yeah I got something they can touch

yeah I got something they can touch
I was at a dump shooting rats with my sons. Puck shot a fargin skunk. PEEE-YOU.
Love em Are you under there tooUnca Walt that must have been loads of fun. I hate rats. Good idea for shooting place. Skunk
Here is my Remington model 597. I need to get my gun permit. TJ has a conceal gun permit. He carries it ever were. At top is Jasmine little face.
View attachment 286275
@Roster Here are four of our dogs. I have three more around somewhere.
Left to Right in the back
Maxs, Luna, Onyx, and Jasmine in front. Maxs, Luna, Onyx are pit bull, bullmastiff, mix and Jasmine is pit bull and mutt.
View attachment 286270
View attachment 286273
Having deer meet tonight. Deer meet is a gift from a friend. Now I'm hungry.
Back Strap?Unca Walt that must have been loads of fun. I hate rats. Good idea for shooting place. Skunk
Here is my Remington model 597. I need to get my gun permit. TJ has a conceal gun permit. He carries it ever were. At top is Jasmine little face.
View attachment 286275
@Roster Here are four of our dogs. I have three more around somewhere.
Left to Right in the back
Maxs, Luna, Onyx, and Jasmine in front. Maxs, Luna, Onyx are pit bull, bullmastiff, mix and Jasmine is pit bull and mutt.
View attachment 286270
View attachment 286273
Having deer meet tonight. Deer meet is a gift from a friend. Now I'm hungry.
Love em Are you under there too
Have to watch if you bring your deer to have dressed at a butcher
They steal your back straps
I don't see you anywhere in underwaearRoster under were.
I'm here. Ain't sleeping worth a damn, yet that's all I really want to do.Where is Bubba ..... This isn't a day off. Also haven't seen Hippie....
Sure seems like this crap is making the rounds in this place. Yoop still isn't posting. Just like they said on Fox yesterday.....we are all gonna get this crap....shot or not.
I'm here. Ain't sleeping worth a damn, yet that's all I really want to do.
Take Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 OTC tablets every day. <-- Sez MySonTheDoctor.
"fat pants...the 38’s" <-- That was my size when I entered Basic Training. I gained 47 pounds in Basic. TINS.
That is cold blooded. LOL.
Again, TINS: I put on so much rock-muscle, had stretch marks on my thighs and belly. I went through a growth spurt that was un-fargin-real.wowzer!….how many years were you in bootcamp?
I would still be in basic training at Lackland if the TI would have found out how I circumnavigated the rules and graduate as one of only two airmen with an Outstanding , we never got caught