Black Domina and Blue Mystic indoor

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What a garbage strain this is. Just toked an entire joint and twenty minutes later it has hardly no effect.
That's it. I am pulling all the BMs except the one in flower. Out of the grow room. And taking four Domina clones tomorrow. What a waste of a grow the Blue Mystic was. Highly unrecommended.
Thats sucks man... Curious about the Domina been thinkin about trying that strain.
leafminer said:
What a garbage strain this is. Just toked an entire joint and twenty minutes later it has hardly no effect.
That's it. I am pulling all the BMs except the one in flower. Out of the grow room. And taking four Domina clones tomorrow. What a waste of a grow the Blue Mystic was. Highly unrecommended.

Too bad. I thought mine was ok, not the best but certainly not the worst. Good yielder though. Hope your bd does better.
Oh yeah, I can see it being a good yielder. Kinda reminds me of Big Bud in its appearance. By the look of mine it will probably produce at least 4 oz, maybe more. IMO this strain needs a phenotype selection and then cross it with something more potent. I am guessing that it is the Blueberry genes that are the problem, there's been quite a lot of muttering about that one, hasn't there?

Actually talking about cross, I did cross mine. I did a selective on one branch with the Domina pollen. I don't think I will bother trying it though. Got to be weaker than the Domina alone. And the Domina yield is OK.

Because of the disappointing resuts from the smoke test of the Mystic, I decided to just leave the two clones in the greenhouse to flower out, which they should do because the daylight hours = 10.5 right now. There's plenty of room in there and now it is nearly finished the environment is quite comfy.

Meanwhile I need to tear up "the plan" and see what's the best way to proceed. So, ignoring the BM, what I am left with is:

BD1: The original fem, now only about 2 weeks from amber I hope.
BD1a: First clone of BD1, showing preflower, alternating, now 30" and needing repot.
BD1b: Second clone of BD1, taken 2 weeks after the first, in a smaller pot, only about 12" high.
MBS: The Mexican bagseed sativa female donated by my daughter from one of her friends... :)o - of course this is a complete unknown, and it will be ages and ages in flower. It stays in the greenhouse.

Step 1, today, already done: Took two clones each from BD1a and BD1b.

Step 2: Maybe I will order some autos. My production plan is ruined so I need to think short-term. I'll have a look in the supplier's site, same as I used last time, with a view to buying some autos for speed and also, I think, the Jack Herer.
hmm I remember having this BM smoke was very frosty and amazing had that first the 2nd time it smelled awesome but wasnt there must be two phenos..sorry man.
Just a note. Put two of the last four remaining Mint Choc (fem) to soak. One opened today. Potted it up and put it in the grow room where it can get a bit of warmth when the lights are on.

Forgot the big flowering BM was in the garden and it was pouring with rain yesterday. Huge colas got so soaked the stems bent and they point down, not up, now. I moved it back into the greenhouse to dry out but the buds are still down. Well I really don't care much. Just the three Dominas in the grow room these days.

Oh I nearly forgot. The bagseed sativa in the greenhouse is doing great. Actually growing. In these temps and not much sun. Wow. Maybe I should clone it. Hahaha....
Repotted Clone1 in the styrofoam cooler . . 4.5 gallons, let's see how it does compared with the others. Also repotted Clone2 in the vacated pot from Clone1.
Greenhouse is great! 28C inside when the sun is out.
The Mexican sativa is my pic for this post. You see the wrinkled-up leaves about 1/3 up? That marks the point where I adopted it. Before then it was on a window sill in MG soil and it had a pathetic root system when I repotted it. I had to remove as much of the MG "soil" rubbish as possible. She's in modified coco now.


I'm watching you Leafminer!

Very interested in seeing what the insulated container does.
Thanks! I'm going to get another one today for clone#2 when she gets a little bigger. Every year I have grown a tomato plant in it and every year that plant has grown faster and yielded more than the ones in 5 gallon buckets. It's getting a bit wrecked now, I had to use 4 glue sticks in the glue gun to repair it!

Checked on the remaining Mint Choc and the seed has opened and is showing a root spike, so I potted it and placed it in a warm place. Really happy that these two stored seeds (out of the last four) both germinated. I do like the cross, it is 50% Aurora and 50% feral Oaxaca landrace sativa; but the indica genes are VERY dominant so it results in a mainly indica high, and it doesn't grow too high either. Pity it was all fem, I'd like to have more seeds, oh well. I am not going to go to all the hassle of reversing one of them ... got other genetics I like even more. Might even cross the Domina with it IF the pollen I have in the freezer remains viable.

Today I have the fan off in the grow room, it's far too cold. The plants prefer it like that.

Last job today was to rip up the two Blue Mystic clones and throw them on the compost heap, where they belong.
So I decided to root around in the back of the drawer to see if there was anything i might have not noticed, and found this airmail envlope. Inside 2 small buds like thai sticks. it was a leftover from the Domna sample I took a while ago. So ..
All I can say in this totally smashed smoke report is that this is dangerous stuff. Having been under the naked glare of this is your reality for a week or two, I can say it has strong elements of:
floating sideways across the room
paranoia (I was watching an anthrax bomb terror plot on criminal minds, not surprising I was / am paranoid haha)
very speedy like that Lou Reed album "My minute is your day" or something like that.
and a bit Captain Beefheart around the edges.
I'll try to post a proper smoke report in the proper place when I can manage to
very cool about the green house plant sounds like a tough cookie!
Really that's why I am growing her. It's a long story. That plant marks the moment when my daughter had sufficient confidence to inform me in this way that she knows I grow. The strain sure seems well adapted!
Outside temp on the thermometer: -1C
greenhouse temp (unheated) +1C
grow room temp (inlet fan off) 11C (52F)
Still too cool for comfort. Oh well. The forecast says things will get better.
Out of curiosity I have been drying one of the Blue Mystic main colas (5 oz wet . . . ) and on day two it really doesn't smell of MJ at all, it smells like damp string.
ahhh is that the friends plant?
damp string...I dont know if I have that smell logged in my bank..
Yeah that's the friend's plant! It turned out to be female. Seems to be in flower, sort of. That's a bit more than preflower I see there, I think. Probably be going on like that a long time. She's so early; I have never had one growing as early as this. Hope it doesn't stop flower and reveg when the days start getting a bit longer. Oh well.
I wanted to spend all day in the greenhouse with the laptop! It's 28C (83F) in there and 4C outside! Wonderful. My JACKFRUIT tree is in there too and it seems to be surviving. Putting out new leaves. Before the greenhouse it was losing leaves and dying.

One of the Mint Choc seeds has sprouted so I put it in the greenhouse. Waiting for the other one.

Finally, I ripped the first (flowered out) Blue Mystic from the pot and threw it in the compost heap. No more of those in the grow now. Good riddance.
Hey leaf where does the mint choc seed come from? I've never heard of this one.
It's my own special. It is a cross between a female Aurora Indica and a female feral Oaxaca hermie that produced first male flowers and then female catkins. All the seed was identical F1 females. None have ever hermied. I really like the flavour - it reminds me of Terry's After Eight dinner mints - and the high, so I thought I would grow some more. The second one hasn't broken surface yet but I can always clone the first one if necessary.
I'm having to carry 6 pots back and forth so I think that it's time to reverse the situation. The first Domina is finishing and the second is entering 12/12 so maybe I should move those two into the greenhouse and the four Domina clones, veg plant (#3) and the Mint Choc seedling into the grow room and switch the lights to 16/8.
I'll see if I can organise that tomorrow.

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