The Original Old Farts Club

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Those killer cats are like killer rabbits. Deadly.😁
Geese. I used to have to meet the mail carrier if I had a package. Those buggers are mean to anybody that they don't know.
Nice plants guys are gonna be busy. Big, doesn't everybody in town know about your plants. Hard to keep a secret in a small town like yours. Seems like it would be almost impossible to keep people out of it.
If they know Big, they'd be too scared to monkey with his crops. Too many places to disappear around those parts.
Been giving maters away to all neighbors but nobody will take squash. Ha ha.....Should start one mater for one squash.....Dehydrating maters as fast as the machine will produce. I am so fk'ed.

Going over to my daughters to watch the game.....guess what is going with me.....
Wife makes Zucc Bread and noodles from the
Wife makes Zucc Bread and noodles from the
Mrs Pute has a squash cool book. She is pretty good at making chicken s-hit taste like chicken salad.

I have 50 lbs of squash on my back deck. I will be eating it until November.
I’m headed over to my daughters too with a boat load of peppers to give away. They are having a mermaid party today with a real mermaid. My granddaughter is so excited. I hope the parents like peppers…😜
Don’t worry, I know y’all want to see the mermaid. I snap a picture for ya 😂

well here she is brothers. A real live mermaid. A couple pics for yall. My granddaughter's BD party. That’s my son-in-law in the last pic getting some sparkles from the mermaid.edited removed pic..😊
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I asked her but she said there would be a whole nuther charge for that.

Geese. I used to have to meet the mail carrier if I had a package. Those buggers are mean to anybody that they don't know.

If they know Big, they'd be too scared to monkey with his crops. Too many places to disappear around those parts.
I use to tend the animals of a family across the way from my home where I grew up. There were many exotic birds ,horses and sheep there also was a goose.
Lucky for me I use to be very good friends with the kids who lived there and knew the Goose. I would be in my house and hear the goose going crazy off the wall
I would find someone pinned hidden behind something screaming for help.
The Goose Liked me
In the spring during mating season, they'll still eat you if given a chance. The Old Hen wouldn't go outside if she didn't have a maple stick to fend 'em off with.
You NEVER back up on a goose when it charges you. They always come head down and low to the ground when they rush ya. Anybody with goose sense just reached down, grabs them by the back of the head, and lifts and tucks 'em under your arm. No biting, no flogging. They quickly realize they can't bluf ya and they'll leave you alone 'til next time. No harm to the goose, either.
I miss my geese so bad. Charlie could sneak past the dogs in 'Nam, but they couldn't sneak past the geese. Most big firebases had a few, usually White Chinese, some of the meanest geese on the planet.
Wife makes Zucc Bread and noodles from the
EVERY squash plant I planted in the spring was taken out by stem borers (10 plants) Not a single fruit made it big enough to eat. Man I was pissed and Blondy too. She loves making bread, paddies and deep fried battered dipped fries. MMMmmm I like her chocolate zuke bread.

I replanted at the end a july hoping the borers were done for the season. They were... Some of the best looking plants I've ever grown here. Production just started. Picked 7 today.... With this hot weather we are having, we should get a good month of harvesting. If you've grown squash, it will be allot.

Told Blondy I wanted chocolate bread by dinner on moanday... She said..... No Problem... Love Her!

The plants and some okiedope bud pics tossed in for eye candy
zukes sept.jpg
okiedope wc sept 18.jpg
okiedope wc sept.jpg

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