What is in your backyard?

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Damn near got one of my cats killed a little while ago. The 2 that go outside like to torment the wildlife that frequent my bird feeders and when I see them ‘camping’, I spray them with the hose. The older cat, Goo, ran up a tree behind one of my feeders so I sprayed him. He scurried down the tree and started to hesitate at the rock wall entrance. I was about to spray him again to get him moving but he trotted into the yard and up onto the deck. 10 seconds later, I saw a coyote lope onto the path just beyond the wall. Pretty sure Goo was climbing for his life and not just to be an a$$hole. It is odd to see coyotes at this time of day. Grrrr…
Coyotes killed my last two cats. My current two are the first inside cats we have had. We do let them on the back deck when we are out…. Is your cat safe now?
Yes. Goo happily came in the house. We have 4(too many) cats. 2 are strictly inside, 2 go out from noon until about 4. Dennis is still out but I chased the coyote into the woods with a BB gun a little while ago. I am sure it knows our backyard is prime hunting territory.

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