading on organic and have came accross a few testamonial of ppl the killed off fungi and molds with a simple mixture of 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts plain water. I have sprayed my seedlings with it and had no bad things happen to my plants I have started but I don't have PM so I can't tell if it help to get rid of anything or not. There Is NO bad effects that I can see or tell of on my plants so I will say it's safe to spray on them.
The extra atom of oxygen in the H2O2 is what does the work from the way I understand it. It inhibits the free radicals in the pm from reproducing or growing.
If y'all have a plant or 2 to try it on please do and let me and the rest know if it works or not.
1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide
2 parts plain water
spray whole plant top and bottoms of leaves every other day for a week."
Still getting flare ups, but kills on contact. No plucking leaves anymore. Just spray, and nothing there next day.
Cheers y'all. Bout a month or more left
First one of the Satoris, 2nd the BTB