I imagine you have 2 roof layers that have to be ripped off, and maybe some plywood replaced, but does not in any way justify a price as you were quoted.
Any Amish near youTwo layer tear off, but the wood is sound.
From Hippies post at 2:14pm yesterday on his quote from roofer
On point for Texas. Fk Michigan.From Hippies post at 2:14pm yesterday on his quote from roofer
He said " 91.5K for steel and 50.8K for 25 year shingles. Ouch. "
How is that price on point with what you posted?
For who? My house is 1400sf. It cost me a little over 5 grand to remove one layer and replace the shingles 4 yrs ago.These are more realistic prices
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For Hippies houseFor who? My house is 1400sf. It cost me a little over 5 grand to remove one layer and replace the shingles 4 yrs ago.
Sound like you all got the hook upFor who? My house is 1400sf. It cost me a little over 5 grand to remove one layer and replace the shingles 4 yrs ago.
My buddy down the street did his house last year for a little over 6 grand. Same size house.
I bet he used Bikers who roofSound like you all got the hook up
Michigan is a Right to Starve state, too. Very few union roofers except for commercial jobs.Michigan must be high as hell on labor and materials. That's ridiculous.
Must be a Fking Union thing. Unions don't run shit in Texas. We are a right to work State thank God.
Unions are the goddamn reason why ppl can't afford a Fking new car anymore without going into debt for years.