well my damn brother and dad keep taking the camera with them duck hunting and its rreally starting to piss me off! as for the ladies, i think keeping them in the greenhouse was acutally not such a good idea either that or maybe i should've up'd the container size. their all root bound fer sure due to being kept in 3gal pots which i think actually cut my yeild down big time. either that or the weather. its the second week of october and its still hot outside during the day and above 40 at night. seems like growth has taken a lil slow spurt compared to the last month. gonna have to go get a microscope to start checking trichs soon. that and i got my samples of Humbolt County goods yesterday. Purple Max, Bushmaster 3.0, and Gravity hardener. has anyone used all 3 at the same time? or should i say all together at once?, or has everyone just used one, then waited and used the next. seeing as how theres only 3 to 4 weeks tops i don't want to be feeding a bunch of nutes. planning on flushing them out at the end of the second week to ensure no chemicals left in nugs to be smoked. forgot to pollinate the one like i said i was gonna do. but it doesn't matter i have a hole bunch of seeds from all different kinds of smoke just waiting for next year.
pics will be up this afternoon after 6 est. time.
and as for names im running with Jackie for the short multiple tops, Rachel for the red pistiled one, and the tall one i haven't quite figured out yet.........
I need some opinions.