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Got Lucky Man good to see you still around, good to hear you did not wait to call your sonWell -- Dang.
Folks, this ole sojer had a rough coupla days...
Got to feeling a tad shaky, sorta like kinda weak when I was walking down to count iguanas... and stranger still feeding my peacocks. So I decided to take a nap for an hour.
After half an hour laying down, my pulse felt funny. Decided to check my B/P:
220/170 <-- Oooooooh shiiiitt.
Pulse rate: 160 <-- Ooooooooh double-shiiiiitttt
So I rechecked. With Herself's little meter. Same numbers. My Beautiful Witch got Scooter on the horn (I paid for his education**, and I have REALLY gotten all my investment back!)
Scooter's words: "Do NOT drive Daddy to the hospital. Call 911 and declare emergency. Dad is at the edge of a stroke."
The most amazing thing: I live in a rural part of Floriduh. TWO fargin EMT trucks showed up at the Chateau in less than five minutes!! Very professional. They did it all just like the TV programs I don't watch.
At the horsepistol, I cannot remember the events for some time. But I wound up in a bed with wires all over me while sumbody stuck me in the belly (?) with a big needle and sumbody else gave me a pill or two or three (I dunno) to swallow.
The attention over the next 36 hours was odd -- First off, I was wearing street clothes in a bed in a private room -- still had my fargin shoes on as I laid there for a dozen hours.
Folks coming in and out jabbing both arms with blood thinners and heartbeat meds and whatnot.
Also, got that shot that makes you pee gallons. Since my bod was naive to it (never had it before) it worked great. Filled four of those jugs with the handles, laying in bed -- fully clothed -- and sorta turning on my side. Tricky not to take a bath. Boys have an advantage here.
I got out late last night. When I woke up at home here an hour ago, I took my BP and Pulse:
116/69 and 61
I's baaaaack! Harder to kill than a bad habit. Seems my problem was something I should pass on to youse guys -- as it just might save one of your old arses:
As you get very olderthe regular meds you have been taking for the last 20 years or so that have worked so very well...
...Well, they don't -- all of a sudden sometimes. So by simply changing one med (carvedilol) by adding another half to the twice-daily dose and adding another different but common med...
Bingo! I was pulled back from that cliff by those money-grubbing, evil doctors.
**Paid his loans off as a susprise graduation present when he got his License To Kill.
I wonder if one of those air boats like they use on the bayou would go on ice? Well, if it did steering would likely be non existant I guess. Mongo's head hurt now.
Well -- Dang.
Folks, this ole sojer had a rough coupla days...
Got to feeling a tad shaky, sorta like kinda weak when I was walking down to count iguanas... and stranger still feeding my peacocks. So I decided to take a nap for an hour.
After half an hour laying down, my pulse felt funny. Decided to check my B/P:
220/170 <-- Oooooooh shiiiitt.
Pulse rate: 160 <-- Ooooooooh double-shiiiiitttt
So I rechecked. With Herself's little meter. Same numbers. My Beautiful Witch got Scooter on the horn (I paid for his education**, and I have REALLY gotten all my investment back!)
Scooter's words: "Do NOT drive Daddy to the hospital. Call 911 and declare emergency. Dad is at the edge of a stroke."
The most amazing thing: I live in a rural part of Floriduh. TWO fargin EMT trucks showed up at the Chateau in less than five minutes!! Very professional. They did it all just like the TV programs I don't watch.
At the horsepistol, I cannot remember the events for some time. But I wound up in a bed with wires all over me while sumbody stuck me in the belly (?) with a big needle and sumbody else gave me a pill or two or three (I dunno) to swallow.
The attention over the next 36 hours was odd -- First off, I was wearing street clothes in a bed in a private room -- still had my fargin shoes on as I laid there for a dozen hours.
Folks coming in and out jabbing both arms with blood thinners and heartbeat meds and whatnot.
Also, got that shot that makes you pee gallons. Since my bod was naive to it (never had it before) it worked great. Filled four of those jugs with the handles, laying in bed -- fully clothed -- and sorta turning on my side. Tricky not to take a bath. Boys have an advantage here.
I got out late last night. When I woke up at home here an hour ago, I took my BP and Pulse:
116/69 and 61
I's baaaaack! Harder to kill than a bad habit. Seems my problem was something I should pass on to youse guys -- as it just might save one of your old arses:
As you get very olderthe regular meds you have been taking for the last 20 years or so that have worked so very well...
...Well, they don't -- all of a sudden sometimes. So by simply changing one med (carvedilol) by adding another half to the twice-daily dose and adding another different but common med...
Bingo! I was pulled back from that cliff by those money-grubbing, evil doctors.
**Paid his loans off as a susprise graduation present when he got his License To Kill.
Walt I take carvedilol. Mine are little white 3.125mg that I cut in half and take three times a day. I was supposed to take two one times a day but that shit didn't work for me. I had to spread them out and take less. My BP is normal that way. The other way was too much at one time. I couldn't even stand up without getting dizzy and my PR was way to low. Sometimes you have to figure the dosage out and tell the doc to fk himself.Well -- Dang.
Folks, this ole sojer had a rough coupla days...
Got to feeling a tad shaky, sorta like kinda weak when I was walking down to count iguanas... and stranger still feeding my peacocks. So I decided to take a nap for an hour.
After half an hour laying down, my pulse felt funny. Decided to check my B/P:
220/170 <-- Oooooooh shiiiitt.
Pulse rate: 160 <-- Ooooooooh double-shiiiiitttt
So I rechecked. With Herself's little meter. Same numbers. My Beautiful Witch got Scooter on the horn (I paid for his education**, and I have REALLY gotten all my investment back!)
Scooter's words: "Do NOT drive Daddy to the hospital. Call 911 and declare emergency. Dad is at the edge of a stroke."
The most amazing thing: I live in a rural part of Floriduh. TWO fargin EMT trucks showed up at the Chateau in less than five minutes!! Very professional. They did it all just like the TV programs I don't watch.
At the horsepistol, I cannot remember the events for some time. But I wound up in a bed with wires all over me while sumbody stuck me in the belly (?) with a big needle and sumbody else gave me a pill or two or three (I dunno) to swallow.
The attention over the next 36 hours was odd -- First off, I was wearing street clothes in a bed in a private room -- still had my fargin shoes on as I laid there for a dozen hours.
Folks coming in and out jabbing both arms with blood thinners and heartbeat meds and whatnot.
Also, got that shot that makes you pee gallons. Since my bod was naive to it (never had it before) it worked great. Filled four of those jugs with the handles, laying in bed -- fully clothed -- and sorta turning on my side. Tricky not to take a bath. Boys have an advantage here.
I got out late last night. When I woke up at home here an hour ago, I took my BP and Pulse:
116/69 and 61
I's baaaaack! Harder to kill than a bad habit. Seems my problem was something I should pass on to youse guys -- as it just might save one of your old arses:
As you get very olderthe regular meds you have been taking for the last 20 years or so that have worked so very well...
...Well, they don't -- all of a sudden sometimes. So by simply changing one med (carvedilol) by adding another half to the twice-daily dose and adding another different but common med...
Bingo! I was pulled back from that cliff by those money-grubbing, evil doctors.
**Paid his loans off as a susprise graduation present when he got his License To Kill.
Glad you are ok Walt. Lesson learned ..... Call 911!Well -- Dang.
Folks, this ole sojer had a rough coupla days...
Got to feeling a tad shaky, sorta like kinda weak when I was walking down to count iguanas... and stranger still feeding my peacocks. So I decided to take a nap for an hour.
After half an hour laying down, my pulse felt funny. Decided to check my B/P:
220/170 <-- Oooooooh shiiiitt.
Pulse rate: 160 <-- Ooooooooh double-shiiiiitttt
So I rechecked. With Herself's little meter. Same numbers. My Beautiful Witch got Scooter on the horn (I paid for his education**, and I have REALLY gotten all my investment back!)
Scooter's words: "Do NOT drive Daddy to the hospital. Call 911 and declare emergency. Dad is at the edge of a stroke."
The most amazing thing: I live in a rural part of Floriduh. TWO fargin EMT trucks showed up at the Chateau in less than five minutes!! Very professional. They did it all just like the TV programs I don't watch.
At the horsepistol, I cannot remember the events for some time. But I wound up in a bed with wires all over me while sumbody stuck me in the belly (?) with a big needle and sumbody else gave me a pill or two or three (I dunno) to swallow.
The attention over the next 36 hours was odd -- First off, I was wearing street clothes in a bed in a private room -- still had my fargin shoes on as I laid there for a dozen hours.
Folks coming in and out jabbing both arms with blood thinners and heartbeat meds and whatnot.
Also, got that shot that makes you pee gallons. Since my bod was naive to it (never had it before) it worked great. Filled four of those jugs with the handles, laying in bed -- fully clothed -- and sorta turning on my side. Tricky not to take a bath. Boys have an advantage here.
I got out late last night. When I woke up at home here an hour ago, I took my BP and Pulse:
116/69 and 61
I's baaaaack! Harder to kill than a bad habit. Seems my problem was something I should pass on to youse guys -- as it just might save one of your old arses:
As you get very olderthe regular meds you have been taking for the last 20 years or so that have worked so very well...
...Well, they don't -- all of a sudden sometimes. So by simply changing one med (carvedilol) by adding another half to the twice-daily dose and adding another different but common med...
Bingo! I was pulled back from that cliff by those money-grubbing, evil doctors.
**Paid his loans off as a susprise graduation present when he got his License To Kill.
No, on a wait list. Said it would be a few weeks. Can't imagine how long it would take in the busy months.@pute did you ever hear anymore on your outboard?
Wants to make you feel like you got your moneys worth when he bends you over backwardsNo, on a wait list. Said it would be a few weeks. Can't imagine how long it would take in the busy months.
Instructions were to only check and advise. Quoted 1 hr/$130. If anything major I will buy a new one.Wants to make you feel like you got your moneys worth when he bends you over backwards
Yes. I can give you the Cliff Notes. But Scooter has taught me more about this kind of thing (in excruciating, but fascinating fargin detail) that I won't go into.There is an algorithm and smart phone download for that decision matrix now.
Well shit! Glad you yet again escaped the jaws of death brother Walt and are again feeling your usual charming self. Did they reveal you what caused the excursion??