Just smoked out of a Vaporizer for the first time last night, and a couple things...
It's much better for you. Essentially you are just inhaling steam filled with THC, instead of smoke. It taste's different than just smoking it. When I did it I had a kind of a piney taste, but I think it was just the strain of weed. It's also more efficient I believe. Since vaporizing the weed just steams some of the THC out of it, it doesn't vaporize ALL the THC, so in theory you can still smoke the herb after Vaporizing it, and still get high.
And boy did I get high. Took like 3 rips off of moderate weed and I got really high. My friend told me that I'm basically inhaling pure THC, but that sounded a little clownly to me, and he was high so who knows.
But when I was doing it, it felt like I was doing some crazy exotic drug cause he had this thing hooked up to an outlet in the wall and it looked like it was from the 80's, and that was a trip later on.