Well, I am a IFR Pilot (Instrument Flight). It means I kin take off, fly somewhere, and land... with all the windows painted black. TINS (Not as hard as it sounds, really. Just scary as shit the first time you does it.)
But Over Eighty Equals No More Stick Time.
No matter what kinda hotdog*** you
useta be.
***In a Cessna 152 (known as a Spam Can) -- a
deadly fighter plane without equal a family weekend puddle-jumper with a top speed of about 110MPH and a stall speed that some people use to park cars --
I have done Immelmanns in a Spam Can. In WWI, the eponymous dude got to be a fargin
Ace flying an Eindecker!! So what, ya say? Well lookit what a fargin Eindecker
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It is a fargin chair. With a string-pull motor with a horsepower a tad less than a push lawn mower. It din' even have flaps. It used wing warping like the Wrights'.
Lookit the mizzable little popgun on the thing. The guy ain't even got a fargin windscreen. But he nailed lotsa other pore bastages with that dinky popgun.
So if you guys ever get in a dogfight with yer Unca, you'd better know what an Immelmann Turn is.
I have also looped a Cessna 152.
And landed on one wheel at 90 MPH with a 40MPH sidewind (with my MOTHER on board). She did not know that landing was the scariest I ever did.
I flew and had the motor conk out and made a perfect dead-stick landing with enough speed to get off the runway at the first turnoff.
Got a HUGE "Chevron Party" at the Boca Raton Airplane Patch.
DS Chevrons are something like being in the Caterpillar Club, where guys who got saved by their parachutes got a gold caterpiggle from the company:
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Well, I din' get no jewelry, but I did get a lot of envious stares, since I was a guaranteed innocent. D'see, if it is
your plane, and it stops Up There, you might darn well be the reason it stopped. You still get the chevron, but it ain't as pure as a student pilot in a fargin rental plane.
There were guys with thousands of hours, and no chevron. So there. Nyah!