It had dried sufficiently by today that I was able to do a cut-up of a bit of it using sharp scissors and :joint4:
Very nice . . . this is not soft like it was when I grew it under lamps. It's very sticky and hard to cut.
Taste: Terry's After 8 mints. A soft smoke, even prior to cure. Very mild.
Activity: This is a cross between a total body-stone indica, an Aurora pheno, and a foxtail monoculture feral sativa that had got my interest. I'm pleasantly surprised to find it a heavy hitter: it outclasses my Black Domina. Very 'up' high from the sativa part, creative, overlaid by a deep, almost medical, stone. (Of course, the Domina produces at least double the amount. . .)
I would like to grow some more of this but it was the last seed. However I did partially pollinate it with a male AK48.
I could probably get very close to it with my stash of seed from its offspring, 'Secret Agent' 75%/25% sativa/indica. If I grow some alongside the Aurora this winter, I could cross them again, that would be a 75S-25I/100I or 3:5
The Secret Agents are all fems, I'll need a male Aurora.