Stinky do what Stinky want to do !--The Umbra frost ! - I know dat chit !--
It's always there ! -- She did your work proud Umbra !
It's always there ! -- She did your work proud Umbra !
Awesome! Those are some very nice characteristics. I am starting to feel like a crazy cat lady but with cannabis. I know I don’t have room for more plants but it is only human of me to provide them with a happy home...View attachment 259280 and the cabbage pheno. The buds are falling over under their own weight, despite staking. It reminds me of ice buildup on the superstructure of a ship becoming so top heavy it capsizes. This is the one with the grape icee syrup smell. She's giving me blood sugar imbalances and a couple cavities just looking at her. Hey @oldfogey8 this is your future, hope you've got a lot of scrog net lol... yup this is the cut you have.
One of the new Bruins(Ritchie) had a goal and an assist the other night.Thanks fellas! And crazy cannabis lady lol! Welcome to the club, @oldfogey8 we have [mendo] cookies !
It's not gonna get above freezing today in The Cold Part and my plans include garden puttering and BROOOOOONS! Still watching to see how the recent trades are going to play out. But first, maybe jussst a little puff of that juicy mimosa nugget from fogey I've been nibbling away at... okay maybe one more... gotta get psyched up for the weekly dump run.