The Original Old Farts Club

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just hanging out with my new pal covid...not nearly as bad as I've heard, at least so far...being healthy and strong is what my doc told me is my saving grace...ask me in a week and I'll tell you if I agree with him... :eek:
I am still very shaky. 30-odd hours later.

1:30AM, and I wake up falling apart. Herself drove me to the ER. Atrial fibrillation in spades, doubled. Pulse rate 140, BP 230/140.

The hospital is absolutely full. I laid in a flat bed (fully dressed) for 12 hours with stickers all over me, and an IV drip. They drew blood twice.

But here's the rub: It's in the ER. I felt/feel like Death taking a shitt. The ER bed is more like an operating table (non-adjustable, narrow) more or less in the open. Uncomfortable as helll after a while. EXTREMELY PAINFUL to lay in it without being able to move (as in poopp) for 12 hours. I have a spinal owie that woke up.

After about six hours (8AM), this person came around pushing a food thingy. She placed breakfast on a flat surface a dozen feet away and left. <-- There was NO FARGIN WAY I could get to it, and I was so shaky I just ignored it until it was removed, and -- behold: DISTANT LUNCH REPLACED IT STILL TOO FAR AWAY TO REACH.

The above is a nit. But when you are in noisy solitary in a truly painful situation, small and crazy things stand out. I took the pain (and essentially, abandonment) until 5PM the next day, when they told me the entire situation.

After being immobile for 12+ hours, I asked what was the plan; they said there was a "waiting list" of 18 people to get into the hospital for care, and I was number 8 on the waiting list. <-- They explained the hospital was 110% full, too bad so sad.

So just lay there and hurt, Unca, too fargin bad.

I realized I could lay there, essentially getting NOTHING to help, other than an extra dose of my already-prescribed A-Fib medicine, and with no possible recourse for the forseeable future... I called the busy nurse in and said:

"I am leaving. Get this shit offa me. You have a blue ton of patients you CAN do something for. I am not one of them." I signed the release and left, went home.

Here. I. Am.

Still feel like I have to get better to die. Shaky as a political promise. I consulted with Scotty on the phone (he is in Oregon), and he had me go through the previous day BEFORE the A-Fib hit.

And I think Scotty scored. Here's why: When he asked what alcohol in any form I had taken before the attack, I was surprised to tally it up:

Two snifters (shots) of Crown Royal while reading in the afternoon, two glasses of red wine with dinner. THREE aperitif glasses of Brandy with a dash of Kahlua.

Scotty: "Daddy... Um... Alcohol can trigger atrial fibrillation. Especially in octegenarians."

Oh dear. Big change in lifestyle coming up. No more booze of any kind for Himself.

I love brandy, good beer, and nice wine. <--Well, they are now a memory.

I haven't had the courage to check my BP and Pulse rate yet. Herself is asleep and the stuff is in there. No coffee yet. No puffing.

Late Edit Add: Dang. Herself came in with the BP rig. I am 165/100 Pulse 100

Still deep in the grass.
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Brother i deal with AFib and it isn't any fun. I have those attacks ever so often and they are real bad. I take Beta Blockers and Blood Thinners just for that reason. When mine hit I feel like I got run over by a truck. I know a few tricks I use to try and stop it but sometimes it takes so long I almost pass out because my heart is out of control and not pumping blood properly to my other organs. Doc told me if they start happening to often I will need an Ablation.
Usually happens 2 or 3 times yr unless I do something stupid like eat chocolate or do the wrong oil that has a Sativa in it. Sativa's are bad news for AFib and Wine most definitely can cause AFib. The thing that scares me about AFib is blood clots. Your 5 times more likely to develop a blood clot with AFib,,hence the blood thinners. Blood Thinners help with the blood clots caused by your heart not pumping all the blood out of your heart properly that pools and can cause clots.
Stay away from wine and hard liquor brother. I drink beer almost every night with no problems but I took a chug off some moonshine the other night and pow right in the kisser came the AFib
Mine gets so bad my heart hurts and I damn near pass out. Sweat like a mother fker.
Be careful brother and watch what you eat and drink. I don't even drink coffee unless it's decaff. And chocolate fks me up too.
I never had AFib untill after my heart surgery in 2013. Fking sucks and I hate it. Scares the crap outta me. Happened once while I was driving.
Google things you can do to stop AFib at home and you will see some things you can do to bring your heart back to a normal pace. One is,set down bend over and strain like your taking a poop. Another, hold you nose,close your mouth and try and blow out. Another is message your corated arteries in your neck with your fingers with some pressure untill you feel it slowing down .
Sorry about the book.😁 tone can,by termination of the arrhythmia.
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Brother i deal with AFib and it isn't any fun. I have those attacks ever so often and they are real bad. I take Beta Blockers and Blood Thinners just for that reason. When mine hit I feel like I got run over by a truck. I know a few tricks I use to try and stop it but sometimes it takes so long I almost pass out because my heart is out of control and not pumping blood properly to my other organs. Doc told me if they start happening to often I will need an Ablation.
Usually happens 2 or 3 times yr unless I do something stupid like eat chocolate or do the wrong oil that has a Sativa in it. Sativa's are bad news for AFib and Wine most definitely can cause AFib. The thing that scares me about AFib is blood clots. Your 5 times more likely to develop a blood clot with AFib,,hence the blood thinners. Blood Thinners help with the blood clots caused by your heart not pumping all the blood out of your heart properly that pools and can cause clots.
Stay away from wine and hard liquor brother. I drink beer almost every night with no problems but I took a chug off some moonshine the other night and pow right in the kisser came the AFib
Mine gets so bad my heart hurts and I damn near pass out. Sweat like a mother fker.
Be careful brother and watch what you eat and drink. I don't even drink coffee unless it's decaff. And chocolate fks me up too.
I never had AFib untill after my heart surgery in 2013. Fking sucks and I hate it. Scares the crap outta me. Happened once while I was driving.😳
You are absolutely spot on with every single statement above. You sound like Scooter.

And YOU, Weedie, just saved me from some more trouble: My Scottish Witch just brought me my morning coffee: Straight black, and... a quart, as usual. <-- TINS

I had one hot sip as I began to read your post above. Handed the big mug back to my bride, with: "No more of this, either, Babe."

And chocolate: Jeez. My favorite fruit. Gone as of now.
There is a little extra protrusion in you atrial chamber. Docs dunno the purpose, and it has a fitting name: Atrial appendix. <-- That is where the blood will clot because it cannot get out completely before the next POW! pulse comes in.

AFTER you get "normal"... if you have a clot in there, it may come out and travel. Bad juju.
I am still very shaky. 30-odd hours later.

1:30AM, and I wake up falling apart. Herself drove me to the ER. Atrial fibrillation in spades, doubled. Pulse rate 140, BP 230/140.

The hospital is absolutely full. I laid in a flat bed (fully dressed) for 12 hours with stickers all over me, and an IV drip. They drew blood twice.

But here's the rub: It's in the ER. I felt/feel like Death taking a shitt. The ER bed is more like an operating table (non-adjustable, narrow) more or less in the open. Uncomfortable as helll after a while. EXTREMELY PAINFUL to lay in it without being able to move (as in poopp) for 12 hours. I have a spinal owie that woke up.

After about six hours (8AM), this person came around pushing a food thingy. She placed breakfast on a flat surface a dozen feet away and left. <-- There was NO FARGIN WAY I could get to it, and I was so shaky I just ignored it until it was removed, and -- behold: DISTANT LUNCH REPLACED IT STILL TOO FAR AWAY TO REACH.

The above is a nit. But when you are in noisy solitary in a truly painful situation, small and crazy things stand out. I took the pain (and essentially, abandonment) until 5PM the next day, when they told me the entire situation.

After being immobile for 12+ hours, I asked what was the plan; they said there was a "waiting list" of 18 people to get into the hospital for care, and I was number 8 on the waiting list. <-- They explained the hospital was 110% full, too bad so sad.

So just lay there and hurt, Unca, too fargin bad.

I realized I could lay there, essentially getting NOTHING to help, other than an extra dose of my already-prescribed A-Fib medicine, and with no possible recourse for the forseeable future... I called the busy nurse in and said:

"I am leaving. Get this shit offa me. You have a blue ton of patients you CAN do something for. I am not one of them." I signed the release and left, went home.

Here. I. Am.

Still feel like I have to get better to die. Shaky as a political promise. I consulted with Scotty on the phone (he is in Oregon), and he had me go through the previous day BEFORE the A-Fib hit.

And I think Scotty scored. Here's why: When he asked what alcohol in any form I had taken before the attack, I was surprised to tally it up:

Two snifters (shots) of Crown Royal while reading in the afternoon, two glasses of red wine with dinner. THREE aperitif glasses of Brandy with a dash of Kahlua.

Scotty: "Daddy... Um... Alcohol can trigger atrial fibrillation. Especially in octegenarians."

Oh dear. Big change in lifestyle coming up. No more booze of any kind for Himself.

I love brandy, good beer, and nice wine. <--Well, they are now a memory.

I haven't had the courage to check my BP and Pulse rate yet. Herself is asleep and the stuff is in there. No coffee yet. No puffing.

Late Edit Add: Dang. Herself came in with the BP rig. I am 165/100 Pulse 100

Still deep in the grass.

Congratulations on making it alive brother! Condolences on giving up everything that's now on the verboten list.........................
I am still very shaky. 30-odd hours later.

1:30AM, and I wake up falling apart. Herself drove me to the ER. Atrial fibrillation in spades, doubled. Pulse rate 140, BP 230/140.

The hospital is absolutely full. I laid in a flat bed (fully dressed) for 12 hours with stickers all over me, and an IV drip. They drew blood twice.

But here's the rub: It's in the ER. I felt/feel like Death taking a shitt. The ER bed is more like an operating table (non-adjustable, narrow) more or less in the open. Uncomfortable as helll after a while. EXTREMELY PAINFUL to lay in it without being able to move (as in poopp) for 12 hours. I have a spinal owie that woke up.

After about six hours (8AM), this person came around pushing a food thingy. She placed breakfast on a flat surface a dozen feet away and left. <-- There was NO FARGIN WAY I could get to it, and I was so shaky I just ignored it until it was removed, and -- behold: DISTANT LUNCH REPLACED IT STILL TOO FAR AWAY TO REACH.

The above is a nit. But when you are in noisy solitary in a truly painful situation, small and crazy things stand out. I took the pain (and essentially, abandonment) until 5PM the next day, when they told me the entire situation.

After being immobile for 12+ hours, I asked what was the plan; they said there was a "waiting list" of 18 people to get into the hospital for care, and I was number 8 on the waiting list. <-- They explained the hospital was 110% full, too bad so sad.

So just lay there and hurt, Unca, too fargin bad.

I realized I could lay there, essentially getting NOTHING to help, other than an extra dose of my already-prescribed A-Fib medicine, and with no possible recourse for the forseeable future... I called the busy nurse in and said:

"I am leaving. Get this shit offa me. You have a blue ton of patients you CAN do something for. I am not one of them." I signed the release and left, went home.

Here. I. Am.

Still feel like I have to get better to die. Shaky as a political promise. I consulted with Scotty on the phone (he is in Oregon), and he had me go through the previous day BEFORE the A-Fib hit.

And I think Scotty scored. Here's why: When he asked what alcohol in any form I had taken before the attack, I was surprised to tally it up:

Two snifters (shots) of Crown Royal while reading in the afternoon, two glasses of red wine with dinner. THREE aperitif glasses of Brandy with a dash of Kahlua.

Scotty: "Daddy... Um... Alcohol can trigger atrial fibrillation. Especially in octegenarians."

Oh dear. Big change in lifestyle coming up. No more booze of any kind for Himself.

I love brandy, good beer, and nice wine. <--Well, they are now a memory.

I haven't had the courage to check my BP and Pulse rate yet. Herself is asleep and the stuff is in there. No coffee yet. No puffing.

Late Edit Add: Dang. Herself came in with the BP rig. I am 165/100 Pulse 100

Still deep in the grass.
For different medical reasons I had to give up alcohol. Really loved my rare scotches and bourbons. I still can taste it if something interesting passes by. Tiny bit, or spit it out.

Amazing, similar to your totaling up your drinks,
So was the amount of money I was spending!

I am still very shaky. 30-odd hours later.

1:30AM, and I wake up falling apart. Herself drove me to the ER. Atrial fibrillation in spades, doubled. Pulse rate 140, BP 230/140.

The hospital is absolutely full. I laid in a flat bed (fully dressed) for 12 hours with stickers all over me, and an IV drip. They drew blood twice.

But here's the rub: It's in the ER. I felt/feel like Death taking a shitt. The ER bed is more like an operating table (non-adjustable, narrow) more or less in the open. Uncomfortable as helll after a while. EXTREMELY PAINFUL to lay in it without being able to move (as in poopp) for 12 hours. I have a spinal owie that woke up.

After about six hours (8AM), this person came around pushing a food thingy. She placed breakfast on a flat surface a dozen feet away and left. <-- There was NO FARGIN WAY I could get to it, and I was so shaky I just ignored it until it was removed, and -- behold: DISTANT LUNCH REPLACED IT STILL TOO FAR AWAY TO REACH.

The above is a nit. But when you are in noisy solitary in a truly painful situation, small and crazy things stand out. I took the pain (and essentially, abandonment) until 5PM the next day, when they told me the entire situation.

After being immobile for 12+ hours, I asked what was the plan; they said there was a "waiting list" of 18 people to get into the hospital for care, and I was number 8 on the waiting list. <-- They explained the hospital was 110% full, too bad so sad.

So just lay there and hurt, Unca, too fargin bad.

I realized I could lay there, essentially getting NOTHING to help, other than an extra dose of my already-prescribed A-Fib medicine, and with no possible recourse for the forseeable future... I called the busy nurse in and said:

"I am leaving. Get this shit offa me. You have a blue ton of patients you CAN do something for. I am not one of them." I signed the release and left, went home.

Here. I. Am.

Still feel like I have to get better to die. Shaky as a political promise. I consulted with Scotty on the phone (he is in Oregon), and he had me go through the previous day BEFORE the A-Fib hit.

And I think Scotty scored. Here's why: When he asked what alcohol in any form I had taken before the attack, I was surprised to tally it up:

Two snifters (shots) of Crown Royal while reading in the afternoon, two glasses of red wine with dinner. THREE aperitif glasses of Brandy with a dash of Kahlua.

Scotty: "Daddy... Um... Alcohol can trigger atrial fibrillation. Especially in octegenarians."

Oh dear. Big change in lifestyle coming up. No more booze of any kind for Himself.

I love brandy, good beer, and nice wine. <--Well, they are now a memory.

I haven't had the courage to check my BP and Pulse rate yet. Herself is asleep and the stuff is in there. No coffee yet. No puffing.

Late Edit Add: Dang. Herself came in with the BP rig. I am 165/100 Pulse 100

Still deep in the grass.
Best wishes there Unc. Sure you'll be out of that deep grass real soon
For different medical reasons I had to give up alcohol. Really loved my rare scotches and bourbons. I still can taste it if something interesting passes by. Tiny bit, or spit it out.

Amazing, similar to your totaling up your drinks,
So was the amount of money I was spending!


I had to quit alcohol too….dam allergies

seems every time I get around alcohol I break out in handcuffs

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