The Original Old Farts Club

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Morning OFC. I have an annual physical first thing today. I need to schedule two surgeries hand has a bad case of dupotrans contracture and my right eye needs cataract surgery.

Eye isn't a big deal but the hand is gonna affect my grow. My left hand will be useless for about 6 weeks. Gotta figure out how to keep things going with one hand. Should be interesting.

Who is having a Birthday today?
That'd be you, ya old fart! You trying to give Walter a run for his money?
I thought it was your Job to make Birthday announcements
Ya caught me goofin' off. Got it covered. Thanks for picking up my slack, old buddy!
Glad Ivan is working out in your life. 💕. I’ve been looking at some strains that grow better in the humidity boo. I’ll let you know what I find. I saw a lot of budrot yesterday when I was checking friends plants. When I told one guy to pick that stuff out and use alcohol to clean his hands after, he told me he was picking it off and smoking it. He’s said it burned perfectly in his pipe. I called him a dill weed and told him not to smoke anymore of that. He is super anxious to harvest but his weed isn’t ready yet. I took pictures of his trichomes and showed him mine that are ready and the difference. I told him if he had to harvest just to take a few buds and let the others finish. I think as soon as I left he did that, dried it in the microwave and smoked it 😂
I’ll let you know if I find some good humidity resistant gear and share it with you if I get some.

Afghooie x Purple Ticinensis from classic's mold resistant strain​

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Morning OFC. I have an annual physical first thing today. I need to schedule two surgeries hand has a bad case of dupotrans contracture and my right eye needs cataract surgery.

Eye isn't a big deal but the hand is gonna affect my grow. My left hand will be useless for about 6 weeks. Gotta figure out how to keep things going with one hand. Should be interesting.

Who is having a Birthday today?
Mine still has some swelling that is slowly going away, but I was using my hand more or less normally within a couple weeks, so it may not be as bad as they have led you to believe. I never did need the pain meds they sent me home with.
Every one gather round and hear me
View attachment 309144

today is sweet Pute's Big Day
Yep the world was blessed with his birth
72 yrs ago.
Happy Birthday Old Chap
Happy birthday young man! Congratulations on living this long and still being purdy to look at!
Mine still has some swelling that is slowly going away, but I was using my hand more or less normally within a couple weeks, so it may not be as bad as they have led you to believe. I never did need the pain meds they sent me home with.

Happy birthday young man! Congratulations on living this long and still being purdy to look at!
I have had both hands done once already 20 years ago. All five fingers and the palm done in my left which is the hand needing it again. I had the surgery done in January and had a hard time using a fly rod in a May fishing trip. So nobody told me...I lived it. Hopefully this will only be one finger and won't be near as bad. But the memory still lingers fresh in my mind. I even developed a staff infection which caused the healing process to even be longer. Which is why I was having difficulty 5 months later.
I'm becoming younger every day with Ivan by my side...I gotta keep tabs on him 24/7...he's developed quite the growl and bark...he went after the big coil up door to the shop today...he's very content to hang in the grow all day...
Dutch wouldn't let it happen
youre damn skippy he wouldn't...he looks at Ivan with distain most of the time but I can tell he's warming up...penned the little guy up while feeding dutch, that's one place where he'll get hurt...dutch took a swing at him earlier, had him in his mouth but not clamping down hard, a warning you might say...Ivan is learning every moment, he'll figure it all out...meanwhile, I'm gonna have to hit the sack earlier if I'm gonna keep up with Ivan the's work, but oh the dividends when they grow up and are your best friend and personal bodyguard...I won't take him thru the military training Dutch went thru for kill and hard bite work but if he doesn't have it in him I may work on that a little...he's my shadow which keeps him from pestering my big boy...spent over an hour defoliating 2 urkles girl trees, it's nice to have 7' plants in flower with no concerns...
youre damn skippy he wouldn't...he looks at Ivan with distain most of the time but I can tell he's warming up...penned the little guy up while feeding dutch, that's one place where he'll get hurt...dutch took a swing at him earlier, had him in his mouth but not clamping down hard, a warning you might say...Ivan is learning every moment, he'll figure it all out...meanwhile, I'm gonna have to hit the sack earlier if I'm gonna keep up with Ivan the's work, but oh the dividends when they grow up and are your best friend and personal bodyguard...I won't take him thru the military training Dutch went thru for kill and hard bite work but if he doesn't have it in him I may work on that a little...he's my shadow which keeps him from pestering my big boy...spent over an hour defoliating 2 urkles girl trees, it's nice to have 7' plants in flower with no concerns...
It took a while before this happened but it finally did. My BB still gives me the stink eye too for bring her home but now she cant take her eyes off the puppy. It takes a while especially with all that puppy energy but Dutch knows by now that ivan is family and will guard him like he does you soon.💕


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