Auto's Done Carty's Way

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Who do you choose for Dead Kenny?

  • Hopper

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Roster

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Jan

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
I have some fast flowering photos may be fems you want me to see what I got? The salve did help Boo he asked for the recipe. I sent 3 tins. He shared with friends cause it worked so well.
Oh trust me, seeds I have.... lol I just had 15 Cap Junky S1's arrive... on Overgrow everyone wants them.. I was lucky enough to get the first set of seeds from him still in the nugs. he forgot to tell me they were valued fems. plucked 36 seeds out of the 2 buds, gave most away before I found out they were all fems from him creating them.... thus the S1. never knew that meant selfed 1. duh uh...
No he didn't... he kept it all. You have to know the man. For someone who is blessed with so much, in the 4yrs we hung out, multiple visits to his place... he's selfish. pulls out a seed collection that would fill a vegetable crisper. keep in mind at this point I've known him 3yrs, and he'd even say he loved me when hanging up on phone.. and I'd gifted him over 20 strains... he tells me to pick one. I did and it meant so little to me I gifted it away.. Jan, he lies a lot.. was given 2 chances to return to this site and told me it was fun screwing with them as he never intends to come back. what kind of person does that. the more I got to know him the less I liked the guy... he'd call me while otw to his work outs in the am... and you know the people that drive the $80k trucks, lifted and drive up your ass.. getting pissed your in the way of where they are going.. I'd listen to him do this, and told him what an ******* he's being to people.. don't care. I really dislike this man, and I'm really suggesting you be careful with him... maybe he's finally tired of making enemies, but he usually snaps and shows his true colors eventually.. kicked off of 2 sites already for his behavior. I feel he should of been kicked off of here when he posted up a photo of his penis..

I know all these people very well.. most members with me on The Canna Cabana. I left after Matt of Goat & Monkey passed away.. I had started a private site on FB for all my G&M friends, and their friends, but all had to be approved by us original 5.. this one idiot on the Cabana caught wind of it and kept begging me to be a member.. checked with my guys... turns out he's the one who ripped Matt off right after he died of hundreds of packs of seeds and was trying to keep track of the investigation into himself... got so pissed off he made fake complaints against me... I told them if after 15yrs you believe one idiot I'm out of here... they called me at home that night begging me to return... I said fine, suspend BodhiSativa for 2wks and I will... I never went back.. hahaha... site went downhill fast after about 20 of uis left.

Your medicine is amazing, we are down to half a jar and I used it this morning on my low back and hip.. helped me get some much needed sleep easing the throbbing pain. so thank you and yes, next batch we can use a bit more.

Oh... guess I'd better tell ya. Look for a black 4 x 8 envelope, bubble wrap. some more seeds and, I wanted to make sure you had enough Beast Mode pollen to play with, so I took a little for me and sent you the container it came it.. I seen all your up to and wanted to help assure success ok.. man are you killing it with these.

Do you show off my strains at the other site. like I said, many friends there.. many.

cheers girl...

Boo actually sent me some stuff in the mail once, I found out later it was out of character for him.
I had also noticed that he was quick to snap and cause disruption.
I considered myself to be good friends with the whole group that left, so after a while, I started surfing some other forums to see where they landed.
Didn’t take me long to find them.
After reading through some of their posts, I found where they had been coming over here and sending private messages to encourage members to leave here, and join them on the new site they had landed on.
That didn’t set too well with me, considering the trouble they got in was self inflicted.
Plus, I never got an invite anyway, so I figured they must not have considered me as good of a friend, as I considered them.
Oh well, seemed like a good time to wash my hands of them.
I want some of those Beary White
I only got invited cause I kept asking for Big and subgirl. I totally get ignored over there., I stick to the trading post and VIP lounge. I made a few friends in there and was able to trade sone seeds too
No he didn't... he kept it all. You have to know the man. For someone who is blessed with so much, in the 4yrs we hung out, multiple visits to his place... he's selfish. pulls out a seed collection that would fill a vegetable crisper. keep in mind at this point I've known him 3yrs, and he'd even say he loved me when hanging up on phone.. and I'd gifted him over 20 strains... he tells me to pick one. I did and it meant so little to me I gifted it away.. Jan, he lies a lot.. was given 2 chances to return to this site and told me it was fun screwing with them as he never intends to come back. what kind of person does that. the more I got to know him the less I liked the guy... he'd call me while otw to his work outs in the am... and you know the people that drive the $80k trucks, lifted and drive up your ass.. getting pissed your in the way of where they are going.. I'd listen to him do this, and told him what an ******* he's being to people.. don't care. I really dislike this man, and I'm really suggesting you be careful with him... maybe he's finally tired of making enemies, but he usually snaps and shows his true colors eventually.. kicked off of 2 sites already for his behavior. I feel he should of been kicked off of here when he posted up a photo of his penis..

I know all these people very well.. most members with me on The Canna Cabana. I left after Matt of Goat & Monkey passed away.. I had started a private site on FB for all my G&M friends, and their friends, but all had to be approved by us original 5.. this one idiot on the Cabana caught wind of it and kept begging me to be a member.. checked with my guys... turns out he's the one who ripped Matt off right after he died of hundreds of packs of seeds and was trying to keep track of the investigation into himself... got so pissed off he made fake complaints against me... I told them if after 15yrs you believe one idiot I'm out of here... they called me at home that night begging me to return... I said fine, suspend BodhiSativa for 2wks and I will... I never went back.. hahaha... site went downhill fast after about 20 of uis left.

Your medicine is amazing, we are down to half a jar and I used it this morning on my low back and hip.. helped me get some much needed sleep easing the throbbing pain. so thank you and yes, next batch we can use a bit more.

Oh... guess I'd better tell ya. Look for a black 4 x 8 envelope, bubble wrap. some more seeds and, I wanted to make sure you had enough Beast Mode pollen to play with, so I took a little for me and sent you the container it came it.. I seen all your up to and wanted to help assure success ok.. man are you killing it with these.

Do you show off my strains at the other site. like I said, many friends there.. many.

cheers girl...
Yep and I'm the one that got him unbanned twice. I also have his phone number. I thought we were good but he turned on me when he left. Very sad and disappointing.
It is what it is. I have a great live so shit like that doesn't bother me too much.
Water under the bridge.
Jan,,,I gave my Wife the link you shared about the salve. She has been using a salve made by a grower she met online. She swears by it. Now she is almost out so I gotta try and make her some.
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Boo actually sent me some stuff in the mail once, I found out later it was out of character for him.
I had also noticed that he was quick to snap and cause disruption.
I considered myself to be good friends with the whole group that left, so after a while, I started surfing some other forums to see where they landed.
Didn’t take me long to find them.
After reading through some of their posts, I found where they had been coming over here and sending private messages to encourage members to leave here, and join them on the new site they had landed on.
That didn’t set too well with me, considering the trouble they got in was self inflicted.
Plus, I never got an invite anyway, so I figured they must not have considered me as good of a friend, as I considered them.
Oh well, seemed like a good time to wash my hands of them.
Glad you here brother.👍
Yep and I'm the one that got him unbanned twice. I also have his phone number. I thought we were good but he turned on me when he left. Very sad and disappointing.
It is what it is. I have a great live so shit like that doesn't bother me too much.
Water under the bridge.
Jan,,,I gave my Wife the link you shared about the salve. She has been using a salve made by a grower she met online. She swears by it. Now she is almost out so I gotta try and make her some.
You want me to send some more the new batch is bees wax it is smoother but a bit more greasy. Next time I triple the bees wax. I only doubled it this time
Send some more? You might have me mixed up with someone else. You did send me some beans though.🥰
But I would love for you to send me some for my Wife. I will pay you for your time and trouble and she would be very grateful.
Send some more? You might have me mixed up with someone else. You did send me some beans though.🥰
But I would love for you to send me some for my Wife. I will pay you for your time and trouble and she would be very grateful.
Pm me your address I don't think I saved it I will mail it today. 3 tins will fit in the 10 shipping box. I guess I need to pay better attention first time is free. I have sent it to so many I already lost track. Just sent some to AZ yesterday. I make like 2 double batches a week I get 14-4 ounce tins. I was buying amber Glass but they cost too much
I am Happy that People are seeing in Boo what I saw a very long time ago.
He 1st met me and grilled me like a Cop, he wanted me to call him and and refused.
He never liked me from that day on.
Good riddance he left. I have a few choice words for him but Jan will ban me and they will get deleted LOL
Glad I found this place, and happy to consider you a friend, brother.
I think we have a pretty good crew of regulars on here, as of late.
I will admit, there are a couple that left ,that I wish had stayed.
Me too but at least the bad ones went.
I feel like you do Jan... there were a few of their followers I truly miss like Subgirl.. Big is a good long time friend but needs his own nudy channel.. hahaha. they attempted to grab me in their big move and I told them to grow up. We will build this place back up with better peeps who are loyal. Everywhere this crew goes they get banned and I know for a fact Boo hates Putes guts... refused to come to this site because he was here... yet, soon as he got banned at the Cabana, he's his buddy again. I tried personally when we were still talking to get him to come over here, nope, not if Putes there... he actually refers to him as Puke. dude is a back stabber.
and you know why he sends out weed now. because on the Cabana everybody thought he gave me all kinds of weed, when I heard this, I made a thread just to talk about how stingy he is... that he has never sent me so much as a qrtr while these people were all bamboozled into believing he was so good to me.. when they found out the actual truth of all his lies... omg did they blast him. YOU made us believe you sent him some of each harvest, especially since he grew my strains for years.. Nope, magically right before harvest, the plants got sick and he threw them all away at harvest... RIGHT.. think I'm stupid.. you've already sold it all.
Turns out after driving over there a few times, it truly is no big loss... his weed sucks, never flushes, feeds to day of chop and they all taste like black strap molasses... he flash dries in 24-48hrs using dehydrators.. big big no no but people do it to rush their crap weed to market..

I did pop over to IC to say hello to BushDr my UK brother.... I'm English so he and I have been great friends for years... he's the one who had me send 300 seeds to Humboldt to breed, make Miss Piggy and Gabagoo seeds. that all got confiscated after a fatal shooting and Bush Dr was there over on vacation... what a fiasco..

Guys n Gals... I think we have one of the best communities around and when people come here to check us out, they stay.. those that are loyal, get Carty awards. ALL THE TIME... Jan you have made this place a joy to come to daily.. I've got a few I'll send some invites to here soon ok... new members too.. no old ones.
I just put out 5 invites to the site, good people.... let's see who dives on in.. hehe

Now see, my graphic artist and my sticker guy are talking.... this is what Team Carty is all about... having some fun with this stuff.. I so appreciate all you guys do for our cause. Budman is now part of our team and we will be working on a Team Carty T-shirt together next with both of our Logos on it...

Maybe BudMan holding both of them up over his head.... work in progress
Boo also sent me some Bad Dawg freebies.
I messaged him to ask if they were regs, or fems.
He said they were full blown photos.
I was like yeah, but are they regs or fems?
He come off with maybe I was thinking of autos🤷‍♂️.
I came to the conclusion that they must be regs, considering he didn’t seem to have a clue what I was talking about.
I will admit, the one Bad Dawg freebie I have grown so far was dang good smoke.

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