Well, congratulations to anyone who has endured bad puns and questionable cuisine thus far; we have arrived at a significant milestone! So let's go check out my bricks and Redstone foundation. Specifically, all the stuff n junk hanging off it. Watch out for spiders.
Ok there's a couple panels, pretty normal for a two family conversion. Granted they don't split the old units evenly and are on a single meter but that just means I've been footing the bill for previous tenants' excessive use of curling irons. Seriously I didn't even know that was still A Thing.
But what's that extra box?!
Aha we have a real live 40A time clock, on its own breaker, on a dedicated run straight up to the Stinky Attic! I mean, where else would it go? It's 12ga romex and terminates at a single wall outlet. I trust it to handle the startup surge from twin HPS600 simultaneously . I'm running one for now, plus a 4' x 4 bulb t5.
Properly installed wiring rated for more draw than you need is an important insurance policy- try explaining a grow related electrical fire to your policy underwriter, you might as well set your savings and equity on fire too. Safety first!