Good night fellas. i smoking the banana TK and hitting the hay. Y’all take It easy. 

Welcome to the club. Looking back was so easy. I sat behind a desk... usually went out for a business lunch and sat behind my desk. I delegated most everything. Now there is just me. Oh and Mrs Pute and she does the delegating around here.I don't know about the rest of ya'll....but I think being retired is more work than working!There is something to do constantly it seems.
Good to know
Good night fellas. i smoking the banana TK and hitting the hay. Y’all take It easy.![]()
I've got a honeybee hive going on in my shooting range target. They are entering where the sand has compacted and created two-foot, nice safe coupla holes to go in and out.I just got stung by a fargin bee. Working in the garden and I guess the little guy didn't like me messing around in there. Only hurt for a few seconds.....the sting pretty much went away once I got the stinger out. Guess I better be a little bit more aware of the little guys in the future. Love having them there as the keep everything pollinated.
You'd just have to keep your eyes open. They are light and designed to be easy to pull of the tracks in a hurry.would be concerned about traffic from either way ! Either way your fouked
Crocks on the right side of the pic. You can always tell by the long, skinny nose. Either one will put your heart in the hurt locker if given the chance.
I bet his sisters boyfriend didn't Miss him!Never forgot.
Still miss Sonny
So does Lucy Mancini
My turn next. Physical on the 19th. Like I said earlier got my blood draw early today. At our age i always worry that the doc will find something. Got my eyes checked on Tuesday and I am on the verge of needing cataract.....decided to wait another year.Back from the pump doc. Took a sitting BP, a standing BP, and an EKG. Told me that everything looked great and said the meds they had me on had done the trick. No signs of afib. I told him I'd quit the meds back in the middle of March and that the afib was caused by the first lung surgery in November and hadn't reoccured in the second one in January. He listened to my lungs and heart. Said everything was fine and he'd see me in a year. I walked out to pay the copay to the receptionist, and the Old Hen said I should have mentioned the three fainting spells I'd had since August of '22. She looked the doc up and told him about it. Gee, now I get to wear a heart monitor for a week and get a carotid artery ultrasound.
I think I'll beat her later.![]()
I had to wear a wireless heart monitor.Back from the pump doc. Took a sitting BP, a standing BP, and an EKG. Told me that everything looked great and said the meds they had me on had done the trick. No signs of afib. I told him I'd quit the meds back in the middle of March and that the afib was caused by the first lung surgery in November and hadn't reoccured in the second one in January. He listened to my lungs and heart. Said everything was fine and he'd see me in a year. I walked out to pay the copay to the receptionist, and the Old Hen said I should have mentioned the three fainting spells I'd had since August of '22. She looked the doc up and told him about it. Gee, now I get to wear a heart monitor for a week and get a carotid artery ultrasound.
I think I'll beat her later.![]()
Things such as this have saved many a life.Back from the pump doc. Took a sitting BP, a standing BP, and an EKG. Told me that everything looked great and said the meds they had me on had done the trick. No signs of afib. I told him I'd quit the meds back in the middle of March and that the afib was caused by the first lung surgery in November and hadn't reoccured in the second one in January. He listened to my lungs and heart. Said everything was fine and he'd see me in a year. I walked out to pay the copay to the receptionist, and the Old Hen said I should have mentioned the three fainting spells I'd had since August of '22. She looked the doc up and told him about it. Gee, now I get to wear a heart monitor for a week and get a carotid artery ultrasound.
I think I'll beat her later.![]()
It is a royal pain in the azz,Back from the pump doc. Took a sitting BP, a standing BP, and an EKG. Told me that everything looked great and said the meds they had me on had done the trick. No signs of afib. I told him I'd quit the meds back in the middle of March and that the afib was caused by the first lung surgery in November and hadn't reoccured in the second one in January. He listened to my lungs and heart. Said everything was fine and he'd see me in a year. I walked out to payAzz the copay to the receptionist, and the Old Hen said I should have mentioned the three fainting spells I'd had since August of '22. She looked the doc up and told him about it. Gee, now I get to wear a heart monitor for a week and get a carotid artery ultrasound.
I think I'll beat her later.![]()