hey guys,
i was out in my grow room today,
and my clones have started to flower,:dancing:
my bubblish no 1 is a female! its the bigest one of them all!
great bushey growth, this is deff a keeper so far!
i repotted its clone, and put it back into my veg room i think ill put it outside in a few weeks,
my bubblish no 2 is a male
but it is a fantastic grower, i was surprised it turned male on me,
ill be keeping its pollen for breeding projects later,
i have two male kc 36's and 1 female and one still to be sexed,
the female is good and strong, looks like it will make a good mother,
one of the male kc 36 is a monster it looks like another good stud!
the rest of the plants are not developed enough to sex,
maybe in a few days,
the mother plants are well up and ready to give loads of cuts,
just have to wait untill i have all my strains sexed before i take my cuts!
i put the male clones into a plastic bag sealed at the bottom but air holes at the top,and put them back into the bubbler,
to let it develop a bit more,
and the plants they turnedout to be males have been put into my flower room, but just for a week or so,
just before they start to put out balls!