The Original Old Farts Club

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I have a 20 year old cat. Poor baby, can't hear a thing but still gets around ok. Gonna hurt.

Undeniable love. Children grow up and are out of control many times. (Me). Dogs are loyal, always happy to see you, never lie, never get a DUI ....need I go on.....

Oh, and you don't have to worry about some Liberal professor brain washing their mind.
I had a Russian blue that used the toilet and lived for 25+ years.

I live in a place where coyotes thrive. Got one of my cats around 10 years ago. NOT ANYMORE. My cat(s) will never go outside again. My dog is outside our fence but only with me. Plus, ever since they basturds got my cat I shoot them in the ass with my air gun. I don't kill them just a friendly reminder not to come I have rats. Got a little something for them as well.
No problem killing rats. As kids we would take .22 rifles to junk yard, hunt big old rats. Oppossum sized fatties.
Used to do the same. My Uncle was a ramp man at the local drive in. He'd bring home garbage sacks full of stale popcorn. We'd load up in my car and head to the local dump at dusk. Dump the corn out in piles, head back to the car, load up the rifles, and fire up a hooter. Turn the headlights on and see nothing but a field of rats munching. Shoot 'til they were gone. Turn out the lights and wait another joint. Repeat. Cops came out once to see what we were up to. No problems.
What Rat bait?

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i do use Tom Cat Bait stations but not where the dog can get to. They are animal proof....but ^^is my favorite way to get rid of the fk's. Lots of them this size when you live in a greenbelt.
I have literally seen them so big I thought it was a opossum. Those big suckers can chew through brick. They also, in the middle ages spread the plague through the fleas they carried.

BTW, while most guns with silencers are just not that quite, (like on TV or movies), one exception is a .22 with subsonic ammo. All I heard dam near was the hammer striking the cartridge. But dont tell anybody. AR15 with suppressor sounds
about the same as non silenced .22 rifle. You can also buy super accurate single pump piston pellet guns that will outperform .22 LR. For a price.

I buy a lot of stuff from a joint called They have an index where you look your critter up,
They will have a section about the critter, its habits, etc everything you need to know, describes various poisons, traps whatever, how they work, knockdown, sterilize, etc. I live in a state where I can have most any commercial insecticide sent, yours may vary.


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