Dmans Sharon Stone

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Thanks BWD and Rose, the T5's I heard so much talk about are impressing me bigtime.
Aint got skins fur the fancy bout more I here bout these here t5 lights might haven to start savin out skin fur the cause hope yual keep as happy they be friend

Nice looking babies you have there D-man. Good luck w/ those!

You mentioned feeding.. what did you do? My seedlings are just now starting to lose their cotyledons and my Larrys, for example, are kinda sensitive to nutes.

I just fed them Veg nutes at atleast 3/4 strength, im not suggesting anyone should do this but i have grown this strain several times and i am aware that while they will eventually show a little burn but they can handle it in the end.
Dman1234 said:
I just fed them Veg nutes at atleast 3/4 strength, im not suggesting anyone should do this but i have grown this strain several times and i am aware that while they will eventually show a little burn but they can handle it in the end.

I know that deal....My Lary OG cut likes to eat from the get go too. That is the great thing about growing out strains you know and have grown before. It can really help you go from an Average grow to a real good one. Looking good bro.
Very nice...:hubba: Looks like I need to invest in some T5s for sure....:icon_smile:
Dman1234 said:
I just fed them Veg nutes at atleast 3/4 strength, im not suggesting anyone should do this but i have grown this strain several times and i am aware that while they will eventually show a little burn but they can handle it in the end.

Hale and hearty they are bro! G'luck with this grow :icon_smile:

Ok not such good pics but they are going in flower room this weekend and i will get better ones, they have started showing sex.

feb 1st 001.JPGfeb 1st 002.JPG
feb 1st 003.JPG
The MJ sex gods have taken their revenge on me, LOL

I have always had really good luck with male female ratio's but this time 9 plants = 7 boys 2 girls, Dammit, just when i needed a few extra females the most.
Sorry to hear the sausage fest in there...Sure hope the Females put out:D...Mojo for the flowers Dman

take care and be safe

Thanks 4U, i have had such good luck in the past i had to throw females away due to lack of space, so i guess im getting what i deserve. LOL
Someone say sausage? Here sausage I got eggs now be hungrey! Dman yual do very well reckon and yual have some luck yur trail walkin ;)

BackWoodsDrifter said:
Someone say sausage? Here sausage I got eggs now be hungrey! Dman yual do very well reckon and yual have some luck yur trail walkin ;)


Thanks BWD, me pouch will get a little low soon but i will get through. :D
Rosebud said:
Is it clone time Dman?

No Rose, i wont get what i need from these two so i will flower these out and start another round of these same seeds.
Here are the only 2 girls from 9 seedlings, they are doing well with a single 600 watt bare bulb.

feb 8 2013 003.JPGfeb 8 2013 006.JPG
feb 8 2013 007.JPG

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