The Original Old Farts Club

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I, too, was raised as a fundamental pentecostal with the speaking in tongues, laying on of hands for healing and rolling in the aisles. I was a soloist in the choir and being groomed for the ministry. I've seen and heard many things that cannot be explained and are kind of spooky. Until the time i experienced some very unchristian behavior from those in a position of trust. I then went the other way, Satanism, just for a while and only researching until I saw how silly that was. Now I say, "Eh, who cares?" Although I have retained my belief in the Golden Rule and try to practice it the best I can and I say "please" and "thank you". View attachment 284716
I remember a tin knocker at work that was a Jesus freak. We'd sit around at coffee break and shoot the shit, and he'd read his bible. One day, he asked me why I was an "unbeliever". I smiled and said, "If there's a God in heaven, may he strike me dead with a thunderbolt NOW!" as I reached out and touched his shoulder.
Swear to God, he jumped back in horror and looked straight up! Guess he was looking for the bolt that never showed. :)
Got no problem with Christians. I live closer to their book than most of them do. It's not from fear of h ell's fire, it's just the proper thing to do.

That's a good one. I'll have to remember that one.
I, too, was raised as a fundamental pentecostal with the speaking in tongues, laying on of hands for healing and rolling in the aisles. I was a soloist in the choir and being groomed for the ministry. I've seen and heard many things that cannot be explained and are kind of spooky. Until the time i experienced some very unchristian behavior from those in a position of trust. I then went the other way, Satanism, just for a while and only researching until I saw how silly that was. Now I say, "Eh, who cares?" Although I have retained my belief in the Golden Rule and try to practice it the best I can and I say "please" and "thank you". View attachment 284716
Amen brother Sam. 😁
I, too, was raised as a fundamental pentecostal with the speaking in tongues, laying on of hands for healing and rolling in the aisles. I was a soloist in the choir and being groomed for the ministry. I've seen and heard many things that cannot be explained and are kind of spooky. Until the time i experienced some very unchristian behavior from those in a position of trust. I then went the other way, Satanism, just for a while and only researching until I saw how silly that was. Now I say, "Eh, who cares?" Although I have retained my belief in the Golden Rule and try to practice it the best I can and I say "please" and "thank you". View attachment 284716

heard and seen many things that cannot be explained and that is what has convinced me thoroughly that there is a Creator , that Jesus was and is real , and one can experience that connection to the Other Side while still here

to see the power of the Most High manifest itself n others is one thing

but when it happens to you , that is reality that no one can take away

call them manifestations , miracles , whatever , when it happens to one in a personal way , it cannot be denied as being fake

and I’ve seen the fakery , the money hungry charlatans , they try and mimic the real manifestations of the Most High and their day is coming

i do not go to churches either and I have a lot of good reasons not to go , more than the good ones

Jesus didn’t go to church either and when he did , he kicked out the money changers and the fakers

so they killed him

in conclusion , we all have to take this journey called life and no one can walk it for us....this is a Great Mystery , Wankan Tanka

Listen up, we already have accepted you here so please stop asking these questions , we are here to have a Good Time, and Grow Good Weed, please remember that. Not everything we joke about is about a particular member and if so they are aware of it in the posting. No hidden messages or smoke and mirrors
Oh Darn I left out
Merry Christmas

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