Transplanted outside too early?

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I'm a damn monkey.
Sep 29, 2006
Reaction score
I germed a couple of plants and waited until the first set of true leaves came out and then I transplanted them. Perhaps it was more or less a week after germ. I think I made a mistake because I see little nibble bites on them. One of the plants initial leaves actually fell off because of the hard rain which obviously caused stress in itself. If you use your imagination it probably sounds shitty, but it isnt as bad as you might think. I just thought that they would grow alot faster and stuff.

I keep them covered with Styrofoam cups with holes all around them to protect them from the elements. I am thinking that I should probably grow them inside for a month or so before I transplant them outside? How do other people plant them outside?
if i were to put any of my plants outdoors,
they would probably be around 2ft tall..
nice and established
Yo Ho omnigr33n,

Great question, and you get kudos for that one. It is always best to give the LIL Darlings a bit of a head start, in fact you would normally acclimate your babies to the great outdoors slowly to reduce the shock. Remember that while the plants are young they are a special treat for the lawnmowers called deer, and those squirrels, the chipmunks, and the rabbits and anything else that fancies them. you want to urinate in the area, walk your dog out there to do it's thing too. Some folks go by the barber shop and ask for a bunch of the hair clippings, and spread that around too. That will help some, also to keep the snails and slugs away, measure five feet out from your ladies and pour a good healthy line of salt in a circle around, and you will find that the lil garden devils won't try to cross that line. I guess that it burns them real bad, AWWwwwww. five feet away will be safe for your plants.

Now as for the little one's out there right now. I think I would try to allow them to establish so that you don't stress them any more, but that's your call. If they can survive from this point onwards then that would be the best way to go.
Good luck and here is some GREEN MOJO
for your babies

May you be blessed with a bumper-crop

smoke in peace

U can put plants out that soon after starting them u just need to baby them a little more. First take off those styrofoam cups and put something clear over them. Second use some pestiside of some sort as i would expect bugs to be making your leaves fall off before i would expect the rain unless it was extremely heavy. Third what is the soil like and what did you dig for a hole? If the soil is compacted or clayey or lacking alot of nuets it could cause them to struggle and for you to have a high die-off rate. Anyways good luck keep them green
Inside started plants need to be hardened off before putting them permanently outside. I do it by leaving them out in the sun with wind protection for 2 hours the first day. Each day for at least a week, increase their outdoor time by an hour or so. By the end of a week, they should be a lot bigger, have thicker stems and be used to the weather. Then, they stand a fighting chance of survival. We all have to learn this one, so it's not just you. Good luck!
I always start my outdoor plants indoor. I let them get to around a foot or so then put them in their permanant home, 5 gal buckets in my case, then put them outside in a fairly shady area for the fisrt week to ten days. After that I gradualy move them every 2 days closer to full sun, untill they're enjoying the full bounty of natures finest. I've always had very good results.
What could I put that's clear over it with ventilation? It has been raining pretty hard for the last week or so.

The soil is good I believe. We have been using it to grow a vegetable garden as well. Where I planted it has been accumulating dead leaves and stuff for years and years. The area is in between a tree and a back neighbors rear garage. The soil is rich and I have transplanted out there with great success before. I just never planted so early before.

I have one more that is in a Styrofoam cup indoors that just germed several days ago. I suppose I will have to transplant them into a one gallon pot for the short term while it grows under 4 cfls.
omnigr33n said:
What could I put that's clear over it with ventilation? It has been raining pretty hard for the last week or so.

The soil is good I believe. We have been using it to grow a vegetable garden as well. Where I planted it has been accumulating dead leaves and stuff for years and years. The area is in between a tree and a back neighbors rear garage. The soil is rich and I have transplanted out there with great success before. I just never planted so early before.

I have one more that is in a Styrofoam cup indoors that just germed several days ago. I suppose I will have to transplant them into a one gallon pot for the short term while it grows under 4 cfls.

Use a clear 2litre coke bottle, cut the bottom off, leave the cap off, maybe add a few holes for ventilation, should work.

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