cloning issue

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Dec 15, 2009
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I was wondering after I clone why they start to wilt and they also look like they have nutrient burn.I am spraying them with just water at at a controled PH 6.0.I haven't had this problem until recently.Thanks, Capkid
Gonna need alot more info than that. They almost always wilt a bit then come back strong. Nute burn means just that. Unrooted clones need only some fresh H2O, dont overthink it with PH etc.
whenever one of my fresh cuts are wilty they spring back up in a couple hours.. and i think it's a deficiency in the plant your taking the cuts from...
but like nouvellchef said, need some more details and maybe a pic would help

There are a lot of factors as to why cuts wilt... The softness of the stem tissue of the cut, the diameter of the stem, and ability or inability of the stem to transport water up the stem for life support. Like THG sez... always do your final cut under water to prevent the possibility of getting an air embolism (blockage) that could prevent the moisture from going up the stem. Are you using a humidity dome at all? That would def help with the wilting. I have about 15 cuttings in rapid rooter plugs right now and a few of them have been drooping pretty bad but they are starting to perk up slightly now that it's been 3 days. The cuttings that are drooping are soft stemmed from the top of the plant, the cuts that are the most perky are much more rigid stems that were taken lower on the plant. For wilting I think about all you can do is spritz them every couple of hours if you can and use a dome for the first few days to get them over the hump and then they will start on their crawl back to health and slowly get perky again.

The only almost 100% wilt-proof cutting method I've found is using a clone bubbler. My DIY clone bubbler is full right now so I'm also using the rapid rooter plugs.... Each method takes about 2 weeks or so to root fully and the main difference between the two is the bubbler clones go through a lot less stress and maintain their vigor from the day they are cut til they are rooted and transplanted. It's not uncommon for me to see a bit of burn on the leaf tips and all I use for clones is plain water... it tends to happen on lower leaves on the cutting more than at the tip so I don't think it is classic 'nute' burn cuz the newest growth tips don't show burn.


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