What a wild day. Just got offa the phone with Boo. I'm still all teary-eyed. Poor, precious Ivan.
If anyone ever doubted what kind of a man Boo is... just consider what he is doing for his beautiful doggie. He and I consider ourselves brothers from different mothers.
I showed him a note I got from pute. Things have been fixed, and you pore bastages are stuck with the oldest fart again.
My 82 birthday !!! was two days ago. Jeez. To get an idea of just how fargin old Himself is: If you went BACK from my date of birth the same amount as I have gone forward, you would be in 1858. The Civil War has not even begun.
Custer will not have employee difficulties at Little Big Horn for another 18 fargin years. I am fargin OLD.
Herself got me a sooper new crossbow for my birthday. It is loaded by a pulley system with hooks and handles instead of just grabbing the string and pulling it back. No one could load this one thataway... cannot even budge the fargin string.
I tried it out, and immediately did a Robin Hood. <-- The first bolt got hit in the nock by my second shot. It is that accurate.
It is more than twice as powerful as the one I wore out and traded at the gun store for a box of .44 cal punkin balls (they really just wanted the buzzer strap):
Scooter flew in from Oregon, and Puck and my grandlings drove up 60 miles for Thanksgiving dinner. Everybody got to shoot the whizzer. We discovered a problem:
The new crossbow is so much more powerful, my old crossbow target is not really good enough to stop the bolts. Have to hammer them back with big block of wood to get them out far enough to get a good enough hold on them to pull them out.
So I ordered a coupla hunnert buck new target. Susposed to arrive next week.