The Original Old Farts Club

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My BP is not any lontger a calliope**, and my pulse rate is 55-65 <-- YAY.

**Scooter slid me some pills -- and immediately went out shopping. Came home with a fargin GALLON of real pistashio nut ice cream, gooey macadamia nut cookies, a big box of sexy chocolates, and a fancy cake of some kind. Seems he detected what the other (low-brow-for commoners docs} did not notice. It was not just AFib, but another condition that is cured by:

Get this: Zerio alcohol of any kind at any time. Lotsa yummy high-end sweets like bakery and real ice cream (especially pistachio because that is the ice cream with the most sugar in it).

I discovered IO freakin' LOVE pistachio nut ice cream (not "yogurt", not ice milk, not any knock-offs.

The result: The readings over the last 12 hours are wonderful --
5AM 3/12: 127/72 Pulse: 55 <--TINS, Pilgrims!!
10:45 AM: 132/80 Pulse: 60
1:30 PM: 123/76 Pulse: 69
4:00 PM: 135/74 Pulse: 65
3/13 7:00 AM: 148/98 Pulse: 98 :mad: Took a sekrit Scotty pill (1 every 12 hrs as needed}
Scooter stuffed me with pistachio ice cream and gum-yummy macadamia nut cookies.
10:00 AM144/56 Pulse 58 (Lotsa better)
5:00 PM 132/75 Pulse 58 <-- Sooper better
9:00 PM 107/54 Pulse 58 <-- Absolutely ideal!!!
Today: 8:00 AM: 122/75 Pulse 55

Awright. There's gotta be a downside, right?

This Sooper Pill that Scooter gave me to take twice a day puts me to fargin sleep. I am cheatin', callin' it a downside. The sleep is blissful, and it is the reason (Scotty knows) that my Blood Pressure was going nuts and causing the contnual AFib was that the AFib was interfering with real sleep

A vicious cycle.

And he is breaking it with ice cream/cookies/candies <-- My bod needs sugar to beat this.

Now hear this: It is NOT a bad idea to send your Precious Royalty Lady to work for fifteen years to in order to send your genius fargin kid to Med School. Being a Board Certified, 35-years-experience superdoc puts him where the other docs come to him for advice.

He had seen this phenomenon before... and acted on it with his old man. After the blood thinners, and after the heartbeat regulatory pills... the wrap-up cure the docs in the horsepistol did NOT know was the next augmentation to treatment is:

Sugar and sleep in massive doses.

Scusa while I take yet another nap.

Oh. I axed him about my brother Boo's finest: "Go for it, and tell him he helped."

So there it is @boo... ya fukkin did it agin, savin' yer Brother Waltie's old ass. Who'da known? That's two.
Didn't you see Ricky come back to life from common trailer park boys? Coma, brain dead...until they blew weed smoke in his ventilator and he woke up! That show is all real right?

Morning OFC. What, you can't smoke at work....what a jip. Do they still drug test these days? I never required a drug test. I smoked so they could as well.....just not at work.
I have drug tested a lot and found I liked most of them . After my tango with the law ,I had to take drug tests and stay clean of thc. The probation people were and treated me the same way I treated them , most excellently .I would tell the po its the only test I have passed in 45 years.... I was treated like a gentleman .
Good morning, Old Farts. Warmer here, but looks like Transylvania out my window. Guess I can't have it all, so I'll take the warmer.

Going to practice my alcohol intake today so I can take a little shock off of my liver come St. Patty's Day. It's one of my favorite holidays. Everybody's drunk and rowdy, but you never see a fight or a bad attitude. Love it!
Good morning, Old Farts. Warmer here, but looks like Transylvania out my window. Guess I can't have it all, so I'll take the warmer.

Going to practice my alcohol intake today so I can take a little shock off of my liver come St. Patty's Day. It's one of my favorite holidays. Everybody's drunk and rowdy, but you never see a fight or a bad attitude. Love it!
be careful and wear clean underwear ...

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