Black Domina & Mint Choc

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Looked like it, but it was more drastic. Extremely fast. It hasn't rained for months and humidity has been about 35%. Beyond 47C on the day the die-off happened.
I have a BD outcross ....after seeing that beast in a 5 gallon bucket I'm going to pop some beans today for OD!!!! Dang she is beautiful. Keep it green LM :aok:

you'll laugh at my Black domina outcross genetic mess tho
(clips DF99 (Ducksfoot/cindy99) x Jack Flash/Black Domina) don't know who did the JackFxBD cross. After getting those beans I took it one more further and made [DF99xJF/BD] x Blue mystic...I trade with some outcrossing junkies :p love that hybrid vigor and a pheno mess.
Let me know if you keep a log on it. As you know, I tried the Mystic and got a useless pheno, but if you get a good one the yield could be enormous - the buds were huge, and the Domina is a high yield too. Cindy99 in there . . wow, interesting mashup!
As some of you will recall I won BPOTM a while back with a full-plant shot of a Domina in final flower. Well, I might be up for trying my latest, she's at eye level with me now. Humidity remains low - around 30% - but I hear a couple of big storms are on the way.

I've also updated the status on the Mint Choc (yum) and hybrid. Both doing great but it's the Choc I want!

From L to R:
1. Domina, about 3-4 weeks to go.
2. Same Domina, top cola: my forearm and palm, in height.
3. Mint Choc. Maybe 4-5 weeks to go.
4. Mint Choc, close up - notice how different the colas are to either Aurora (mom) or Oaxaca Sativa (hermie dad)
5. Hybrid (Black Domina Dad, Mexican sativa HPP mom)





The BD is sucking up 2 gallons of water a day. I finally found the right nute point, roughly 1 level dessertspoon per day. I think another 3 weeks will do it. Good reliable heavy hitter in a short time to harvest.
The Mint Choc is doing well . . . looking for a pollinator for it, either the Cheese or the indica AK8 pheno. The hybrids will produce around 2 oz only.
lol thats gonna be a nice fat top cola. tht mint choc looks great. never heard this strain before. i know i just love mint choc ice cream. :)

great job bro!
The mint choc is nearly ready. It's just a name I dreamed up because that's what it tastes like. Lovely flavour.
It seems to be impossible to get everything at once. I love this strain but it is totally noncommercial, the yield is pathetic. And also, it is 'soft' bud. Nothing to do with lack of light, it's just the way it is. You can see the colas look very different to most. But I do like it.
I don't have any more of this strain, but I've got 75% genetics from the foxtail feral male, so I guess I could get pretty close to it again if I cross that against the Aurora I'll be growing in winter.
Mint Choc has finished. Here it is, trimmed. Not a lot, but it will be tasty. Hey, not bad - eight weeks from 12-12. Who needs autos? Not me!

Probably the other 50-50 hybrid, the Domina/HPP, will be ready in another week, maybe 10 days, and the big Domina should be only another 2 weeks.

It had dried sufficiently by today that I was able to do a cut-up of a bit of it using sharp scissors and :joint4:
Very nice . . . this is not soft like it was when I grew it under lamps. It's very sticky and hard to cut.
Taste: Terry's After 8 mints. A soft smoke, even prior to cure. Very mild.
Activity: This is a cross between a total body-stone indica, an Aurora pheno, and a foxtail monoculture feral sativa that had got my interest. I'm pleasantly surprised to find it a heavy hitter: it outclasses my Black Domina. Very 'up' high from the sativa part, creative, overlaid by a deep, almost medical, stone. (Of course, the Domina produces at least double the amount. . .)

I would like to grow some more of this but it was the last seed. However I did partially pollinate it with a male AK48.
I could probably get very close to it with my stash of seed from its offspring, 'Secret Agent' 75%/25% sativa/indica. If I grow some alongside the Aurora this winter, I could cross them again, that would be a 75S-25I/100I or 3:5 :rolleyes:
The Secret Agents are all fems, I'll need a male Aurora.
powerplanter said:
Nice report bro. sounds like something i'll have to try.
I think the 50-50 hybrids are really interesting, actually. They seem to take many different styles. I think I'll run the cheese against the male indica pheno of the AK48...
I just found what looks like a viable seed from the Mint Choc/AK48 cross. Have to try it :)
I love this strain but it is totally noncommercial, the yield is pathetic. And also, it is 'soft' bud. Nothing to do with lack of light, it's just the way it is.

usually the best bud is like that. ;) Just most don't have the patience for em :rolleyes:
Mexican sativa HPP mom
Now she sounds sexy :hubba:
Harvested and trimmed the other hybrid. Pics below.



As I suspected the other hybrid is pretty useless. Low THC concentration. It was a waste of time to grow it. Never mind, I will be harvesting the big Domina in a few days.
I've begun dry-stressing the big Domina. The idea is to get more THC production in the last few days. I leave it until it wilts and then water a little, wait until it wilts again . . . you get the idea. Plan to harvest this next Sunday.
The second hybrid is actually OK ... I tried it last night, pretty good high. More sativa than indica.

I harvested the big Domina. Took ages to trim! I should get a good pile off her. At least 4 ounces and maybe more. Only the Cheese left in the GH now. Must plant some more seeds.

That's it for this grow. I'll post the dry weight later.
Dry (bone dry) on my new scales: 120 gm. Quite happy with that. Good smoke. I like growing these, I can get over a weight out of four plants. Must plant some seeds. I think I will try cloning my favourite Cheese pheno. It will be difficult, the temps are too high for the grow room to be used. Maybe a can supplement daylight for a couple of hours. Put them all in one pit for easy movement.

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