The Original Old Farts Club

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Morning OFC. 60 degrees and Sunny and only getting to 68 degrees, 47 Hum.

Walt that's pretty cool walking catfish. I've been wanting to fish I think I'll give it a go Monday I have to leave the house early in morning for a Dr's appointment. I'll go get my fishing license after that. I'll pack a lunch, coffee, soda, rod and the bait. Sound like a plan.

I'll be transplanting today. Have a great day.
One advantage of beat-up Old Fartism: You doan need no steenking license for notheeng.

I want go fish? I go fish. Fish cop sees my gray beard, keeps walking to go pester somebody else.

I want go hunt? With a crossbow in bow season? Fine. No license, no tag needed. Enjoy.

Downside: Want to go rent plane and fly to Floriduh West Coast to pick up fossil shark teeth on Venice Beach? Too bad, Grampa... we no rent you plane no more.
Walt are you going to try to plant a garden this year outside? I've lived in FL, I hated it and it took me forever to get the h-ll out. In GA I get all the four seasons love it.
nessDear: No mo' gardens for Himself. I have discovered the Sekrit of South Floriduh:

Mangoes are loved by everyone. I have volunteer mango trees!! <-- TINS Mangoes and coconuts grow so well down here, there's no deep desire to (attempt to) grow my own cucumbers, etc. anymore. Just let the purty trees drop fruit by the long ton...

Two other things: No weeding/fertilizing. No anti-bug maintenance. Mangoes and coconuts are fargin immune to anything but ice.

Mango cake cannot be found in stores. Mango cake is the BEST.

So you haveta learn one more big Sekrit: How to make an Islamorada Colada:

4 shots coconut cream
4 shots dark rum
1/2 package frozen strawberries
1 banana
Juice of one lime
4 Tbsp confectioner's sugar
Ice quant. suff.

Put in blender until well-foamed. IMMEDIATELY mix another, because the first ice-cream soda will most ricky-tick be gobble down by your guests.

In prep to make Islamorada Coladas, we always get a minimum of 2 frozen containers of strawberries (makes four blenders-full).
Never fished in FL. I did go shrimp dipping in the intercoastals. Kinda like smelt dipping, but cooler. Ya see two little red eyes in the car headlights ya got mounted on the end of a stick, ya stick yer net under 'em, and they dive into the net. Advice to the yankee/newbie shrimp dipper; Don't lay one out in your hand for closer inspection. They've got a sharp spine that sticks out where they can tuck their head and expose it, and when pissed, they slam it into anyone dumb enough to be holding them. Hurts.
Saw a brown blob that kinda looked like a cauliflower. Turned out to be an ink fish. My buddy told me to bounce it up against the hull. Yep, it squirts purple stuff. Caught a snake that was translucent white on the top and translucent red/pink on the bottom. Ole Scotty freaked out and told me NOT to bring it in the boat. Said it was a sea snake, and highly venomous. I took his word for it.
With my last name, I HADDA play golf.

Too bad I sucked, big wampum!

I've said it before: My brother always spotted me two strokes a hole. If I made a Par 3, he would have to get a hole-in-one to break even. He never lost a hole.

My brother (late) absolutely stunk next to Brandt, who has golf gloves named after him!! TINS Brandt can hit a clay pigeon with a driven golf ball.

Be sure to check out the THREE strokes he took to sink a Par 5 hole... I did NOT inherit the Fambly Golf Gene.

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Never fished in FL. I did go shrimp dipping in the intercoastals. Kinda like smelt dipping, but cooler. Ya see two little red eyes in the car headlights ya got
Caught a snake that was translucent white on the top and translucent red/pink on the bottom. Ole Scotty freaked out and told me NOT to bring it in the boat. Said it was a sea snake, and highly venomous. I took his word for it.
{*snork*) (*snock*) (*snigger*) You got taken onna snipe hunt, bro. They ain't no sea snakes in the Atlantic, much less Floriduh. You had an eel. We gots zillions of kinds, and even the sooper ugly big green muthas will daintily take a piece of fish offered from your hand.
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In my neighborhood everybody wants my maters. I make them take a zuke as well.

Leaving them on the doorstep, ringing the doorbell and then running works with the extra zukes.

I remember as a kid finding a dead water moccasin at a popular fishing lake and tying a monofilament line to it, so as to be able to drag it along the ground. Me and another kid whom I met there, casually walked by the fishermen and then dragged the snake by. Lots of different reactions, but the kids father screamed, "God almighty", and leaped into the water to get away.

In looking back, I wonder how that went over after they got home??
One advantage of beat-up Old Fartism: You doan need no steenking license for notheeng.

I want go fish? I go fish. Fish cop sees my gray beard, keeps walking to go pester somebody else.

I want go hunt? With a crossbow in bow season? Fine. No license, no tag needed. Enjoy.

Downside: Want to go rent plane and fly to Floriduh West Coast to pick up fossil shark teeth on Venice Beach? Too bad, Grampa... we no rent you plane no more.
they said the same crap to me ! They also said I have to learn to fly ..
they said the same crap to me ! They also said I have to learn to fly ..
Well, I am a IFR Pilot (Instrument Flight). It means I kin take off, fly somewhere, and land... with all the windows painted black. TINS (Not as hard as it sounds, really. Just scary as shit the first time you does it.)

But Over Eighty Equals No More Stick Time.

No matter what kinda hotdog*** you useta be.

***In a Cessna 152 (known as a Spam Can) -- a deadly fighter plane without equal a family weekend puddle-jumper with a top speed of about 110MPH and a stall speed that some people use to park cars --

I have done Immelmanns in a Spam Can. In WWI, the eponymous dude got to be a fargin Ace flying an Eindecker!! So what, ya say? Well lookit what a fargin Eindecker IS:

It is a fargin chair. With a string-pull motor with a horsepower a tad less than a push lawn mower. It din' even have flaps. It used wing warping like the Wrights'.

Lookit the mizzable little popgun on the thing. The guy ain't even got a fargin windscreen. But he nailed lotsa other pore bastages with that dinky popgun.

So if you guys ever get in a dogfight with yer Unca, you'd better know what an Immelmann Turn is.

I have also looped a Cessna 152.

And landed on one wheel at 90 MPH with a 40MPH sidewind (with my MOTHER on board). She did not know that landing was the scariest I ever did.

I flew and had the motor conk out and made a perfect dead-stick landing with enough speed to get off the runway at the first turnoff.

Got a HUGE "Chevron Party" at the Boca Raton Airplane Patch.

DS Chevrons are something like being in the Caterpillar Club, where guys who got saved by their parachutes got a gold caterpiggle from the company:

Well, I din' get no jewelry, but I did get a lot of envious stares, since I was a guaranteed innocent. D'see, if it is your plane, and it stops Up There, you might darn well be the reason it stopped. You still get the chevron, but it ain't as pure as a student pilot in a fargin rental plane.

There were guys with thousands of hours, and no chevron. So there. Nyah!
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Well, I am a IFR Pilot (Instrument Flight). It means I kin take off, fly somewhere, and land... with all the windows painted black. TINS (Not as hard as it sounds, really. Just scary as shit the first time you does it.)

But Over Eighty Equals No More Stick Time.

No matter what kinda hotdog you useta be.
" I go flying ....when I stoned .." Harry Chapin
Well, I am a IFR Pilot (Instrument Flight). It means I kin take off, fly somewhere, and land... with all the windows painted black. TINS (Not as hard as it sounds, really. Just scary as shit the first time you does it.)

But Over Eighty Equals No More Stick Time.

No matter what kinda hotdog*** you useta be.

***In a Cessna 152 (known as a Spam Can) -- a deadly fighter plane without equal a family weekend puddle-jumper with a top speed of about 110MPH and a stall speed that some people use to park cars --

I have done Immelmanns in a Spam Can. In WWI, the eponymous dude got to be a fargin Ace flying an Eindecker!! So what, ya say? Well lookit what a fargin Eindecker IS:
View attachment 291196

It is a fargin chair. With a string-pull motor with a horsepower a tad less than a push lawn mower. It din' even have flaps. It used wing warping like the Wrights'.

Lookit the mizzable little popgun on the thing. The guy ain't even got a fargin windscreen. But he nailed lotsa other pore bastages with that dinky popgun.

So if you guys ever get in a dogfight with yer Unca, you'd better know what an Immelmann Turn is.

I have also looped a Cessna 152.

And landed on one wheel at 90 MPH with a 40MPH sidewind (with my MOTHER on board). She did not know that landing was the scariest I ever did.

I flew and had the motor conk out and made a perfect dead-stick landing with enough speed to get off the runway at the first turnoff.

Got a HUGE "Chevron Party" at the Boca Raton Airplane Patch.

DS Chevrons are something like being in the Caterpillar Club, where guys who got saved by their parachutes got a gold caterpiggle from the company:
View attachment 291198

Well, I din' get no jewelry, but I did get a lot of envious stares, since I was a guaranteed innocent. D'see, if it is your plane, and it stops Up There, you might darn well be the reason it stopped. You still get the chevron, but it ain't as pure as a student pilot in a fargin rental plane.

There were guys with thousands of hours, and no chevron. So there. Nyah!
How Old are you? Dang did you fight in WW1 too

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