The Original Old Farts Club

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you can adjust coffee strength ... no see through black with my wife's finger dipped in for sweetness
I see That finger Now
late bloomer and tennis were sports one went out for if they couldn’t make the football , baseball , and basketball

boy was I wrong

i love golf
I've never played but I can imagine how wonderful it is.
I once worked for a guy who loved golf and he t took me to a course or two & I loved just sitting inside (or outsidel) the clubhouse while he played a round or two with his golf buddies & getting a bit blocked, wonderful banter after they'd done their thing and were relaxing and just talking shit.
I think we don't do enough talking shit nowadays.
I tried playing when younger, not enough going on. Plus I'm at awful, worse the longer the club.

1/2 way through, drunk, lost a dozen balls, ready to go home. Or rode around with ladies in the beer cart.

When I was a kid me and a couple of buddies used to hide in the rough and when a ball came bouncing over the hill, one of use would dash onto the green and nick the ball before it stopped rolling and hide again quick.
when we had a decent collection we'd sneak off to the club house and sell em.
Good earner at weekends.