All i can say is Afib sucks. Glad my buddy Walt is okay. Just remember when it hits to try the things i showed you to get it under control as quick as possible.
Awshit. The Red Witch called Scooter... Scooter used his pull to get me to the cardiologist right away since the last post. The guy was jammed, but Professional Courtesy has its good points for Doctor Daddies.
Seems when I do sumpin' I do it right. Those drinkies, and the broiled lamb triggered what Scotty sez is "Holiday Heart".
I am still neck-deep in AFib as I type this. Shaky as Barney Fife's gun hand.
The doc said the thing that makes it an order of magnitude more important is the combination of my age and the fact that this is the
second attack in a month. Jeez.
So I am in the Gold Medal area for winning the
Purple Shaft With Barbed Wire Cluster.
The doc went through about four different possible paths -- seems that AFib when you have 81 years on the planet is ten times seriouser than if I wuz ten years younger. He gave me ten tablets of sumpin' called "Flecainide". It is susposed to act like a pile-driver on the naughty signaler in my right ventricle, turning it way down.
Just took tab #1 as Herself handed it to me while I typed this. He gave me ten to stash some in case some time in the future I get AFib again.
But I haveta go back Monday... Get ready, Pilgrims -- He be gone run a coupla tests... and the next thing is straight out of a movie:
If the Flecainide (that is correct spelling) doan do it... they are gonna put me
down out and while I am out, they are gonna get them paddles out to jump start me. Sorta like rebooting your cranky computer. He says I won't feel anything becuz I'll be out.
*IF* that don't work, then they are gonna go nuclear: Gonna punch yet another hole in my arm and work a fargin electric blowtorch up into my upper right heart chamber, and BURN the goddamn communist nerve into oblivion.
Hey! Like I mentioned, I have been shot, stabbed, blown up, run over, poisoned, and insulted. Now I will be able to add: "Electrocuted by Paddles"
They can kill me, but they can't eat me -- thass agin the law.