Black Domina and Blue Mystic indoor

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BD1: 12" BD2: 14"
BM1: 10", BM2: 9.5", BM3: 16.5" (the runt has now passed one of the others)
Growth rate about 1" per day.
I'm watering every day, they need it. No nutes at the moment, the plants are using the slow-release nutes in the coco mix, they'll tell me when they want more. Clones seem to be doing fine.
have you took that camera back yet ? really want to see how these fine sounding ladys and there off springs are looking :p

heres some more green mojo

Wheres the pictures miner? I let my BMs bud for 60 days. I didnt see much sativa in mine, very fat leaves like you said. All of my plants were great producers and they all turned purple too. I also grew some outdoors two years ago and got some mold, but mold is normal in my area.
I returned the camera to the scammer on EBay but until I get my refund I dont have any money to buy another one. I am so mad about this. Of course I like to take photos and the grow looks great right now, I am dying to show you. It's the only camera we had, my video camera went bad as well. I am sick and tired of these modern products that fail just after the guarantee runs out.

Hey 4U and UK girl thanks for the mojo!

Latest news: I think my clones have been going a week now and they look just fine, but I have made the error of taking them out of the Hdome before, so I'll leave them be for another 5 days or so. Can hardly wait to put them outside so I can determine sex.

The BM's are doing great. The Dominas obviously have a lot more sativa in them. They have branched like mad, the interesting thing is that the branches are all growing pretty much vertically, not like any strains I've grown before. Think how celery looks. They look like celery!
hello lefminer and happy halloween...ya know ya can just put a clipping in a glass of water and place in window sill if its the flower time there..and you will know sex...are these clones in veg stage?..I need to go back and read some...I have questions Im, sure the thread has answered...thanks for letting me spend some of my Halloween in your Garden.. here hold this:bong1: while i have a look around..

okay just read the grow are the plants doing with the light cycle16/8..? have you run this cycle b4?..thanks for shareing with us and hope ya get that camera soon b4 someone lets ya wont this time..cuzz ya explaining things very well...ill check back later...need to go scare some kids:lama:......say you wouldnt still happen to have that cock roach...would ya:spit:

Take care and be safe
Do I have to give this :bong1: back? Oh well, here you are . . . I've added some Secret Agent from my last grow . . . see you tomorrow :hubba: :stoned:

Thanks for that note about the clones, I'll try that now because where I live, it is always flower time for indicas. I can't veg them without the grow room. My max hours = 13 in mid summer!

The clones have been in coco with rooting compound for a week now, still look OK. I'm going to try to make a little space in the grow room for vegging. First though I need to determine sex of these unknowns.

I'm going to buy a camera of some sort next week even if I have to use my credit card dammit...

The grow is still going great, still not adding any nutes, the added sheep manure and slow-release ferts have done the job so far. The side branches are now growing through the original fan leaves and the canopy is pretty solid.

Sizes today:

Black Domina: 14" and 18" (wow that's 2" per day on the larger one)
Blue Mystic: 13", 11" and 16.5" (tallest one hasn't changed in two days, hmm, what's going on? Must be putting the growth into the side branches?)

I think I've been in veg now since germination on 30 Sep., so that's about 4 and a 1/2 weeks.
Plant height so uneven . . . I want to grow these naturally so I can see the phenotype clearly. But this is going to be a problem with illum. Fortunately having three lamps I should be able to hang one low, one medium, and one high but it's not optimum doing that. I've got the HPS 4" from the tops! That's the closest I've ever been with HPS and it is thanks to the 6" axial fan that is shifting a lot of air through them.
Anyway who knows, those two tall ones might well both be male, in which case they're outta there! But I guess I might be looking to start flower in another 3 weeks, that would be nearly 8 weeks of veg, sound about right for you guys?
It's getting to the point where I am going to have to flip them over to 12/12 and I won't get the clone sex results for another 2 weeks. . :watchplant: - I'm running out of space, the grow room is only 5 ft high.
Gave a feed of some MG bloom, 15-30-15.
Today's heights:
BD1: 16.5", BD2: 19"
BM1: 16", BM2: 13", BM3: 17"

Still growing like crazy! Really, apart from the 13" one (I guess that's the only female :eek: ) they are all around the 17" level.

Well I'm off out to buy some plastic screening to make a small veg area for clones and suchlike. Gotta do something.
I flipped them into 12/12. Really have no idea how much these will stretch. Depends how much indica is in them. My Aurora grows didn't stretch at all, well maybe a tiny bit, say 20%. These could have gone a lot more before flipping if I had a taller grow room.
The clones are a problem now, I am moving them out of the grow room every morning to catch the sunshine . . . Looking forward to determining the sex of my plants so I can decide what to keep, what to clone, what to run for seed.
Getting big fast. Can't say they have slowed down at all since I flipped them. Patience, patience . . . had to raise the lamps another 3". I have only a foot of lamp raising space left! I think I am going to have to top a few of them. I should be able to tell the sex before that I think.

Later: Changed the light hours a bit, start 10pm finish 10am, gives me time in the morning to water, etc.

BD1: 21.5", BD2: 24"
BM1: 20.5", BM2: 16.5", BM3: 22.5"

BM3 is the one in the hempy bucket. It is looking more like a male every day.

Images: Two growth charts made with Excel from my recorded data. Notice that the Domina growth curve almost exactly fits the exponential trend line. Pretty convincing evidence that early growth is exponential!

The second image is a graph of the growth rates of all five plants shown together.

domina1 growth.jpg

Spent the day considering and working. Considering first of all that according to the graphs I am likely to run out of grow room before I even determine sex. I am going to have to raise the lights at 10 pm tonight when they start . . .

Before, I have mainly been interested in stopping light leaks from within, since the media naranja finds it a bit offputting to see beams of ultra bright mixed-spectrum light emerging into the garden.
However now I flipped to 12/12 stopping light getting IN has been the issue. So, I had to expose them to some light during the dark period in the interests of fixing all the leaks...
What I came away with was this: the more leaks you fix, the brighter the remaining ones become.
Hey Leafminer-

Can't wait to see some pics. At this point all I can say is sounding good. Couple questions for you:

1. How did you establish your exponential trend line? Is that from previous data you've recorded? Is height the only metric you're using?

2. I know you're a big fan of getting oxygen to the roots. Are you doing anything to help there? I keep an airstone in my water bucket and keep it pumping for a few days before I use it. Got any other tricks besides the light medium you're using?

Thanks- and get that bloody camera!
Yes, height is the only metric. I was thinking about trying to estimate canopy volume but far too difficult to come up with an accurate figure. Since internode gap is very important maybe I will have to come up with a method of standardising, maybe I'll multiply height by the number of internodes.

The exponential trend line comes straight from Excel's 'trendline' function in graphs & charts. I fed the Domina data in and plotted it, then right-clicked the line and selected 'add trendline'. The exponential one fitted perfectly. I was amazed to see how precisely it fits the model.

I think the most interesting conclusion is that I haven't hit any limit to growth at this point. Otherwise you'd see the growth curve beginning to flatten. Therefore it appears that 3.5 gallon buckets really are perfectly adequate for a grow, to this canopy height, and it seems from today's observations that the canopy is still going strong even under 3 days of 12-12.
I'm not going to bother with 5 gallon buckets any more indoors. Too bulky.

I'm still struggling to get my money back from the @#$%$#@! on EBay. Will take it to full dispute today (deafening silence from vendor.)

I haven't tried any root oxygen tricks with these because honestly, I am running out of space fast. I'm not even giving any nutes. Getting a bit desperate to see which are males so I can reorganise everything. Good news is that all 5 clones seem to be rooted. I nearly killed one yesterday giving it a bit too much sunlight but I caught it in time and it recovered well. Might take some more clones today.
Plants just beginning to show sex. Hard to tell, but it looks to me like BM2 and 3 are both male. Can't see any sign with BM1. Can't tell yet with the Dominas.
The two tallest plants are now at 28". I raised the lamps again and now have only 6" headroom left, then they'll be within 4" of the lamps. I think I will chop tomorrow and use the tops as clones. I'm going to need more clones anyway because at best I have three fems and at worst . . . I don't want to think about it.
Checked them at 10.30 pm with all the lights on. Used the x25 eyeglass. Two of the Blue Mystic showing definite balls, OUT of there! (BM2 and BM3) I will have to eliminate their clones too. (Done). I will keep one for pollen, way over in the garden and way cut down to very little. So, One BM and its clone, and both Dominas, still left. The Dominas are not showing sex yet. I used the eyeglass and looked very closely. Well, 3 days of 12/12 is my record so far I think, for sexing.
Blue Mystic #1 definitely female.
Black Domina #1 almost certainly female. (Well I am pretty sure actually)
Black Domina #2 - still can't tell.

I am going to have to top the plants as they are now too tall to flower in the grow room. Actually I want some seed which is why the males are in the garden. They seem happy enough. Actually they look seriously impressive.

I am thinking of putting the fems in the garden to finish flowering, if it doesn't get too cold they should be ok. And do a limited seed run. If I go that route I could then take a couple more clones for the grow room, and run the 5 clones in the grow room at 16/8 for grow number two of this group.
OK, Black Domina #2 is male! I moved him into the garden alongside the two BMs. I will throw one of the BMs into the compost heap because I don't need two of them to pollinate. So that's just about perfect; of the three Mystics one was fem, and I have one Domina of each, so that means I can do a limited seed run on both the Blue Mystic and the Black Domina and have seeds from both, rather than resorting to a cross.
I topped the two fems yesterday, trimmed the tops and put them in coco in two plastic drinking cups with humidity domes made out of cut-off clear plastic water bottles, same method I used for the others, worked ok last time!

Current status of grow:
Blue Mystic #1, mom, beginning flower.
Black Domina #1, mom, beginning flower.
One clone of each mom, rooted, in small pots, in veg. (Lamps at night, sun during day, outside)
One clone of each mom, taken yesterday, in daylight / fringe of hps at night.

Plan: flower out the two moms at 12/12, do a partial pollination of both, for seed. Get the veg part of the grow room built so I can stop moving clones back and forth. Second grow will be the four clones. I am not going to bother with reveg this year, I will take clones from the clones instead.
Clones are doing fine... new clones also look good. I hope that the new clones being tops with stalks 6mm thick, will root fast and keep up with the other two. I will put them all in 1 gallon pots next, and then when they are too big to move around I'll have to figure out what to do next.
The grow room right now has Blue Mystic #1 and Black Domina #1 as its residents, under 400W of mixed spectrum. Just two plants. Four clones (two of each) in root / veg. And not to forget, the Blue Mystic and Black Domina males, parked under a tree . . with lots of nanas developing. I will do a limited seed run then destroy both of them. I cannot preserve indicas over the summer hot period. Two grows and then it depends on the seed for next year, and at the price of Domina seed I prefer to grow my own!
I can see the two in the grow room, the bud sites are changing now.
The two new clones at 6 days now, still doing ok, they must be rooted a little I think. The original two haven't grown much, they must be putting energy into rooting. I think my plan to get these four growing together in the second batch will work.

The BD and BM in the grow room are doing great. I gave them a feed yesterday - the first time I've used nutes in this grow - and I could see the results today. The Domina and Mystic are now about the same in terms of bud sites, these two strains seem to be reasonably compatible in the same grow. Both of the moms look really healthy. 2 weeks now since 12/12. I am guessing another 7 - 8 weeks to harvest the first two.
Still no problems. Excellent grow in fact. Nice colas developing on both of them. The two males are covered in nanas and I am waiting for them to open. Soon as I collect some pollen I will do a limited pollenation of both fems, then kill the males. No way I want a mixture of BD and BM pollen blowing around the garden.
The first two clones have started to grow properly now, and the second two clones, taken from tops, are doing fine. 12 days since I took the clones. Two weeks should do it, so in another two days I'll repot the new clones from drink cups into small pots. The four clones will be the second winter grow. I'll take more clones later with the intention of using them for a summer grow. Also put a few Secret Agents in from my last seed batch to see if my pheno breeds true . . . the smoke was fine quality even if the yield was poor.

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