Black Domina and Blue Mystic indoor

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leafminer said:
Cool. It's going to be good to be able to compare notes with someone who's at the same stage with the same strain.

Couldn't agree more. My 3rd of the 3 has been looking floppy for the past 4 days. Not overwatering but the leaves will perk up for a small amount of time then go back to looking like hound dog ears. Dunno whats up with em but the rest are 6 in. tall and looking bushy. Gonna supercrop one of the two.
ohh i missed this leaf miner sorry :p

ive done both of these strains and i loved them ,,,goodluck and mojofor your ladys
Wow, Disco, yours are growing faster than mine and I thought mine were doing well! What are your growing conditions?

My 5 survivors are:
#1, tallest BM at 4.5"
#2 BM, 4"
#3 BM, the runt, doing fine and now 2.5"
#4, BD, the tallest plant at 5"
#5, BD, 4".

Not to mention three tomato plants at 4". . . it's Papa's fault, I want to see if they turn into hash tomatoes . . . (no I am not that stoned) :ignore:

The stalks on both strains are getting really sturdy and I am hopeful that I am past the stage when any random insect could off one of them.

Grow conditions:

150 HPS, 4 ft above, full reflector putting pretty much all the lumens on the plants.
Intake fan, 70 cfm, visible plant movement.
Pots, 5" at present.
Nutes: giving 17-17-17, no burn so far.
Medium: modified coco.
Grow room temp: about 30C in the plant zone.
Light cycle: 16/8, 6pm-10am
Thanks UK Girl. Would you grow either strain again? How did they compare in smoke terms? Your input much appreciated! I feel like a newbie again.
:rofl: ...........................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry, I just had a moment :)
Lot of work today. I finished reinforcing the roof of the grow room . . . one side of it had hardly any support. I remembered this when I came to hang the ballast and found there wasn't sufficient support! :eek:

Finished the remoting of the second ballast, hung the lamp, both of the cut-down reflectors side by side, and the second lamp failed to start. :huh: Dud bulb! Fortunately I have three spares so put a new one in and it lit fine.

Lots of light now from the two HPS, given a bit more work I shall add 100W of CFLs to fill in the gloomy corners and bring me up to 400W of lighting. Yeah I know it isn't going to be as many lumens as the 400W HPS units put out, but at least with more sources it will be more evenly distributed. And the last indoor (Aurora) grows showed that it works fine.

The plants are doing great, I can hardly wait for the camera to arrive so I can take some pics. The Blue Mystic is pretty much the same size as the Black Dominas, I can tell them apart because of the blackish colour of the Dominas. ;)

What bothers me is having to clone. I don't think these are going to branch sufficiently for me to get clones off them early enough. I'll wait a bit, but if not, I'll have to top all of them to get a clone off each, because I have no idea which are males. I am hoping for one male and one female on the Dominas and at least one female from the Mystic.
But if the Dominas are both male, well, I will resort to doing a limited seed run between them and the Blue Mystic. If they are both female, I will probably order some more Dominas to see if I can get a male and produce some Domina seed. :hubba:
I'm going to repot later today or maybe tomorrow, just 3.5 gallon pots, should be fine for indicas, 5 gallon pots turned out to be way too big for the Auroras. Intend vegging until they are at least four feet, if possible. Now I have remoted the lamps I have extra head space in the grow room. :)

PS- I did repot two. The largest Domina and Mystic. The Mystic is in a small (3 gallon) rectangular hempy bucket, for the sake of experimentation. Used new coco mix with a little added pasteurised sheep manure.
Great! That's good to hear! Can you let me have some information? Like, how long did you veg and what size did they reach before you flowered them? Do they grow as one main stem like my Auroras did, or will it branch? How was the yield? And finally, how was the smoke! :hubba:
I'm chopping my BM within a week i think, you can follow her in my second closet grow.

Vegged 5 weeks, she's now at day 73 of 12/12. Slow starter, stretched like crazy, slow starter in bloom and then another explosion, this time of buds!

I think blooming was a bit interrupted by lightleaks but either way she's not a quick one. Saw her first amber ones just some days ago.
Thanks for the heads up! Took a look at your grow. My pheno looks rather different; I'm getting really fat leaves, like dinner plates. Actually it looks very similar to the Domina except the D has the blackish, ridged, leaves.

Added 40W of CFLs to the grow, now at 300HPS+40CFL.
Everthing looks great!
I got my new camera. And it is broken, useless, a piece of junk, I have to return it. Bah, totally annoying.
Dominas: 5", 5.5"
Mystics: 5", 6.5", 3"

and the tomatoes are ok too.
Yeah, i apparently have a more sativa dom. pheno. It's almost identical to my ppp, but the leafes were a bit wider during veg. In bloom they changed to more sativa-style.
Yeah, 10 weeks + bloom! Well now I know what to allow for in my timing. Thanks for that.
leafminer said:
Thanks UK Girl. Would you grow either strain again? How did they compare in smoke terms? Your input much appreciated! I feel like a newbie again.

thanks leafminer and yes ,,i would grow both strains again ,,the blackdomina who i named dominintrix :p she was a stunner ,,and the smoke was delious ..

and the blue mystic ,,i did from 12/12 ,,awesome smoke its in this gj,,but in hindsight ,i wish i had vegged longer ,for a bigger yield ,,but i hope to do both of them again ,someday :rolleyes:
Thanks UKgirl I'll check out that BM grow of yours! I wish I could post photos. Really angry with getting a dud camera. Returning the darn thing today.

Oh well. Today I had to raise the #2 lamp because the plants were showing signs of leaf dehydration being too close. Sizes:

BD: 6" and 7"
BM: 4" (the runt), 5.5", 8.5" (hempy bucket)
Internodes are 1" to 1.5" apart (the hempy bucket ones are further apart)
Plant diameter: averaging 1 foot across now.
BD: 7.5" & 8.5", plants 13" across and side branches of 1". On node 6, forming 7.
BM: 5" (the runt), 6.5", 10" (hempy bucket is really taking off) plants also 13" across.

I think the growth rate is just about optimum, really doubt that I could get any more than this. I'm not using any nutes as yet because the modified coco medium comes with slow release nutes. I've never had any problems with that, I adjust my nutes upward until I get a touch of leaf burn and then back off.
I forgot to add lime to the coco when I made up the pots, so I'm watering with a dilute lime solution. The plants don't seem to have any deficiencies visible, and there is no visible pest damage except for one bitten leaf.

I'm really pleased with these genetics so far, the germ rate was near perfect and they are VERY vigorous. From the leaf shape I'd say the Mystic was more pure indica than the Domina.

Conditions in the grow room are much better than in my last grow, when most of the time I didn't even have any proper ventilation. I've painted a lot of the raw woodwork, it's pretty much waterproof now, but I still have work to do on fixing light leaks before I start 12/12.

GR temp is about 27C and outside about 16C, 340 watts, completely surrounded by Mylar reflector boards.
BD: 8.5 & 9.
BM: 6, 7, 11.5

gave lime water plus a little of the crystal superphosphate.

Side branches are growing like crazy! At this rate I am planning to take the first clones in two day time. So, allowing two weeks for proving the clones, I should be able to move the moms outside into the 11-hour days to start flower. So first harvest being 8 weeks or so later, makes it early January.
Then continue with the second harvest, the clones, probably March. Then it's outdoor time.
Inspected the plants and sure enough, the side branches are good. I found 4" side branches on three of the plants, (2 x Black Domina and 1 x Blue Mystic) so I went ahead and took clones this morning. The weather is on my side being cool and rainy. I did this at the start of the dark period so the clones aren't stressed by light right away. I left the clone cups at floor level mainly under the CFLs. :)

Hope to take two more clones tomorrow. Not sure if I will get one from the runt because it's grown very "flat" so far, very short internode distance (desirable!) so I may have to wait a little longer. ;)

I will be unsurprised if the tallest plant, a Mystic, is a male. It is growing high and strong. That's the one in the hempy bucket. :cool:

I'll give the clones 10 days and if they look good, then I'll put the moms in the garden to make them show sex.
The plants go droopy when the lights are off. Think I've seen this before. Low temps. Outside is only about 14C today.
Took two more clones, off BM1 and BM2.

The plants haven't put on much height, if any, but the canopy is increasing at a terrific rate. I can hardly believe the size of the fan leaves (about 6").

I've had to mess around with the pot spacing and move the lamps around because they are getting too big and shadowing each other at the edges.

I changed the CFLs, instead of 4 x 10W I now have 2 x 23W and 2 x 30W for a total of 106W. Total lamp input now 406W. I'm looking to buy 4 more 23W today, add another 92W to give me a lamp input of 500W. Now I'm starting to get where I want to be in lumens, and the plants should do great with the mixed spectrum.
I am going to have to think about modifying the back end of the grow room to have a small clone/veg area. Get some thick black/white plastic sheet if I can, (not likely) so I'll probably have to buy just black. Anyway clones don't need a lot of light.
The tomatoes are back in the garden. They seem to do better there than under the grow lamps . .:confused:
I'm sad to say that i got a bit of mold on my BM. Never had it before in this growspot, so i guess it's a strain fairly susceptible to it.

Then again the buds that got the mold were pressed together due to some supercropping and i guess this also contributed to it. Anyhow i felt i should give you a heads up.
Thanks for the warning! I'll be keeping a close :watchplant: for that.

Modified the 100W CFL cluster by adding light reflectors above the tubes. I made them out of stiff card with Mylar pasted on each side. Looks a lot like a 4-bladed fan from above! That's the trouble with CFLs two thirds of the light gets wasted. GOT to use reflectors or just be throwing money away on electricity.

Plants are looking great this morning. Clones look healthy. Measurements:

BD1: 10", BD2: 12"
BM1: 8" BM2: 8.5" BM3: 14.5" :eek: that's the one in the hempy bucket! I still am betting it is a male though. However I am not impressed with the extra height: it still has the same number of internodes as its mates (8 - 9). It just stretched that's all.

Say 10 days more and if the weather is not too bad and the clones are ok I'm taking them outside for a while into the 11-hour days to flower, limited seed run with a little luck. Then carry on with the second crop indoor, all female. Of course for all I know they are all male.

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