And I am not trying to be confrontational either, but I do have to say that the pics you posted look ok, but are not quite a large.
They do look a lot better than the pics you were posting three years ago with the aluminum foil on the walls though. You may not remember me from back then, but I do remember you.
I've also watched your grows here quite some time, and know for sure that while those pics you posted look really good, they are not what you consistently produce. Pics don't lie right? We all have our heavy yielder's, and we have some that don't yield as well. I have posted pics of both.
Attached I am adding one of the pics above, the difference however is that I have added the 6" measurement on the door panel in the back ground. I'll agree sometimes having something in the background does help determine just how large something is. I don't drink Monster however, but I did stay at the Holiday Inn during the hurricane.
In other words, the main was as wide as a 2"x4".
TBH, I'm not sure what else to add. I originally came here to post up some results, and help other see that yes indeed there are some great results being made.
I am not trying to sell anyone anything.
At this point one can either believe or not believe you can do as well or better with LED's over HID lighting.
But don't kid yourself, LED's have arrived and in a big way. Just make sure you do your research an don't get taken by one of these companies that spouts crap, because there are a TON of them out there giving bad info.
This reminds me.
Growdude posted up some links of a site who "SELLS" the Apollo light and is making claims that they produce three times the output and said it was the manufactures website. Truth be told that, that was a company who is a re seller, and not the manufacturer just to keep the record straight
You've come a long way Roddy, but you have much to learn. Not something that can be done in three or even five short years.
Ya'll stay safe, and be good.
If nothing else, maybe someone has learned a thing or two.