Closet grow

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Okay, make that the goal. Definitely not impossible.

And yeah, that knob. Stop playing with'll make ya go blind. Check out an app called Photone it's free and will help ya measure how much light the plants are receiving.
Got the light. Really bright. Hope it don’t burn the plants.more leaves are sideways after putting new light in. Prob nothing.
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Dial down the lamp 50% or move it higher. Leaf tells you what's going on. Ya gotta react when they do.
This don’t look good. Wonder what it is wrong ?
Aluminum foil ain't the answer. Flat white is better.
People tend to think glossy white for grow rooms and after I researched it a bit years ago I discovered that Flat White paint has 98% reflectivity... rated #1. I learned the difference between reflectivity and shine.

For the $ flat white is best... and the weird part is if you used aluminum foil, you put the dull side out but still old mistakes most of us made already.
Another leaf right beside the one that I took a pic of is looking same
I'd just remove it. If ya see no bugs chewing on it then your okay.

Leaves get damaged. By wind, or by you touching or training the plant. They grow n rub together a lot. You'll see random leaf like that occasionally. I just pluck them and move on.

It's good your paying attention to the plant. Them leaves tell ya a lot of info if anything goes sideways. They are important to the plant but removing a few is okay.
I'd just remove it. If ya see no bugs chewing on it then your okay.

Leaves get damaged. By wind, or by you touching or training the plant. They grow n rub together a lot. You'll see random leaf like that occasionally. I just pluck them and move on.

It's good your paying attention to the plant. Them leaves tell ya a lot of info if anything goes sideways. They are important to the plant but removing a few is okay.
What about house flies ?

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