Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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Hi :) droped y bong i'm out had to take the slide and a water bottel and geto it ;) qq pce
Good morning BHC....... wake and bake with coffee........ got a friend having surgery for throat cancer and then he starts radiation after surgery....... ever since I quit smoking 25 years ago...... I've begged him to quit....... and the doc said straight up it was due to his smoking cigs.......... he doesn't know I grow....... I know he is fixing to be in a lot of misery/pain....... would like to help my old pot smoking buddy out. ....... not sure where to start....... don't even know if he will be able to inhale smoke....... vapor may be an option........ or edibles...... never done edibles....... I'm thinking about making him some hash so he can take fewer hits to get relief....... and yall hit that thang like you mean it and put those nasty cigs down and smoke more pot.
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

SM said:
Biu, I'm going to bed, lol.

:holysheep: Did my clock quit or something?

Sorry to hear about your friend G-13:( I would go the edible route at first. Coughing may hurt to much

BIU :bong:
Congrats Mel, on winning BOTM :woohoo:

BIU :bong:
:ciao: Good Morning BHC,

50* and cloudy. Having a little breakfast. Smoking a little Snowcap. Good morning so far.

G-12, I agree with Duck, I would go the edible route. Smoking or vaping would just aggravate the throat. Good of you to look out fot your friend.:aok:

Mom, you're going back to bed??? I was hoping you'd swing by and clean a few of my closets for me...:p

RoseBud I too like that NL, it's my favourite by far.

Mel, Excellent job on the Buckeye Purple, congrats lady, take a bow :clap:

The rest of you Bong Wrastlers....let's do it...:bong: :bong: :bong:
First time I've ever won anything on the forums ever, lol.

Got a day ahead of spending Hubby's paycheck on stupid little things like groceries and electricity. I hate going to town, no one there knows how to drive.
Mel you sound like me. Just got to get into the right mindframe:bong::joint::joint: almost there:joint: I off to the farmers market this yrs apples ae coming in:yay:
I am off to divorce court... not for us thankfully.
I have smoked, but not enough...

BIU for me ya'll.

mel, it is bout time you won..that is a beauty!
:ciao: morning all---finally feeling like fall around here---still getting a bit hot and humid late in the day

g13---i too suggest the edibles too---anything related to the smoking is not gonna help him quit

congrats mel---i just love the purps :D

Wasn't too bad today, except for having to ride behind someone doing 30 in a 55 on a road you can't pass, grrrrrrr!

And, I did skip the grocery store. There were way too many cars in the parking lot, and I don't toke before I drive, so I was not in the frame of mind to deal with the crowd.

It's feeling like fall here today too, nice to have the house opened up and a/c shut off.
I just hate that Mel.

What a day here...Caught a baby snake and put it in an aquarium. Went to buy a new radio for my Jeep, bought a cd player instead:doh: Took that back and they did not have any radios, had to go to 2 different store to find a cheap radio:( Doesn't anybody listen to the radio anymore? Got the radio installed and it doesn't sound to bad... coming from a deaf guy.... At least now I can listen to the Buckeyes and Browns:) Still trying to figure out what those to RCA connectors go to, anyone know?

BIU :bong:
Good Morning BHC :ciao:

Beautiful morning here

good morning BHC...... nothing like having two girls hanging on the line and another fat girl waiting to get wacked and trimed....... life is good. head rushes all around and hit that thang like you mean it.
Well, it's 8:30 and I'm up. I guess after 3 weeks of Hubby's new job I'm on a day schedule. Damn! Last night we went to bed at 10 like a couple of old coots.

Chilly, grey, and if I didn't know better, I'd call those snow clouds in the sky.
Good morning bong hogs.

It is very chilly here today...In the upper 50's wow, that is a wonderful change.

The cute delivery guy will make his last stop at my house today for a very long time I hope. Gonna get some more of the Alaska thunder...

When times are tense and it seems everyone around you are a little whacked, I am thankful I can bring my coffee and my joint to BHC, where all the folks are hopefully stoned and enjoying life. BIU peeps.
Postcard day here:) suppose to get to the mid 70's.
And S-U-N-N-Y

BIU :bong:
Lovely 61 with sun here this morning. There was a layer of fog this morning just right for walking along smoking a joint by the river.

Listening to the Buckeyes and Browns:huh: no wonder your deaf. You strained your ears trying to here a score from either one :p

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