Crash Journal

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I'm messing with ya brother. You could take fake marigolds and put them on the plant and it would look like a real Marigold plant.😁
So I'm here in Seattle with my wife at her psychology convention. Several of our friends have told us what a beautiful city it is, and while I expected some decay I really wasn't prepared for this. We're in the most touristy place, in downtown convention row. The homeless are everywhere, yelling, begging, sleeping and shitting. In just two days with maybe 4 hours total walking around I saw 3 violent episodes, one of them against a shop keeper by a random homeless guy. I didn't see any cops before or after. There were hired security guards on the street, just not where there was violence.

The place is disgusting. Trash and graffiti are everywhere. I've never seen anything like it, even in SF a couple of years back. Entire blocks are occupied by homeless, and most of them appear to be insane or drug addicts. I find it weird, the mix of homeless and conference attendees - the same kind of people who vote in the politicians who cause this. The attendees just walk around the homeless wrecks as if they don't exist. I wonder who they think is to blame, or if they care.

I'll be glad to get back home to my plants and relatively safe streets. But we're off to Vancouver next. By all accounts it's worse than here.
So I'm here in Seattle with my wife at her psychology convention. Several of our friends have told us what a beautiful city it is, and while I expected some decay I really wasn't prepared for this. We're in the most touristy place, in downtown convention row. The homeless are everywhere, yelling, begging, sleeping and shitting. In just two days with maybe 4 hours total walking around I saw 3 violent episodes, one of them against a shop keeper by a random homeless guy. I didn't see any cops before or after. There were hired security guards on the street, just not where there was violence.

The place is disgusting. Trash and graffiti are everywhere. I've never seen anything like it, even in SF a couple of years back. Entire blocks are occupied by homeless, and most of them appear to be insane or drug addicts. I find it weird, the mix of homeless and conference attendees - the same kind of people who vote in the politicians who cause this. The attendees just walk around the homeless wrecks as if they don't exist. I wonder who they think is to blame, or if they care.

I'll be glad to get back home to my plants and relatively safe streets. But we're off to Vancouver next. By all accounts it's worse than here.
I can't say what I want to say. That's what happens when you defund the police and treat them like shit.
I can't say what I want to say. That's what happens when you defund the police and treat them like shit.
Police are not the answer to homelessness. It's a social fail that plagues just about every major city.
Defund the police stemmed from the violence and unnecessary uses of force by police. If ya haven't noticed. They appear like soldiers in our streets. Armored cars, M16s, body armor the likes of a soldier in the Iraq war.

This country is slowly turning into a police state hidden behind a label they call democracy. They don't need defunded. Just held accountable for their actions.
Police are not the answer to homelessness. It's a social fail that plagues just about every major city.
Defund the police stemmed from the violence and unnecessary uses of force by police. If ya haven't noticed. They appear like soldiers in our streets. Armored cars, M16s, body armor the likes of a soldier in the Iraq war.

This country is slowly turning into a police state hidden behind a label they call democracy. They don't need defunded. Just held accountable for their actions.
Bullshit. Same shit in Portland,,same shit in California. Police are not the goddamn problem. And homelessness comes from their Fking leadership who doesn't give a shit..
Put the Illegals in hotels and the veterans on the street.
Same mother fkers different Cities.
Those attitudes is why those cities are going to shit where ppl like Crash don't want to visit anymore.
To each his own.
Just my opinion.
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I really dislike reading these types of posts in a grow journal. Start a political section if you like, but these kinds of posts turn ugly so fast, as displayed above. This isn't my website, but there are plenty of places for folks to spew their mind if they want. I have my own opinions, but I'll save them for an appropriate forum where they might do some good.

On a lighter note, can't we all just get along. :D
It's Crashes Thread and it was his post that I'm contributing too. And I never mentioned a party or names.
But yeah we do get sidetracked sometimes. That's what makes us humans and not robots.
And I get along with anyone who wants get along with me even if we have a difference of opinion.
You know what they say about opinions.😁
I really dislike reading these types of posts in a grow journal. Start a political section if you like, but these kinds of posts turn ugly so fast, as displayed above. This isn't my website, but there are plenty of places for folks to spew their mind if they want. I have my own opinions, but I'll save them for an appropriate forum where they might do some good.

On a lighter note, can't we all just get along. :D
Wise words, my friend. Wise indeed.
It's Crashes Thread and it was his post that I'm contributing too. And I never mentioned a party or names.
But yeah we do get sidetracked sometimes. That's what makes us humans and not robots.
And I get along with anyone who wants get along with me even if we have a difference of opinion.
You know what they say about opinions.😁
Yep they are like a-holes everybody has one.

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