I admit, I have been busier than usual but I have been on top of my grow. I backed off my ppm since last week, but I am getting these same copper spots. I am using well water with a ppm of 150 out if the tap. I let the water breathe for 48 hours before I use. I add cal mag, and grow. At around 500 ppm. The plants did perk up a bit, but I feel like I am missing a nutrient or something. I never had this problem with store bought water, but those days of lugging gallon jugs are over. I really don't want to add a filtration system. I would just like to iluse my tap water. Any ideas, remedies?
I want to flower in the next couple weeks but not until I get a handle on this. Some plants do not have these on them, but show paleness like a hungry plant. I am confuses.
I want to flower in the next couple weeks but not until I get a handle on this. Some plants do not have these on them, but show paleness like a hungry plant. I am confuses.