The Rosterman Grow

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I could've had clones of it a couple years ago but passed on em cause it was new at the time.
They are like the beast mode. They were given a right proper name. They do look like a freak show. Looks can be deceiving though. I heard it is fire weed.
Them freaks look like giant parsley Ive never grown one nor sampled it's bud yet. I'm curious to watch this grow outside. I've not seen many outdoors.
I have really been looking forward to growing one outside. What’s the point of having a “stealth” plant if you don’t put it in stealth mode, lol.

And btw, they root fairly easily, the largest cutting, front left, was showing roots last night.

Updated pic of little Rosterella from yesterday.
I found her laying flat on the ground on Monday, I think one of the dogs decided to lay on her.
I propped her back up and stuck a rock on each side of her so it wouldn’t be such a comfortable place to lay down.
It didn’t seem to harm her any, she still looks perfectly healthy.
I like finding surprise weed plants. I am pretty sure I have a Sour Vengeance that I found under the table they were growing on. When I processed them one plant threw a nanner. I never even saw it. Only one bud had seeds. There were like 20 seeds in the one large bud. It is the best weed I have grown in a while. At least to me.

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