Crash Journal

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I moved the GOG to a 10 gallon pot yesterday, and so far she doesn't seem too unhappy about it. No droopy leaves or excess shedding. When I pulled the 5 gallon off the pot there were a few roots dangling in the water. I had to cut the fabric pot off with scissors and peal it away from the roots. I also drilled some extra holes in the top of the auto pot for two extra wicks. I bought 200 feet of the stuff for around $13, so I'm set for a while.

My light setup makes it next to impossible to dim or cut them off at the moment.

The SF outside seems a lot happier since I defoliated her and fixed the cracked branches. I'm amazed that I can't find any pests on her considering the issues I've had there in the past. The buds are coming along slowly, but I haven't been feeding her at all. Today I made up some bloom nutes and gave her 5 gallons of that. Probably to do it again this weekend.


The GOG has thrips. Looks like they've been active a few weeks and I just noticed them. The shop just gets too much use to effectively guard against the things I think. I sprayed and put up sticky traps, of course, but there's no way I will get rid of them with that monster plant sitting in the main shop area. Oh well, they aren't that destructive, just annoying.

We are getting a pool installed next month too, hopefully later in the month. The Supafreak is very likely to get run over by the dump truck they are bringing in. I will tie it up as much as possible, but it's pretty close to the rout they are taking. Maybe I can move it, but probably not. I'm sort of hoping it will be ready to harvest before they come, but it's not looking that way at the moment. Looks like it has at least 6 more weeks.
Got rid of the raised garden bed to make room for the machines they are bringing in to dig the pool. Now I just have to move the Supafreak. No way it will be finished before they come. It has some cracked branches, I believe from an aggressive lawn mowing daughter as well as losing some buds on top to a careless shovel wielding wife.

I'm going to try digging it up tomorrow, but I'm not too optimistic I can save it. If not, I will try to take some cuttings and clone them. It has already proven it can reveg after harvest, so I'm hoping the clones can do it as well.

The moon flower against the fence has to go as well <sigh>


I'm finding thrips on pretty much every leaf now. I've got some Dr. Zymes coming tomorrow. The rosemary oil mix with added alcohol isn't doing much for some reason. I guess they are used to that stuff now. The plant doesn't seem to mind the bites, though. It just keeps growing and drinking like a fish. I'm refilling that 15 gallon reservoir every week.

The buds seem to be growing faster now, even the lower ones. I assume it's because I switched to Jack's Blossom Booster from the Master Blend I usually use. Not sure how I can hold them up once they start getting heavy. I can't think of a simple way to put up a screen, so I may be putting more hooks in the ceiling to tie them up. Next time I will setup a frame for the screen before the plant gets too big to handle.

Them outdoor freaks look wild.

These indoors do seem to be getting away from ya. It happens sometimes. Those floater screens I use could help with this problem in future grows. Pretty easy to control height with using them from veg on. There's a lot of examples of it on my rerun thread.

These look great. The buds are coming along nicely. I use Jack's Bloom. Grows some nice frosty bud.
I ordered some garden poles and assorted connectors to make a frame, and a couple of 4X4 nets. It will be fun getting the nets positioned while standing on a ladder. Hopefully I won't hit my head on the lights and set my hair on fire...

I dug up the Supafreak and moved her out of the construction path, and she is very unhappy about it. I cut a foot from the trunk all the way around which did cut through a few larger roots. Maybe she will survive, I dunno.

I ordered some garden poles and assorted connectors to make a frame, and a couple of 4X4 nets. It will be fun getting the nets positioned while standing on a ladder. Hopefully I won't hit my head on the lights and set my hair on fire...

I dug up the Supafreak and moved her out of the construction path, and she is very unhappy about it. I cut a foot from the trunk all the way around which did cut through a few larger roots. Maybe she will survive, I dunno.

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She will be ok I have done it 3 times this year. They will look sad for about a week or less Its hot here. Maybe just a few days for you since it is cooler weather. The only plants I lost are the ones the cats were piddling in.
It rained all night and most of the morning, and the SF looked like it was recovering. Then the rain stopped and the sun came out, and the poor plant shriveled up again. All the pistils turned dark and curled overnight as well, but the trichomes are still mostly clear. I will be surprised if I get a decent harvest out of it.

On a different note, I started a bunch of Grandfather Purple Auto and Supafreak seeds. I just need one male GDPA and one female SF, and the SF auto conversion can begin. Last time I got 4 of 4 GDPA females from regular seeds. Any other time I would have thought that was lucky <sigh>
It rained all night and most of the morning, and the SF looked like it was recovering. Then the rain stopped and the sun came out, and the poor plant shriveled up again. All the pistils turned dark and curled overnight as well, but the trichomes are still mostly clear. I will be surprised if I get a decent harvest out of it.

On a different note, I started a bunch of Grandfather Purple Auto and Supafreak seeds. I just need one male GDPA and one female SF, and the SF auto conversion can begin. Last time I got 4 of 4 GDPA females from regular seeds. Any other time I would have thought that was lucky <sigh>
IDK but I planted WW X Beast mode seeds that I just made. Planted 20 I wanted some males to make seeds. I originally painted only a branch or 2. Wanted to see if it would jive. They are growing great. Kicking myself for not doing it the first time what was I thinking. Every last plant is female. Not even one male. Don't know how I did it. I planted every seed I found. Guess I will have to use some BM pollen Carty gave me for the seed run. It is what I originally used anyway. Bottle is almost empty. There is enough paint a girl up though.
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If it's not actually a dead plant, it's doing a really good impression. I sprayed it with water to see if I could get the leaves to inflate again like it did in the rain, but no luck. It isn't in the way, so I'll leave it there until I'm sure.

If it's not actually a dead plant, it's doing a really good impression. I sprayed it with water to see if I could get the leaves to inflate again like it did in the rain, but no luck. It isn't in the way, so I'll leave it there until I'm sure.

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Mine took like a week or 2 to fully bounce back but it was less developed
Mine took like a week or 2 to fully bounce back but it was less developed
It's weird how the pistils are all darkening at once. I even saw some amber trichomes this morning. If it survives, it will be difficult deciding when to harvest.
It's weird how the pistils are all darkening at once. I even saw some amber trichomes this morning. If it survives, it will be difficult deciding when to harvest.
You can always use it fir other stuff like salve or tinctures edibles. Some would make hash
Came out this morning to find the SF back among the living. She looked hung over, and I spent half an hour clearing all the sick or dead leaves. But overall, it looks like it is growing again. Thanks for telling me to wait @MariJan , I was ready to chop it the day after I moved it.


Pretty much all of the pistils are dark and curled now, and there is maybe 10% amber trichomes. The rest of the trichomes, though, are mostly clear. No idea how to judge when it's ready to harvest, so I will just wait until the GOG inside is ready and take them both at the same time.

I put up a frame with those green steel plant stakes and some assorted connectors I found on Amazon. The I added a couple of 4X4 nets which went about as well as you might expect with a full gown plant. A couple of branches definitely got bent too far, and one I had to tape to keep it from snapping. But it's done, and most of the large buds have an unobstructed view of the lights.


The thrips are still very active, and I've given up even spraying them. I'm content just keeping the adult population down with sticky traps. They do work pretty well, and they were the main defense in the 2X4 tent during the summer when I had them completely wiped out. The extra debris on the sticky traps is sawdust. The price of growing in my shop, I guess. It's all over the leaves as well, but as far as I can tell it's not causing any issues.



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