Brown spots on a few.. Help!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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There is only one photo to show but this problem is on a couple plants, but only one or two leaves.. I do not know if it is light burn or what.. They are running under fluoros and/or daylight 24 hours, Fox Farm Oceanic mix, no nutes after transplanting, watering with Arrowhead water.. I do not know the pH (I'm picking up tests today).. They are maybe a month old, 3-5" in height..Out of 7 plants, there are a total of 4 leaves, on 3 plants that have this problem.. I know the photo is a bit blurry, but hopefully yall will be able to tell what the **** is happening..Please help.. Thanks so much..

Sorry. Ok just checked my calendar and I have had them since about the 19th of Jan.. They were given to me already sprouted.. I have began lst on a couple of them to test it out.. Will be going out to get a pH tester right now.. Should I also get pH Up and Down liquids in case this is the problem?
soulsmoker said:
Sorry. Ok just checked my calendar and I have had them since about the 19th of Jan.. They were given to me already sprouted.. I have began lst on a couple of them to test it out.. Will be going out to get a pH tester right now.. Should I also get pH Up and Down liquids in case this is the problem?

you might aswell.. You'll use it sooner or later..
Should I be getting a water pH tester or a soil pH tester? Once again thanks for all the help..
Get a quality water tester if you can only get one. You can test the runoff water from your soil to get an idea of your soils PH without a soil meter. Better get the PH up and down, cause you'll need it by the looks of things, as your water source is not at the right PH and is going to have to be constantly adjusted. (It looks like)
I just did a soil test on one of the plants and it came out to being under the neutral level but doesnt match exactly up with the acid reading of 6.0, so I am guessing its somewhere between them.. I am going to pick up a water tester on my my back out, is there a special to test it, or just water the plant until it runs off and catch the runoff? Will the pH up and down fix this problem?
You should water your soil untill it's completely saturated, then wait about 20 minutes. This lets the water you just put in you soil adjust to the soil's PH. When 20 minutes are up, slowly add a small amount of water untill you see runoff coming from the soil, collect this stuff and test it.

If your plants ph isn't too far off, you can flush it with your PHed water untill your runoff PH matches your wating PH (when it matches, wait 20 minuts and test it again, just to make sure it didn't fluxuate. Now if your PH is signifigantly out of range (not in the 6's), you might want to mix dolomite lime into the soil, or some other PH stabilizing element.

Now you said you already did a soil test, what did you do it with?? If its with one of the probes I'm guess you did it with, well, uh oh. If you are using a cheap green soil probe to test for ph, throw it away, it'll do you more good in the trash than giving you false reading with your plants.
Thanks so much for the advice.. I used a soil tester from Ace Hardware.. It has 5 small glass tubes with capsules inside them.. 4 tests for pH and 2 tests each for N, P, and K.. The instructions were take a soil sample from 4" down, put it in tube. Open 1 capsule and pour in tube, fill with water, shake, wait for color and play matching color guide game.. From my guess it was a yellowish green which according to the chart would be somewhere between yellow 6.0 and green 7.0 ph readings.. Lowe's didnt have any water tests so I will have to get one elsewhere tomorrow..
A big question is that I am using Arrowhead water, brand new in jugs delivered, like the ones you would see at the "water cooler" stations in offices.. I figured this water was good, but maybe not? Also, I have used the same water for all plants and only a few leaves are showing this problem.. So I dont know.. Will have to wait until I test the pH water level I guess.. Thanks again..
That water probably has a PH of about 7, you want more around 6.5 so its a little high. Your plants will be happier when you do that for them.

Really though you should be fine, as long as those dead spots don't keep spreading or show up anywhere else, you're probably in good shape. Good luck growin man!
Whats an easy, cheap way to bring my water pH level down? And what would happen if I chose to snip the bad leaves off?
i just went through all this just to find out my lights were bad, lots of wattage but no lummens, i posted a picture with similar spots,and if everything else checks out you might want to check it, I bought a multi-funcional probe that shows PH and has a DRY to WET meter with a lummen meter too 13 bucks, The ph parts kinda ballpark but so am I.
Do you have a name brand for that meter? Thanks for the heads up..
It just says 3 way meter on it,with a switch for the different functions,Any nursery where they sell hydroponic and grow stuff should have them, Did you look at the similarities in the spots? i put the pic in the first picture in my photos
Yea they look pretty damn close.. Yours appear to be more brownish circles with spacing inbetween.. Either way, maybe I will stop my fluoros now and head into flowering with the hps.. Thanks again, hopefully they'll be better soon.. Did your marks go away after you fixed your light problem?
all the other cloned pictures and the 4 large are those sick plants and there clones this purple erkle is almost bulletproof, very hard to kill ya new lights worked great, but i did do some foliar applications with a diluted mix of this stuff called mineral matrix, I just tried covering my butt everyway i could, Once befor in 1977 these guys gave me some indica seed I had never seen the weed before i had only smoked sativa and i just freaked, me and that weed had been waiting a million years to meet it was that kinda thing for me, anyway i bought a 1000 watt halide out of highTimes and proceeded with my second indoor show, only this time i had a job and some money so i bought a bunch of nutes and burned every single leaf right off of all 10 plants, i really freaked, they still had stalks and roots so i yanked them and washed the roots and replanted them outside under plastic, a greenhouse sort of, they came back and they did me proud, i couldn't believe it, before it was over i was brushing certain buds with pollon from a male and giving away seeds, my wife said if she hadn't seen those poor sick stalks come back she would of never believed it, wish i would of taken pictures, anyway the purple erkle you were looking at is a legal wash. state grow, i get 15 plants my mrs. gets 15

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