Auto's Done Carty's Way

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Who do you choose for Dead Kenny?

  • Hopper

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Roster

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Jan

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Babies babies babies....
Jan's grow is taking off pretty good.... I have 2 of the 3 Strawberry crosses up and going along with the single Iced Latte' I wanted to grow just to hit with pollen..

However, sadly we've had a death in the family.... Jan 3 curled up one night and left us... hey, don't feel sorry for her, it was a lazy biotch thing, just gave up... hahaha. jk. so, with a wee bit of attitude I replaced her with one of Jan's other gifts.... "Fook Around and Find Out" fem'd.. hehe.
That is supposed to get huge. Hope you get a beast too!
What's in it Jan? gotta love the name huh... go ahead, Fook Around and Find Out... just epic.

Whose the breeder, love to give credit where's it's due.

Another strain that I'd never given a chance yet, breeder is my buddy Gary Repins of Sniper Seeds... weird part is, this plant in veg was the least impressive. now that they are around 51 days old from seed it's now my favorite... its covered in trichomes
What's in it Jan? gotta love the name huh... go ahead, Fook Around and Find Out... just epic.

Whose the breeder, love to give credit where's it's due.

Another strain that I'd never given a chance yet, breeder is my buddy Gary Repins of Sniper Seeds... weird part is, this plant in veg was the least impressive. now that they are around 51 days old from seed it's now my favorite... its covered in trichomes
View attachment 357458
I have no clue it was gifted from X or a seed trade from X I can try to find out. How was it packaged so I know who to ask?
I have no clue it was gifted from X or a seed trade from X I can try to find out. How was it packaged so I know who to ask?
oh no idea... I unpack all my seeds and store them in a cryogenic container.... each container holds 100 tubes, each tube holds anywhere from a single seed to 100.. 90 if large seeds. it's pretty cool setup.. last years birthday gift from Draig and Lady Zandra.... the box set came with 5 of these, so I can store 500 strains.
Currently I have 3 filled with strains.... so 300+ strains. and 4 more just arrived from Australia... suweet
oh no idea... I unpack all my seeds and store them in a cryogenic container.... each container holds 100 tubes, each tube holds anywhere from a single seed to 100.. 90 if large seeds. it's pretty cool setup.. last years birthday gift from Draig and Lady Zandra.... the box set came with 5 of these, so I can store 500 strains.
Currently I have 3 filled with strains.... so 300+ strains. and 4 more just arrived from Australia... suweet
I keep mine in the mini fridge in my grow room. They are separated by fem photo and auto
oh no idea... I unpack all my seeds and store them in a cryogenic container.... each container holds 100 tubes, each tube holds anywhere from a single seed to 100.. 90 if large seeds. it's pretty cool setup.. last years birthday gift from Draig and Lady Zandra.... the box set came with 5 of these, so I can store 500 strains.
Currently I have 3 filled with strains.... so 300+ strains. and 4 more just arrived from Australia... suweet
How do you store your seeds?
I keep mine in plastic containers in a cool dark closet.
What's in it Jan? gotta love the name huh... go ahead, Fook Around and Find Out... just epic.

Whose the breeder, love to give credit where's it's due.

Another strain that I'd never given a chance yet, breeder is my buddy Gary Repins of Sniper Seeds... weird part is, this plant in veg was the least impressive. now that they are around 51 days old from seed it's now my favorite... its covered in trichomes
View attachment 357458
Go ahead name it Barney Fife
Ok... I'm only going to tell this story once. because it's embarrassing.

Ladybug and I moved to Ky where she is from in 1995.. only made it 6mos, no jobs to be had.
Living with her parents, awesome peeps, her Dad would sneak cigs, I'd get high after dinner we'd
both go burn trash... epic. RIP Ron.
He warned us if we go hiking on the 10acres to bring the .22. what he failed to say was it was a gun from the 1800's that was previously owned by Grandpa Dalton, yup, as in the Dalton Gang... see, her family
name is James. As in Jesse James. her granny is a Dalton, she married a James...
I was strapping the gun on as it sits in a holster. after I strap it on I do the western pose and rest my hand atop of the gun. BAM. wth was that. I look down, a single pump of blood comes out of my boot top thru a tiny hole... and smoke. ah oh. the gun was so old and loose, the hammer would rest a few MM away from the firing pin. when my hand hit the hammer, the gun fired. Hole in foot. Ladybug is like, what was that noise. I tell her and she almost vomits. I say, relax, go start the car ok... hear me. uh huh... 10min goes by she comes back in, what's taking so long. I'm changing out of this damn camo outfit. hahaha. drove to the hospital 30min away to get it fixed up....
Christmas that year, I get: Barney Fife T-shirt, bumper sticker, rubber band gun, vest with upper left pocket to store the very bullet it that was stuck in the bottom of my boot.... and my father in law rushing into the ER asking me if I got the Rabbit that ran under my foot.
God I love that man and miss him so much... he became my Dad when mine disowned me over $100... he cried, put his arm around me and said, I'll be your Dad... RIP Ron..

I now have a hover toe that tells me when it's going to rain.. still have shrapnel in my foot... but toe is still there... thank god it was a .22 and not the .357 I wanted.... doh.

So stop with the Fife jokes already.... pweeze
Carty's Collective Crosses is Cryogenically stored is plastic tubes sealed with screw on lids with rubber washers..
The Orange case with Mephisto stickers on it are all my Autos.... approx 63 strains.

The others are all photo periods and the 2 blue/purple ones are full with seeds in each holder x 100.
now some only have a single seed and some are full which is 90-100 depending on seed size.

My large quantity seed stock is in the freezer, so about 8000 Gabagoo F4 seeds.



I've been shit by a 357. Fked me up good.
Bullet is still in me.
So wait a second.... he shot it outta his arse then.... muwahahaha. no wait, it was Mr Hanky.. ah dude.
funny misspelling bro. haha.

Your always busy Carty. Love that about you. Always something going on.
Thanks bro... I try. Not much else to do when your disabled.... and speaking of things going on.
My Beast Mode and all my other Autos are officially being picked up and will becoming available
in the North East... Carty's Collective Crosses is now a partner in
My Triple C Logo will appear on all their T-shirts etc.... the seeds will be available in Mass.. as in chusets.. lol.
We are working on a cartoon strip, Adventures of Budman and Shroomie with his girlfriend, Ellis D. ah this is gonna be fun and possible the start of big things for myself. Because of where I live though, it will have to be kept limited to them dispensing things up in Mass...
A few people here can easily become apart of this as I already count on them for many things.. Jan for sure, becoming an official breeder for CCC.... Rosterman, you can I could work on these cartoons together.. I think your talented and creative regarding that type of work... I'm currently waiting on the cartoon strip to be sent to me ok...
Hoping to release this epic Beast Mode Auto Jan has seeded up as our #1 line... with GDP and WW crossed to it soon to follow. And as of now, I am the only one they have started to deal with regarding seeds...

Stay tuned

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