The improbable seedling

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Bloody H E L L !
Sep 26, 2008
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I guess this definitely belongs in the outdoor journal . . . this has to be the most improbable germination anyone's seen in the forum, surely? I just went out to the garden to enjoy a few tokes, and nearly stepped on this seedling. I thought at first it must be a dandelion or something, but when I stooped and saw the familiar shape, I thought my eyes were playing tricks at first.
This one, I have little idea what happened because my present stash is my own seedless ... and surely the seed cannot have survived the whole winter on the back lawn? It's been down to 1C recently with freezing rain!

The only two possibles are either that it must have been a seed from the pollinated Aurora of my last grow, which makes it another hybrid like the one I have indoors in flower; maybe a seed or two fell off while I was carrying it and somehow survived in the grass until now; or, the only other possible, is that it came from a very old (2 years!) seed from the batch of Oaxaca sativa. :huh:

Oh well. There is gonna be a hole in the lawn ... I am going to get the trowel out right now and pot it up in coco and bring it into the grow room. An unexpected gift! :D

If the seed is in an area you often toke up at, maybe you dropped it from a pipe/ stash container or ???
OK, it's potted. The soil was like 'crete so some trauma was unavoidable. I placed the clod of soil into a 1L pot of coco, watered it, and placed it in a sheltered spot in the grow room, which, unfortunately, is on 13/11 right now bc all the plants are in flower. Anyway let's see.
Hmmm ... just thought, if it survives, it will probably be the first for an outdoor grow.
It can only be Aurora, or Oaxaca, (low chance of either of those) or the hybrid (likely). Hopefully it will be male, bc that will allow me to get a supply of F2 seed of different phenos for frozen storage. Selective pollination would produce a 65% Aurora 35% Oaxaca, and the other way around, since I have the 50-50, Aurora, and Oax pollen. If it's of interest I'll do a report when the 50-50 finishes flowering. Right now it looks to be favourite for my outdoor.
420benny said:
If the seed is in an area you often toke up at, maybe you dropped it from a pipe/ stash container or ???
Good suggestion. I don't buy at all, so it must be one of the strains or the hybrid. Yeah that could happen. Or .. .. even, I have been emptying some old buckets of coco on the lawn, and those would have been an Aurora grow. So it could even be an Aurora seed that made it through. Oh well, I know how the three types grow pretty well, so I should be able to ID it pretty quickly.
Yeah It probably could have survived the cold. I mean that show I saw on 60 minutes last year about the world seed bank, where they, I think it was Norway but in the arctic, all governments store about every seed on earth to ensure if there was a catastrophe the strains would not be lost and that is FROZEN deep into some mountain or something. surely a toss out or a smoke with a seed, it sat and made it. Let us know how killer it is :)
Well the little seedling made it through transplant in its chunk of lawn soil (mainly clay!) and is enjoying itself in the grow room with the others.
I hope it is the hybrid and better yet a male because then I'll be able to breed it to my only other hybrid, a female in flower at the moment. Assuming I can reveg and clone the female ... boy o boy this is getting complicated.
The hybrid is definitely going to be a bigger producer than the Aurora. I can see that already and it is only 3 weeks in flower. I just wish I knew what it's gonna smoke like, there's no point in taking a sample because this early it's not gonna be representative of the final smoke. Bah. Patience required.
Heheh ... the seedling is now passing the fourth internode and is doing great under the HPS. And I just discovered two more seedlings growing in one of the clone pots. So that makes three hybrids I have going ... it seems they really do want to be my next grow!
BTW the seedling is for sure a hybrid, it is starting branches already and the pure Aurora never branches unless topped.

I'm going to wait to make a decision until I have some of it cured and try it out. I took a few popcorns, enough for one good spliff, and will wait a couple of weeks for it to dry properly and cure a little. If it's well potent I'll run it as my outdoor this season and keep the Auroras going indoor.
cool find ive found plants growing in my back yard I always toss seeds out the window that i dont think are good or the pot wasnt the best found 4 outside my window one year growing in straight up red clay lol their thought little plants

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