What is this world coming to?

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putting sand in with the weed..thats a new one for me..

I knew this 1 guy who sold and he showed me how he would lightly spray the weed with water to make it weigh more.:mad:
its shocking, dont even get me started.. i dunno how this belongs in the marijuana news section but oh well..

tricks of the trade, im by no means a dealer myself, i dont think i could ever deal, other than maybe picking up for a friend (which is stupidly considered dealing in the eyes of the law.. go figure)

it sucks, its terrible.. so why buy bud lol.. i think id much rather grow my own nuggs and not only get a mass amount for the price of some seeds and a slightly higher electricity bill, but get that self acomplishment feeling you get after completing a daunting task lol..
conspiracy to sell/distribute can carry a stiffer sentence than acualy selling/distirbuting it...if a cop asks you ..if you know where any weed is and you reply yes...or even say you will check...well thats conspiracy under the law.....and you can be busted and no smoke ever involved in nothing more than a conversation about it...also today ...things are done that would of been thrown out of court back in the 60's and 70's because they were considered intrapment...well today they call it a reverse sting and it now stands up in court...........yes fellow heads.......your rights are fast disapearing........but what get me is how today people that are in their 20's or less will drop a dime on ya before the cops can get the cuffs on ya.......when I use to smoke it....you didnt narc out people...what happened...today so many are scared to do a little time that they would turn in their own brother to save their own ***.thats why I would never deal with it today....but I do remember my dealing days from the early 70's.........times were so much better then................I dont know about any of yall but I have done time years ago...did 16 months on a 4 year hitch......yea I could have narced some one out.....but why would ya...do the crime...get caught...do the time.......I hate pussy *** narcs...I dont mean the real narcs (cops..feds..ect) I am talking about the stoolie narcs..ya know confidential informant..they are the slime ball low lifes of this world.....ok thats my rant for today

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