adding sugar to water

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I use Advanced Carboload. I agree with Mutt that pH swings a bit right after I change my res. However, I do have denser flowers this time around then previous. Also I am not sure if the pertains to Mass' post but I did notice this time that my plants root system was not nearly as large as before. I am wondering that feeding the Carbs in conjunction with the beneficials I use have made it easier for my plants to uptake nutes. I feel this in turn has kept the plants from need to expand their root structure in search of more ways to absorb nutes faster. This is all a quess that I have made from the observations I have made this grow.
gettinggray1964 said:
hey mutt, i aint yelling bro,you are right,but it does work

hey i give ya props for using both organic and chems. like i said only knew one grower (he's mia now) that did it and he grew some insane plants with flos. insane was his handle too :p
but more times than not seen it mess a grow up when it came to newbs
nice comparison pics too.

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