adding sugar to water

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I heard from a buddy of mine ( not a really reliable source) that 2 weeks b4 harvest you should add sugar to the water... Anyone ever hear anything like this before?
I heard of that and I believe you can. Give it awhile and you shall get your answer.
have you ever pour tea or koolaid out and let it dry? notice how sticky it gets? does the same thing in your soil.. as the soil dries the sugar will start to harden back up and your plants will not be able to uptake any nutes or water. jmo

there is a differance between sugar and the soil additives that you can buy.
It makes no sense to me. The plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water, to cellulose. Cellulose is a carbohydrate with a formula of C6H10O5.
Whereas sugar (sucrose) is C12H22O11.
The evolution of plants has engineered them into chemical factories that combine CO2 + H2O to get cellulose, not sucrose, (except for specific plants like sugar cane and sugar beet. Weed isn't one of them.)
So, giving them sucrose is not going to magically produce any more cellulose, you may as well try to transmute lead into gold.
Just like slomo said, it will just mess up the grow medium...
And you know what else? Many insects just lurrrve sugar ... like ants and wasps and roaches and silverfish! Your grow area will be a magnet for them, and ants especially like to bring in aphids to graze on yo plants, man ...
The only reason I can see for adding any sugar based "nutrient" - including molasses - is to make the plant taste sweet. Like, cigarette manufacturers use it as an additive. But personally, I don't like smokin anythin cept pure bud.
gettinggray1964 said:
Molassis, Adds Flavor And Weight,,,enough Said...

ummmm a lot more needs to be said. and it can be found in the organics section ;)
Every time i seen chem growers use it it forked some things up like PH and things.
Organics its our best friend. but it's not for increasing wieght and flavor. Its for helping the (keyword) LIVING soil (microbes make it living) do its job better
Well I Use It Every Feeding Along With Peters 10-50-10 Super Blossom Chemical Nutes, Organic Soil, Got Pitcures Of Two A.i. Clones One Got Feed Just Nute The Other Got Feed Nutes-molassis,FROM THE SAME MOTHER FROM THE SAME NODE....EVEN WITH MY BAD EYES I CAN SEE WITCH ONE IS BIGGER AND HEAVER


leafminer said:
It makes no sense to me. The plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water, to cellulose. Cellulose is a carbohydrate with a formula of C6H10O5.
Whereas sugar (sucrose) is C12H22O11.
The evolution of plants has engineered them into chemical factories that combine CO2 + H2O to get cellulose, not sucrose, (except for specific plants like sugar cane and sugar beet. Weed isn't one of them.)
So, giving them sucrose is not going to magically produce any more cellulose, you may as well try to transmute lead into gold.
Just like slomo said, it will just mess up the grow medium...
And you know what else? Many insects just lurrrve sugar ... like ants and wasps and roaches and silverfish! Your grow area will be a magnet for them, and ants especially like to bring in aphids to graze on yo plants, man ...
The only reason I can see for adding any sugar based "nutrient" - including molasses - is to make the plant taste sweet. Like, cigarette manufacturers use it as an additive. But personally, I don't like smokin anythin cept pure bud.
well unless you are growing in a sealed lab some where, you dont have a pure inviroment to produce pure bud... and once you add something to your plant to stimulate growth thats not pure either...IMO
leafminer said:
Like, cigarette manufacturers use it as an additive. But personally, I don't like smokin anythin cept pure bud.

What cigarette manufacturer's uses molasses as an additive? I have never heard of this before... i'm not quite sure what you mean by you don't like anything except pure bud??? Do you not feed your plants?
From what I have read alot of growers use the sugar during the flush to keep enough energy in the system to keep it growing. Also alot of products that are a full line like the one I am using for Master AB from Humboldt they have Honey ES which is organic Carbohydrates to add extra resin and flavor in the buds, but this is my first grow so this is just from my reading.
There is a difference in table sugar and other organic sources carbs, imo, honey is not really a great source of carbs for numerous reasons... IMO, BLACKSTRAP molasses is wonderful and probably the best source of carbs for various reasons, again...

The 3 most benefical aspects of adding molasses in this order, IMO

3. It contains significant amounts of K, calcium, magnesium, iron and Vitiman B6... It also has good amounts of P, trace elements and other vitimans and plant hormones

2. It feeds the beneficals which protect and feed the roots

1. It increases the amount of carbs within the plant itself, this is not done by the roots absorbing the carbs, it happens because the plant must produce more carbs internally to compensate for the increased amounts at the root zone. Normally a great deal of the carbs that the plants create are not able to be put to immediate use because they have to be divided by the foliage and the root zone, as they must always have an equalibrium between the two... Because the plant doesn't have to pass its carbs to the roots and medium it can directly use them to increase the growth and nutrient uptake... different carbs effect the plant in different ways
gettinggray1964 said:
Well I Use It Every Feeding Along With Peters 10-50-10 Super Blossom Chemical Nutes, Organic Soil, Got Pitcures Of Two A.i. Clones One Got Feed Just Nute The Other Got Feed Nutes-molassis,FROM THE SAME MOTHER FROM THE SAME NODE....EVEN WITH MY BAD EYES I CAN SEE WITCH ONE IS BIGGER AND HEAVER

no need to yell man.
I give ya that. but it does like to mess with the PH. the reason why your buds got fatter and sweeter is it in the last weeks of flower it acts as a chelator (sp).
The chelating action of the molasses will remove the mineral elements of the rust and hold them in that “claw shaped” molecule that Grace and Joe just described.Link to a good read HERE

Sorta like using clearex or something during a flush.
you keeping the excess minerals from going to the plant. but if going purley organic...that will always give the sweetest buds and largest yeild IME.

Reason i discourage using mollasas for new chem growers is its already easy to have a snow ball affect of probs. PH can get funky and excess stuff left over from the chem ferts can get a rookie into trouble.

The absolute best way to utilize mollasas is as an organic soil conditioner. but IMO all its doing in chems is helping flush out the soil faster and allowing less excess minerals from reaching the buds.

Hydro i don't know how it works as a carb boost I'm not hydro. I've tried it with chem in soil and noticed no difference but i was on top of any salt build up to begin with. but i did do a flush was using GH flora. organic its in almost every tea feeding.

I do have a ? tho...why are you mixing chems with organic mediums? just curious...did know one other grower to mix em. Never seen a point. chems torch all microbial life. i am just curious why.
massproducer said:
What cigarette manufacturer's uses molasses as an additive? I have never heard of this before... i'm not quite sure what you mean by you don't like anything except pure bud??? Do you not feed your plants?
Not molasses, they add sugar. If you do a little research you'll find that cigarette mfrs have been adding all sorts of crap to their awful 'product' including sugar.
Of course I feed my plants ... but ferts are used by the plant & wont appear in the bud, leastwise not as chemicals. Especially not if I stop using ferts 2 weeks before like is recommended here. If I fed them horse manure, I will get great bud, and it won't tast of manure! Pity I dont have any. Human poo is used by some cultures to feed vegetables, no problem.
i have to agree with mutt, molasses IMO is best utilized in totally organic grows, and IMO, should never be used in hydroponics, basically chems and beneficals really don't go well together, becuase they will create huge swings in the ph that you have to be prepared for, and in chem grows they can easily lock out nutes because as the ph starts to swing, the grower gets scared and breaks out the PH up and down and doses them like crazy, but it has no effect because it is the beneficals sending out enzymes to break down the organics...

It can work but you have to have some guts to not fool with the ph constantly during the blooms, which trust me is hard...
I will only respond by saying... WOW :confused:

leafminer said:
Not molasses, they add sugar. If you do a little research you'll find that cigarette mfrs have been adding all sorts of crap to their awful 'product' including sugar.
Of course I feed my plants ... but ferts are used by the plant & wont appear in the bud, leastwise not as chemicals. Especially not if I stop using ferts 2 weeks before like is recommended here. If I fed them horse manure, I will get great bud, and it won't tast of manure! Pity I dont have any. Human poo is used by some cultures to feed vegetables, no problem.
adding molasses to your nutrient solution 2 weeks before harvest not only adds a little sweetness to the finished product, but also swells the buds, adding up to 20% more weight! Whats so wrong with that?
not a good idea... maybe what you can do is use the water you used in a bong or gravity bong.... im not really sure if there is an effect on it..

Black Strap Molasses anyone??

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