The Original Old Farts Club

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I, too, believe in the Energy and not the diety. We're never going to know until it's too late.

See, we can think alike, WH. View attachment 284679
Yes, sir Sam. Ppl freak out when they see an Agnostic that will vote Republican. I have also voted Democrat. I am an independent thinker and always have been. I vote as a businessman. I never vote with emotions.
Boo as an Agnostic I don't care what ppls religious believes are and believe everyone has the right to believe in any way they want. It's your life. I don't dog ppl for their beliefs. Not one mother fker here knows the truth until they die. And according to my Doctors i have died three times and didn't see shit until i was brought back. To say they do know what the truth is, is total bullshit.
You could be wrong, or I could be wrong, or we could be both fking wrong. I will say this. If there is a God, what the FK is he doing while babies are getting molested and murdered, OH yeah, he must be busy with Football or saving some moron from a drug overdose. Where is all those childrens Maricle when they are being brutalized? Where is this so called Father God?:vampire:
And just a little history. I was raised Baptist and Pentecostal. I have read that book/Bible from front to back and even preached the gospel when the pasture was sick. My research and actual reading is why i am now an Agnostic. To each his own my brother. I love everybody no matter what their believe until they fk me or my family over. Then ill let their God sort it out when im done.😁
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Morning you Old Farts. I'm enjoy the weather change. Love the seasons. I live in FL for some time and sure did hate it down there. I glad that's history. More coffee.
You must be in the sweet spot. Up here, we've got winter, almost summer, two weeks or so of summer, almost winter, and right back to winter. I'd leave this place in a heartbeat, but I'd be leaving alone, so I'm stuck and making the best out of it. You'd think after 66 years I'd be used to it.
Yes, sir Sam. Ppl freak out when they see an Agnostic that will vote Republican. I have also voted Democrat. I am an independent thinker and always have been. I vote as a businessman. I never vote with emotions.
Boo as an Agnostic I don't care what ppls religious believes are and believe everyone has the right to believe in any way they want. It's your life. I don't dog ppl for their beliefs. Not one mother fker here knows the truth until they die. And according to my Doctors i have died three times and didn't see shit until i was brought back. To say they do know what the truth is, is total bullshit.
You could be wrong, or I could be wrong, or we could be both fking wrong. I will say this. If there is a God, what the FK is he doing while babies are getting molested and murdered, OH yeah, he must be busy with Football or saving some moron in an automobile accident. Where is all those childrens Maricle when they are being brutalized? Where is this so called Father God?:vampire:
And just a little history. I was raised Baptist and Pentecostal. I have read that book/Bible from front to back and even preached the gospel when the pasture was sick. My research and actual reading is why i am now an Agnostic. To each his own my brother. I love everybody no matter what their believe until they fk me or my family over. Then ill let their God sort it out when im done.😁
If you read carefully, each and every question you asked is answered. As you say and I agree...we all must make our decisions, pick our choices and live with the outcome. I respect those here as well as their beliefs, we are all entitled to do so, even if some powers that be seem to not agree!

It's all good brothers. Well, except Roster, but he's a special case! LOL!

Have a question for the dog owners here
Does your dog snore and I mean like a person?
My dog has always snored but lately he has been snoring more , mostly late at night when he goes into a solid REM sleep I would say.
He is laying down next to me right now closed his eyes like 2 mins ago and he is snoring again, Im starting to think he has sleep apnea.
Got one that does and one that doesn't. The Old Hen, if extreamly tired, snores like a buzz saw.
I think a lot of critters snore. I was a kid hunting the local woods, and I came across an open area. I heard this God awful snoring and figured somebody had gone deer drinking and passed out in the sun. I walked in the direction of the sound only to find a whistle pig flopped on his back in the sunshine, snoring like a freight train. Walked right up to him, and he didn't even flinch. I guess my laughing woke him up 'cause he let out a scream and booked it for the tree line.
I remember a tin knocker at work that was a Jesus freak. We'd sit around at coffee break and shoot the shit, and he'd read his bible. One day, he asked me why I was an "unbeliever". I smiled and said, "If there's a God in heaven, may he strike me dead with a thunderbolt NOW!" as I reached out and touched his shoulder.
Swear to God, he jumped back in horror and looked straight up! Guess he was looking for the bolt that never showed. :)
Got no problem with Christians. I live closer to their book than most of them do. It's not from fear of h ell's fire, it's just the proper thing to do.
If you read carefully, each and every question you asked is answered. As you say and I agree...we all must make our decisions, pick our choices and live with the outcome. I respect those here as well as their beliefs, we are all entitled to do so, even if some powers that be seem to not agree!

It's all good brothers. Well, except Roster, but he's a special case! LOL!

Can you show the jury on the doll where Roster hurt you?
Bubba's Girlfriend
Got one that does and one that doesn't. The Old Hen, if extreamly tired, snores like a buzz saw.
I think a lot of critters snore. I was a kid hunting the local woods, and I came across an open area. I heard this God awful snoring and figured somebody had gone deer drinking and passed out in the sun. I walked in the direction of the sound only to find a whistle pig flopped on his back in the sunshine, snoring like a freight train. Walked right up to him, and he didn't even flinch. I guess my laughing woke him up 'cause he let out a scream and booked it for the tree line.
I thought you found Jimmy Hoffa
all I’m gonna say is Jesus is real and He lives


it is rare for adults to have a grown up discussion about Jesus without getting their panties in a wad so it’s best to let sleeping dogs be

moving right along , how about those Kansas City Chiefs!....
And yes Jesus is real. He use to work for me. He had a green card so no illegal jokes. 😁Just messen with ya Big.
How bout them Cowboys. Yehaaaaaaaaa
Wow the two things my parents told me you would never win in an argument.... religion and politics. And nobody is wasten nobody....maybe there is a chance for this world after all.

I bought the boat. Picking it up tomorrow. Starting a"Go Fund Me" to pay for it. Call 1-800- eat sheitt to donate.
Yes, sir Sam. Ppl freak out when they see an Agnostic that will vote Republican. I have also voted Democrat. I am an independent thinker and always have been. I vote as a businessman. I never vote with emotions.
Boo as an Agnostic I don't care what ppls religious believes are and believe everyone has the right to believe in any way they want. It's your life. I don't dog ppl for their beliefs. Not one mother fker here knows the truth until they die. And according to my Doctors i have died three times and didn't see shit until i was brought back. To say they do know what the truth is, is total bullshit.
You could be wrong, or I could be wrong, or we could be both fking wrong. I will say this. If there is a God, what the FK is he doing while babies are getting molested and murdered, OH yeah, he must be busy with Football or saving some moron from a drug overdose. Where is all those childrens Maricle when they are being brutalized? Where is this so called Father God?:vampire:
And just a little history. I was raised Baptist and Pentecostal. I have read that book/Bible from front to back and even preached the gospel when the pasture was sick. My research and actual reading is why i am now an Agnostic. To each his own my brother. I love everybody no matter what their believe until they fk me or my family over. Then ill let their God sort it out when im done.😁

I, too, was raised as a fundamental pentecostal with the speaking in tongues, laying on of hands for healing and rolling in the aisles. I was a soloist in the choir and being groomed for the ministry. I've seen and heard many things that cannot be explained and are kind of spooky. Until the time i experienced some very unchristian behavior from those in a position of trust. I then went the other way, Satanism, just for a while and only researching until I saw how silly that was. Now I say, "Eh, who cares?" Although I have retained my belief in the Golden Rule and try to practice it the best I can and I say "please" and "thank you".
Wow the two things my parents told me you would never win in an argument.... religion and politics. And nobody is wasten nobody....maybe there is a chance for this world after all.

I bought the boat. Picking it up tomorrow. Starting a"Go Fund Me" to pay for it. Call 1-800- eat sheitt to donate.
A hole in the

You throw all your money into.
Good Luck Pute

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