Black Domina and Blue Mystic indoor

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This morning I partially pollenated the Blue Mystic. Some of the nanas had opened on the male.
Wow, the s . . t . . r . .e . . t . . c . . h on the males because I have them in a corner of the garden that gets no sun at this time of year. One foot between internodes! They are flowering though. The BM is for the chop as soon as I have done a second partial-poll. Of course I was tempted to make crosses as well using a different branch, but I thought, no, why bother . . . I have enough weird strains already. Still waiting for the Domina male to open nanas.
Yesterday I tried out the new clones, in the greenhouse (no sun or very weak through cloud) in the open. The BM did great so I repotted and there were lots of roots.
The BD wilted badly so I put the humidity dome on again. Later it perked up again. I think it is rooted but not very well yet.
Just checked on the two big mamas and they are doing great.
So the grow now is:
1 each mature BM and BD, in flower
2 clones (one each type) about 3 weeks and doing great.
1 clone BM 2 weeks doing great
1 clone BD 2 weeks still in the ICU
1 unknown generic Mexican bagseed from across town.
Wow, changes can happen fast. When I was taking the four clones out of the grow room this morning to put them into the greenhouse (I do this every morning just before the lamps go off) I could hardly fail to notice that just in the last evening, the Domina has acquired a coating like Frosty the Snowman. Most bloody impressive!

So probably I am going to select the Domina in preference to the Mystic. Nothing wrong with the Mystic, on the contrary in fact, but the Domina is so amazing. I guess you get what you pay for.

I got a little pollen off the male Domina and did a partial pollinate this morning. And I ripped up the male Blue Mystic and threw it into the compost heap. Got to get some more Black Domina seed for next indoor grows, I cannot sustain indica moms during the summer, the climate is too extreme.
any luck on acquiring a camera so we can ogle these ladies?
The earliest I can manage this will be Christmas. Across here the price for a camera is like three times as much, just stupid, and the models are mainly obsolete. I am going to get one from Amazon and have it sent to a friend on the other side, he'll bring it for me late in December. It's like, my camera went bad and so did my video camera, I don't have money to spare buying gadgets that only seem to last till one day after the guarantee runs out . . .
leafminer said:
I don't have money to spare buying gadgets that only seem to last till one day after the guarantee runs out . . .

i too know that feeling all too well my friend!
I had to pinch hell out of the Blue Mystic today. Ran out of height. Still stretching, what a nuisance. I pinched it so that it's now the same height as the Black Domina. Just another reason why I prefer the Domina.
i get the feeling that when we do see some pics that Domina is going to have more snow on her than most people will see all winter.... is the Mystic filling out at all or just stretching still?
The Mystic, well I pinched it pretty well, the end colas have started to grow upward again. But it is still pretty lanky compared with the Domina.
What happened with the Mystic is that late in veg - about 5 weeks since germ - the Mystic suddenly stretched like a beanstalk. This despite having 20K lumens on it. The Domina was more balanced.
The Domina has blackish leaves with larger serrations than the Mystic. The darker leaves should result in more energy absorption and therefore greater yield. From what I see, this is true.

With both plants the fan leaves are huge, up to 9" across. They are very active, too; just as the lights come on they are all drooped down, but within the first hour they lift themselves a vertical distance of about three to four inches and tilt towards the lamps.

When I flipped them to 12/12, the Domina stopped vertical growth and after two weeks really serious colas and frosted leaves began. By contrast the Mystic continued stretching and isn't filling in or frosting. So, the Domina is earlier to produce. Also the Domina is now really filling in fast, so I have the impression that the yield is going to be high.

I forgot to add, that the plants are at 3 ft at the moment and I guess about 7" from the hps and about 4" from the CFL cluster. I am thinking that when I move outdoor again, I will excavate and level the grow room floor 18" deeper, so then I'll be able to flower up to 4ft or so.

Well, let's see if my prediction is correct. Right now I have one of each in the grow room, plus I have the four clones (two of each type) and I have partially pollinated both the flowering ones, so with a little luck I will have some seed of both.
Question is: I can flower a maximum of 5 plants in the grow room, of that size. (I'll add another 100W of CFLs - I am running 2 x 150 hps and 115W of CFLs.) I am very tempted not to bother growing any more BMs but instead to take more BD clones and go for a second grow of, say, 4 x Domina and 1 x Mystic. I am hoping I can get 4 oz dry per Domina. That would be 570g/515W, and I'd hit or exceed the target of 1g/W.

OK. That's the new target then. To break 1g/watt.

PS: Nutes/ 15-30-15 every two days. Potassium and ammonium phosphate crystals every week.
Have four good clones now, I think I could manage 5 in the next grow, let's see if the timing allows me a third grow:
Say 5 weeks more on the first two; no, make that 6 weeks. That's 2 weeks into January, but by then the 4 clones will have been in flower for 3 weeks ... so allow another 4 weeks for the clones, and that takes me to . . . umm . . . 2 weeks into Feb. Oh cool. If I plan carefully I can start a new group of rooted clones, veg for 3 weeks, flower for 7, harvest end of May.
That is pushing the envelope on temps but I think it is doable. Aha - I will move them outside in April, that will be OK then.

Just checked the grow this evening and I could clearly see the first pollination looks to be a success. I'm aiming for at least 30 Black Domina seeds.
Good grief, I am being tested by the climate now. Slight drizzle and the temps have been dropping and dropping.
Outside thermometer is at 5C right now at 11 am, forecast is for zero degrees tomorrow.
Grow room temp with the lamps on is nice, comfy for me and the plants are in perfect shape, but I am worried at the idea of the fan blasting them with air at zero degrees C. Oh well. My only option is to turn off the fan and then they'd cook with 420W of lighting.
Clones doing great, I am managing to keep them in veg by moving them in and out the grow room every day. I've got a lot of work to do, I need a second grow room!
1C overnight . . . all the plants were in the grow room under lamps.
4C today, as usual the clones are in the ghetto-greenhouse. . . just to keep them in veg. (The tallest clone, a Domina, is 15" now and the second, a Mystic, is 12", the later two are about 8" each. )

I'm going to veg the clones until the tallest reaches say 30" then keep it in the grow room at 12/12, then do the same with each one as it reaches the right size. My limit in the grow room is 5 plants of that size. I am hoping to get at least 4 oz off the Domina and 3 oz off the Mystic for grow #1, then at least a pound for the next 5. After that I should really move the grow room over to Sativa preparation for my outdoor grow, I expect to have seed for the next year's indoor.
Sunny today, took the opportunity to repot the clones. The older pair went into 7" pots, the smaller pair just a little larger into 5" pots. The 'guest' is doing ok, probably female I think. Has to be out of there soon because i need the space.
Dom 1 and BM1 are both doing great, the Dom has colas of 4" height. I can see which colas I pollinated, the seed formation is pretty obvious.
Nice day, quite warm! The flowers were opening on the male Black Domina so I got an envelope, carefully cut all the flowers off and put them in the envelope, then ripped the plant up and composted it.
I'll wait until the flowers dry and release all their pollen then place the pollen in a tiny pill bottle along with a sachet of silica gel, and place it in the refri for a week then in the freezer. I'm hoping to keep it for a while!
Left the two Blue Mystic clones in the ghetto greenhouse. They can flower in there . . . I really don't care about them any more. I'll flower out the big BM in the grow room, but after that I am growing just the Domina, there is no comparison between them; the Domina is so superior to the Mystic. I gave them a good feed when the lamps came on last night, and this morning the Domina looks amazing, the colas are really fattening up, it's going like a train!
Was checking out kebnekajse's grow again. Hmm. A lot makes sense after studying that. BM goes to day 78 at least; and I can see from the earlier pics that mine looks pretty similar in that the sugar leaves don't get frosted.

I'm still moving the clones from grow room to greenhouse, at least now the greenhouse is half complete they've got some protection in there from rain and wind, and when the sun is out it gets really warm.

The mystery bag seed sativa is doing ok and it has female preflowers showing, so bearing in mind its recent ripping-out and replanting, I'll try and get it to a good state and then flower it just out of curiosity...

The Domina is still powering along. Great performer.
Grow room pic with all 7 plants in there:
The flowering BD & BM
2 BD clones in veg
2BM clones in veg
1 Mexican bagseed sativa

I have tied up that BM cola now, but these colas are getting too heavy for the stalks to support.
Pic on the right is the sativa.


leafminer said:
Grow room pic with all 7 plants in there:
The flowering BD & BM
2 BD clones in veg
2BM clones in veg
1 Mexican bagseed sativa

I have tied up that BM cola now, but these colas are getting too heavy for the stalks to support.
Pic on the right is the sativa. got some beauts there leafminer! Keep it up!
Thanks 7G!
This pic is of the four clones in the greenhouse (2 Mystic, 2 Domina) plus the Mexican bagseed sativa. It's a bit obvious which one is the sativa isn't it?!

Have run out of smoke so harvested one of the colas on the Mystic. This cola weighs an ounce, give or take, dry.

mystic cola.jpg

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