Got to thinkin' more about this post, Rosty. This is the result:
I have had one helluva life. When I was a little kid, I watched bright yellow and blue Army Air Force BIPLANE fly overhead. Now we've mapped Pluto.
We had a two-foot tall oaken telephone that generated its own electricity with a crank. Now I can be in Tasmania and my waterproof phone will show me exactly where I am on a full-color scrollable map.
I have known and loved only one woman in my life, and she has given me two fine, nay, spectacular and successful sons as different as can be.
I have seen the world... Europe, Asia, South America -- and the finest place on earth is where (by my totally free site-choice) I now reside.
I have written a novel wherein the worst review was that the book was too short at 462 pages.
Trail riding, hill climbing, home-built kayaking, 1000's of hours underwater on SCUBA all over the world with color movies going back 50 years, piloting small planes and one 727 jet, hunting (and getting in a desperate fight with a wild boar). Been in a sumbarine and an aircraft carrier. I have been in a deep gold mine.
I've been bitten by a rattlesnake, run over by a car, shot, stabbed, and food-poisoned and more... and I don't even limp.
My parts are about worn out... but it has been one helluva ride.