First grow

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Well-Known Member
May 2, 2011
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Hey there, I have made a few posts here and there with pictures of my first grow as and when I had to ask a question or something but figured I'd might aswell make a grow journal to keep everything in one place.

A little info on the setup:

600w HPS lighting with carbon filter connected to the outtake fan which goes directly out of the house, also have an intake fan which again comes directly from outside of the house (can't see that one in the picture though) as for dimentions I'm not exactly sure but theres enough room for 10 plants all together under the light.

A little shelf at the side but in that same room built with just a 50w light above it for the babies/cloans to grow.

That room is just the babies/vegative/mother room, outside of that room I have an actual grow tent which is where the flowering will take place on the 12-12 light cycle when they are ready.

I'm growing in a soiless mix which is mixed with vermiculite and other things. I'm currently using a 4-3-2 mix at 1/4 strength for feeding.

I run at a PH of 5.8 high temp is 78 and low temp gets to 66, humidity averages at 39%

I currently have 2 plants growing, one is at 4 weeks another is at 2 weeks the plan is to mature those two and then take cuttings of both plants then flower those 2 while the cuttings grow. Once the 2 originals bud try both see which is best and turn the cutting from that plant into the mother plant.

Here are the pictures of the current oldest one at 4 weeks and one of the baby at 2 weeks.

I've noticed the baby seems to be turning a little yellow, any ideas?




Probably lack of N. Bump up the feed a little next time. Looking good though!!
Alright, thanks for the replies! They have only been getting a feed when the soil is dry because I heard that was the best way to not over water them if they are getting hungry then I'll water them more often and up the dose a little with nutes.

I'm glad you said it looks good though, I was starting to get a little worried because it's meant to be just a basic "ICE" strain, but it just keeps growing out instead of growing up lol it's turning into a short fatty which looks nothing like the other ICE strain pictures I've looked at. I'm guessing they wasn't ICE seeds though because it looks like a heavy indica strain with the big leaves.
They have only been getting a feed when the soil is dry because I heard that was the best way to not over water them if they are getting hungry then I'll water them more often and up the dose a little with nutes.

leave the watering schedule alone...they look happy except lack of nutes. step up to 1/2 strength. ;) Key is to make sure the medium doesn't dry out completely. i jst stick my finger in the dirt a little ways. if it feels dry I water. It is also good to substitute a fresh water no nute watering every other fert watering. or every two. Helps the medium leach plant byproducts out and salts from the ferts.
Looks good just give the nutes and like Mutt says give just water every other time or so and don't let soil/medium dry out completely. Your plants look very nice and that is the only thing I would change. I have only been growing since last Sept. and once you get the hang of it. You will love growing.

Have you purchased a book on growing? I did, kinda helps back up what everyone says. I have the grow bible and it is very much worth it.

Good Luck
Alright cool, I'll just up the nutes a little then and leave the watering schedule as it is. I'm doing the same thing pretty much with just putting my finger in a little ways and seeing if it was dry.

I did some research a little while back on feeding them nutes every watering or every other watering it seemed kinda 50/50 but I do see the advantages of watering with plain water every other watering so I think I will start doing that now.

Yeah I have a book, I've got Ed Rosenthal: Easy Gardening which is a pretty decent book tbh. I've also studdied Jorge Cervantes' growing dvd's that guy is awesome lol.

I'm loving growing already, I find it fascinating and the anticipation is always there - can't wait to be able to smoke what I've grown myself haha.
Thank you all :woohoo: the help this forum has given me already is very much appreciated! I'm glad that I found this place, you guys are awesome!
Just a quick update, I upped the dosage of nutes given to the plants and they have now turned into a nice color of green rather than the yellow they were turning into.

Also got 12 White Widow seeds the other day which we germinated in a paper towel. 5/12 have germinated so far and they now sit in rockwool cubes waiting to pop up.



Looking good :aok:.

You can wash the filter white wrap in the washing machine. It can improve to 50% the extraction.
Lookin good Sparda, glad you got some lush green instead of yellowing.
One thing jumped out at me from your first posting and that was the ph of 5.8, this is more like the ph needed for hydro and is a little low for soil. Ideally you should be in the 6.3 to 6.8 range in soil, check out this thread , I find it very useful.
Hope you are doing a gj for the White Widow, I put some WW seeds down yesterday so it will be good to compare my hydro with your soil grows.
Green mojo on its way. W
I wouldn't be using the filter at all until I needed it. It impedes air flow and makes your fan work harder. Wait until you actually have smell and need the filter before you connect it.

I would also get the plants a lot closer to the light. If you can erect some kind of wall to make your space smaller, you can reflect back all those lumens that are being disbursed throughout the room and lost.
The Hemp Goddess said:
I wouldn't be using the filter at all until I needed it. It impedes air flow and makes your fan work harder. Wait until you actually have smell and need the filter before you connect it.

I would also get the plants a lot closer to the light. If you can erect some kind of wall to make your space smaller, you can reflect back all those lumens that are being disbursed throughout the room and lost.


No smell no filter....
woodydude said:
Lookin good Sparda, glad you got some lush green instead of yellowing.
One thing jumped out at me from your first posting and that was the ph of 5.8, this is more like the ph needed for hydro and is a little low for soil. Ideally you should be in the 6.3 to 6.8 range in soil, check out this thread , I find it very useful.
Hope you are doing a gj for the White Widow, I put some WW seeds down yesterday so it will be good to compare my hydro with your soil grows.
Green mojo on its way. W


Yeah I know I've since stabalized the PH to 6.5 since my irst post. Forgot to mention it in my update I made thismorning. That's cool you just started White Widow too, I was just going to include the White Widow info in this GJ. You making a GJ for yours, will be good to compare them.

The Hemp Goddess said:
I wouldn't be using the filter at all until I needed it. It impedes air flow and makes your fan work harder. Wait until you actually have smell and need the filter before you connect it.

I would also get the plants a lot closer to the light. If you can erect some kind of wall to make your space smaller, you can reflect back all those lumens that are being disbursed throughout the room and lost.

Yeah I'll be disconecting the filter and just use it when they start smelling more. I'll see what I can do about putting a wall up to save the lost lumens.

The light was closer to the plants, however the leaves seemed to be really dry all the time, I would spray the leaves but then they would be really dry a few mins later again. You still think I should lower the light back down again? I was just worried that it was getting too hot.

Thanks all for the replies!
Pot bound much? Haha.. Both of the bigger ones were the same so they have been transplanted into much bigger pots today, will let them recover from the transplant over night now. Should have checked them sooner to be honest as I'm guessing being root bound has slown its growth process, just one of those things us newbies have to learn I guess.

Sparda said:

Yeah I know I've since stabalized the PH to 6.5 since my irst post. Forgot to mention it in my update I made thismorning. That's cool you just started White Widow too, I was just going to include the White Widow info in this GJ. You making a GJ for yours, will be good to compare them.

Yeah I'll be disconecting the filter and just use it when they start smelling more. I'll see what I can do about putting a wall up to save the lost lumens.

The light was closer to the plants, however the leaves seemed to be really dry all the time, I would spray the leaves but then they would be really dry a few mins later again. You still think I should lower the light back down again? I was just worried that it was getting too hot.

Thanks all for the replies!

Do the "hand test". Put your hand at the top of the plant. If the heat from the light is uncomfortable on your hand, it will be uncomfortable for your plant also. There is no benefit to spraying the leaves.
Yeah save the spraying unless you need to fix deficiencies....although giving them a spritz in veg is better then in flower...once you start flowering mold and bud rot become things to watch for. It is why I don't even bother growing in the summer. Humidity where I live in the summer is constantly over be careful with any spraying of your plants. Jmo
The humidity in that room hasn't been over 50% it tends to average at around 40% which is why I would spray the leaves a little because they would always seem to be really dry, but if that doesn't really do anything then I might aswell just save water and not do hat anymore.

I've taken a few other pics today since they had all night to recover from the transplant. However I notice that on the bigger plant, the lower leaves are turning yellow again, think that might just be a little stress from the transplant?

Also, the light has been lowered as you said so it's much closer to the plants now too!



Hey all, just thought it was about time I came on here and updated my GJ with a few pics. The yellowing has gone and the two bigger ones will be going into 12/12 on monday, they would have been put in sooner however a few things happend which meant they had to stay in 18/6 for awhile longer than planned.

Potted a few of the white widow into bigger pots, others are still in the smaller pots for now until the 2 bigger plants go into 12/12 and free up some room.

No problems to report though, everything is going good again! Switched the nutes to a 10-8-6 which has been working a lot better than the old one that was being used. For flowering we will be using a 10-21-20 which seems to be along the right kinda n-p-k that I've been reading for flowering so will see how that goes!

Everythings looking nice and green right now :D can't wait to flip the 2 bigger ones into 12/12 and watch them bud up! :D





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