Sopappy's so so grows

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Well, another lacklustre yield but decent enough pot. Nothing picture worthy :-(
but I have pot :)

What a menagerie, I bought a variety of regular seeds and as always, lose track. Ph woes in the org bucket set up.
Next batch coming were all started within a 2 -3 week period and are all over the map. Seed dude gave me free seeds too, must be the autoflowers, well, I have two of them with buds in veg ??? I guess they go to flower anytime now. Leaves me two more free spots, I'm thinking the two biggest.

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What up Pappy ? -- Just keep sticking them into bloom !-- I've run a lot of small plant !-- Nothing wrong with that !-- Not a fan of Autos !--I'm a cloner !-- No reason to clone an auto !
hey man its really not that hard you just have to stick to it, i go with the golden rule KISS that is why i use single bottle grow and single bottle bloom and add my own biostimulants, cause i get high quality every time without fail. I know you dont like monsantos etc... but its the highest quality materials and that is all that matter s to me
What up Pappy ? -- Just keep sticking them into bloom !-- I've run a lot of small plant !-- Nothing wrong with that !-- Not a fan of Autos !--I'm a cloner !-- No reason to clone an auto !

I got 24 slots in my veg room, 12 slots in my flower,
I start reg seeds when the small trays are empty (12 in each tray)
yup, just trying to get a rotation going, frustrating at times

I threw pics of autoflowers in for yuks but really, what I do? put those runts in flower??
hey man its really not that hard you just have to stick to it, i go with the golden rule KISS that is why i use single bottle grow and single bottle bloom and add my own biostimulants, cause i get high quality every time without fail. I know you dont like monsantos etc... but its the highest quality materials and that is all that matter s to me

I can't argue with your results but i think, in my case, anyways, it's more a case of the lighting. My LEDS are 5 years old, I haven't tried flowering with T5s but I bet results are close, I may go with all T5s when LEDs die (how do you know?)
I like the KISS thing but RAW hard to find up her.

far out, look, there's that damn pot thing again, I said 'case' twice up there
I should submit myself to some clinical study or something,
yes i suspect an old light is not a good thing, the t5 powerveg lights look pretty awesome and i bet produce better then what you have
Hey Pappy, just checking in on you. Looks like you are slowly getting it together. You are really jumping hard from crawling to a dead run by trying to set up the cycling of veg to flower. That is a very challenging method to master. I'm still trying to master it myself. Fortunately, I am only tending 3 plants in flower and about 5 in veg. If you are tending to more than 10 plants in 3 different stages, that's a lot of work.

If you stay at it you will get it. It will all begin to jibe for you at some point, and all the bells will ring in your head saying "that's how it works!" But you definitely need to make another investment in new lights. As technology age goes, those LEDs are just about obsolete at 5 years old. I don't know if the beam degrades over time with a LED like it does in chemical vapor lighting, but Im willing to bet you aren't getting as much light energy as they really need for flowering and vegging.
Hey Pappy, just checking in on you. Looks like you are slowly getting it together. You are really jumping hard from crawling to a dead run by trying to set up the cycling of veg to flower. That is a very challenging method to master. I'm still trying to master it myself. Fortunately, I am only tending 3 plants in flower and about 5 in veg. If you are tending to more than 10 plants in 3 different stages, that's a lot of work.

If you stay at it you will get it. It will all begin to jibe for you at some point, and all the bells will ring in your head saying "that's how it works!" But you definitely need to make another investment in new lights. As technology age goes, those LEDs are just about obsolete at 5 years old. I don't know if the beam degrades over time with a LED like it does in chemical vapor lighting, but Im willing to bet you aren't getting as much light energy as they really need for flowering and vegging.

Great pep talk, HP and I needed one. Maybe 1/2 oz per plant :-( but the pot is great, tasty and smooth even though I have no idea what it is :) Even with G13's tags, I still lost track.

Every time I try a rotation, it gets effed up by seeds that don't pop or pop and stand there like the walking dead wasting space. So I have kind of given up on scheduling things as odd as that must sound. I can easily move the plants in the net pots around, like whack a mole, I just lift from one hole to another. I also cut 5 inch holes in lids so I can even drop them in the buckets.

As I pull plants to harvested out of the buckets, I replaced them with the biggest from the veg gang freeing up holes for plants from the seedlings tray
freeing up the trays for new seeds. I'll just keep filling holes under my shitty lights. I'm debating T5s now or stumble along (practicing) until I can afford something better

Incidentally, I'm hoping the plants in the wee trays in the net pots will do the air pot thing with the roots and be going crazy inside that clump of pellets. When I drop them into a hole, I'll keep water level (bubbled) up to bottom inch of pot.
i think the key to a consistent rotation is cloning
I have to tell you Pappy, I have truly enjoyed watching your progress. It has been informative as well as entertaining! By the way, those 5 year old LEDS-- were they in use during that time or just stored?
I have to tell you Pappy, I have truly enjoyed watching your progress. It has been informative as well as entertaining! By the way, those 5 year old LEDS-- were they in use during that time or just stored?

Thank you for that, DD, I get a kick out of your memes, I steal some for tweets.
There's another thread of mine here where there's a lot of handholding and good information on maintaining a rez. Wish I'd started out here first :)

LEDs pretty much in use, I'd guess 3 full years on, something like that.
I'm going to have to stumble along with them for awhile yet, I tried a 1K again for flower room and it was too hot in 20 minutes. I won't try HPS again until higher ceiling . LED tech and new stuff coming, maybe ceramic is cooler. The new LEDs want high ceiling too I'm reading.
sopappy did you try the 1k on 50% or 75% or is it a magnetic non adjustable ballast?I run all my 600's at 75-50%
sopappy did you try the 1k on 50% or 75% or is it a magnetic non adjustable ballast?I run all my 600's at 75-50%

Magnetic dinosaur. But I must admit, I sure liked the look of that room when it was on. :-(
LEDs come a long way in the last 5 years !-- We have to worry about heat and power consumption since we in a prohibition state !-- so we have to use LEDs !-- We got some Mars Hydro 300 Reflector Series! -- The last group I bought were 5 watt chips instead of the prior 3 watt chips !-- We are kinda in the middle of changing things up but I try to stick another couple plants in bloom every couple weeks as plants come out !-- D.D. and I are cloners !-- Still got a White Widow plant that turned 3 in August !--BPU-X-B.B. is coming up on 2 and they showing no signs of slowing down !-- I know some keep a mother to take cuts from but I clone from clones !-- We take the cuts they root within 2 weeks -- Veg about a month then off to bloom !-- Say U got a 60 day finisher !-- Put something in bloom every 2 weeks and after 2 months something starts coming out of bloom every 2 weeks !-- Learn to clone -- peeps here got all sorts of ways to clone--We'll teach U !-- D.D. and I may not be able to help U much we run aero from cutting to harvest but Keep working on that rotation !-- We got more than 10 plants in at least 3 different stages !-- Switching to tie on labels because my biggest problem is making sure I keep track of who's who !-- Like Hamster Lewis said it gets complicated !-- Last cycle I wanted to make some more BPU-X-B.B. seed !-- I got sloppy !-- By boy left me more seed than U can shake a stick at !-- Learned my lesson !
LEDs come a long way in the last 5 years !-- We have to worry about heat and power consumption since we in a prohibition state !-- so we have to use LEDs !-- We got some Mars Hydro 300 Reflector Series! -- The last group I bought were 5 watt chips instead of the prior 3 watt chips !-- We are kinda in the middle of changing things up but I try to stick another couple plants in bloom every couple weeks as plants come out !-- D.D. and I are cloners !-- Still got a White Widow plant that turned 3 in August !--BPU-X-B.B. is coming up on 2 and they showing no signs of slowing down !-- I know some keep a mother to take cuts from but I clone from clones !-- We take the cuts they root within 2 weeks -- Veg about a month then off to bloom !-- Say U got a 60 day finisher !-- Put something in bloom every 2 weeks and after 2 months something starts coming out of bloom every 2 weeks !-- Learn to clone -- peeps here got all sorts of ways to clone--We'll teach U !-- D.D. and I may not be able to help U much we run aero from cutting to harvest but Keep working on that rotation !-- We got more than 10 plants in at least 3 different stages !-- Switching to tie on labels because my biggest problem is making sure I keep track of who's who !-- Like Hamster Lewis said it gets complicated !-- Last cycle I wanted to make some more BPU-X-B.B. seed !-- I got sloppy !-- By boy left me more seed than U can shake a stick at !-- Learned my lesson !

ditto re the LEDs, LEOs, and ******* Liberals tilting at windmills
if I get cloning down, I'll save for new leds, someone else here likes those mars, looking forward to that.
Might buy another T5 but a crummy 2 tube daylight flourescent is kicking *** down there, almost as good as my 4 tube T5 ???!!!???

yes, i like your type rotation, if they can veg forever, I figure I just keep filling the empty hole in the flower room. I love my G13 tags but I use them to show the date I flowered the plant. I'm only growing one strain at a time. Too much drama with these 3 seed packs when you want 24 plants :)

seeded grow? nothing worse than that 'tink' sound as a seed falls on the table while you're trimming but I saved a small fortune on seeds that time.
hey man its really not that hard you just have to stick to it, i go with the golden rule KISS that is why i use single bottle grow and single bottle bloom and add my own biostimulants, cause i get high quality every time without fail. I know you dont like monsantos etc... but its the highest quality materials and that is all that matter s to me

single bottle? I thought you were a RAW regimen guy
I use floranova which is single bottle nutrient for my base, then i use raw to spoon feed, i add extra potassium and phosphorus at different times to steer the crop
I use floranova which is single bottle nutrient for my base, then i use raw to spoon feed, i add extra potassium and phosphorus at different times to steer the crop

I'll never buy a single bottle again. Syrop. Had to shake the living **** out of it and I never felt it was mixed enough, horrible stuff.
As soon as i get decent lights, I'm trying that pinwheel thing.
How hot does that ceramic one get?
What's with these freaks? I'm thinking it must be the free autoflowers he gave me but *** did i do wrong here? I sprouted them and left them under veg like the regulars but these three were a total waste of time
except for the novelty value i guess

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