The Original Old Farts Club

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Beautiful day here. Going to workin the veggie garden today getting my dirt ready for plants After the dog walk. Y’all enjoy your day!😎
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Well I'm back home. They released me a a little bit ago. I didn't have a heart attack and my arteries didn't appear to be narrow enough to have caused the problem. Got to go to my Cardiologist Thursday who will go over the results in more detail. The bad news is nobody knows what the fk caused the problem that damn near turned my lights out. All I know is that it scared the shit outta me and I don't scare easy. Hopefully it was just some fluke shit and maybe it won't happen again.
I'm going to make a few life style changes and see what happens.
My sweetie made me some chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. Man did it taste good.😁
In my case, the whole neighborhood gets eggplant and peppers
In my neighborhood everybody wants my maters. I make them take a zuke as well.

The one animal I have no problem shooting.

I shoot all coyotes in the azz with my air rifle. Doesn't take long and they avoid the area behind the house.
Bobcats are not allowed. Giant iguanas are not allowed. Gators... depends on situation.

That's about it... I even had walking catfish on my lawn a while back. They got a pass.

No, wait, correct that: The walking catfish are fargin delicious. And a wastebasket is a great catching device. Use two: One to catch the fish au prima, and one to dump it in to hold it.

It'd be hard to beat for freshness: the fargin catfish comes outa the water and walks up to your front door.

I have not yet taught them how to ring the doorbell when they are ready.

Youse guys gotta suffer that mizzable cold and I don't. But there is a side to living in sunny south Floriduh that you dunno.

I tried to grow a garden. Just like I had in Virginia. Pole beans, tomatoes, squash, onions.

The basic, commoner-oriented garden. Got a rototiller. Fertilizer. Churned and planted.

Fargin disaster. Looked like a Post-Nuclear War movie.

Tooken a dirt sample and paid $15 to get it analyzed. It was about 50% fargin nematodes. <-- Nuclear waste plant nematodes. Cold weather kills them. Hot, wet weather... well... dang.

Started over with a 4x8 raised tiny mini-garden using only bag soil, etc.

Every. Single. Plant. And. ROOT. Eaten.

Got a grow tent. It got torn open and everything eaten. That was about 12 years ago.
Morning OFC. 60 degrees and Sunny and only getting to 68 degrees, 47 Hum.

Walt that's pretty cool walking catfish. I've been wanting to fish I think I'll give it a go Monday I have to leave the house early in morning for a Dr's appointment. I'll go get my fishing license after that. I'll pack a lunch, coffee, soda, rod and the bait. Sound like a plan.

I'll be transplanting today. Have a great day.
Walt are you going to try to plant a garden this year outside? I've lived in FL, I hated it and it took me forever to get the h-ll out. In GA I get all the four seasons love it.
I love the four seasons , Frankie Valli was instrumental to me on the way i got a haircut. Never had his success....

I just doan look anywhere near as old as that guy. I never could dance, but... jeez. He looks ninety-sumpin'.
Hey! Don't be breakin' bad on my buddy Pute! I think he cuts a pretty mean rug, considering......

Youse guys gotta suffer that mizzable cold and I don't. But there is a side to living in sunny south Floriduh that you dunno.

I tried to grow a garden. Just like I had in Virginia. Pole beans, tomatoes, squash, onions.

The basic, commoner-oriented garden. Got a rototiller. Fertilizer. Churned and planted.

Fargin disaster. Looked like a Post-Nuclear War movie.

Tooken a dirt sample and paid $15 to get it analyzed. It was about 50% fargin nematodes. <-- Nuclear waste plant nematodes. Cold weather kills them. Hot, wet weather... well... dang.

Started over with a 4x8 raised tiny mini-garden using only bag soil, etc.

Every. Single. Plant. And. ROOT. Eaten.

Got a grow tent. It got torn open and everything eaten. That was about 12 years ago.
Fking Root knot nematodes kicked my ass one yr. Had to completely get rid of the soil in that raised box. Pissed me off to no end. Little bastards. There are good nematodes though that are very beneficial.
I got the sweetest gift today from a friend saying thank you for, well, his Carty Seed Collection I keep adding to.. lol

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Nice heavy tray made of Nylon, as is the grinder on the right.. some Keif on right, wax on left in blue. Mmmmm
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Zipper storage areas, then velcro inside zipper for double security and odor control for stash...
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