What is in your backyard?

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My 20+ year old poinsettia is flowering…
I never knew they lived that long.
They sale the crap out of them around Christmas, but I have never seen anyone keep them.
😂 My wife hates that I keep it. At this point, I am just in it to see how long it will live. I have a Christmas Cactus that my grandmother had in her house for as long as I can remember. 50+ years old. I think I have a problem…🥸
What do you have growing or living or happening in your backyard? Post anything and everything, serious or funny or neither. Bonus points for cannabis related but not needed...
Used to be woods. And all kinds of wildlife. Red and Gray Foxes and the occasional coyote, even. Turkey, possum, raccoons, and the ubiquitous white-tail.

Then a developer came in and put something like 30 houses on 8 acres of them-there woods.
Right. Behind. My. House.

My retirement view today is a gray-vinyl-wrapped 'Starting in the 350's' monstrosity on an 1/4 acre perfectly manicured lot, supplemented by a cul-de-sac full of identically designed 'contractor-grade' match boxes. None of which have enough grass to use a rider. And no more privacy.

But I'm not BITTER. Ask my wife. 😉
I’ve got these bee/hornet looking things. Seem to be attracting flies. Maybe hiding eggs or food in the tree by my back deck.
wasp spray maybe?
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That is a bald faced hornet. Their nest looks like this.

And if you ever get stuck by one, you will know it.
So I saw this but I’m not sure if it’s not just part of the tree but kinda looks like the picture. I could hit it and run 🤪 shoot some hornet spray on it and the many flying around



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I think that hole is just leaking sap, and they are just gathering up there to drink it.
The big yellow and black ones that are hanging out with the Bald Faced Hornets , are Eastern Cicada Killers.
Well they don’t sound to bad. I’m still gonna blast them outta my tree. They are to close to the house or I’d leave them be
I had always heard, that if you shoot a hornet nest with a shotgun, the hornet’s will follow the smoke right back to the source, and fk you up.
A few years ago, I noticed a hornet nest hanging about 50 yards away from the side of the road that I live on.
I figured it would be a perfect opportunity to test out the theory.
I drove down to where the hornet nest was, stuck my shotgun out the window, fired a round into the nest, and rolled my window up just as fast as I could.
To my surprise, whoever told that story wasn’t kidding.
I had barely gotten the window rolled up when hornets started bouncing off of it.
I watched them try to sting the outside of the window for a few minutes, then drove away. There was quite a bit of venom running down the outside of the window by the time I left.
I prefer to do my hornet/yellow jacket killing after dark, when I know they are all home.
I’ve got these bee/hornet looking things. Seem to be attracting flies. Maybe hiding eggs or food in the tree by my back deck.
wasp spray maybe?
View attachment 337529
That is a bold faced Hornet very evil will attack you in swarms.
Very good chance that the tree is hollow and they have a hive inside. Wasp spray from 25 ft away.
That is a bald faced hornet. Their nest looks like this.
View attachment 337535
And if you ever get stuck by one, you will know it.
I responded before seeing your post But yep I got stung
Was using a hedge trimmer in heavy bushes , cut a big nest right in half. Man that was a bad day

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