Some questions about 12/12 from seed

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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I am interested in trying a 12/12 from seed grow and have a few questions:

What size pots should be used?

Should they be transplanted at all, or started in their final pots?

How tall would the plant get on average?

What is an average time frame from sprout to harvest?
I'm full of questions myself but I think I can answer some of these. I hear 2-3 gallon containers will do it size wise. Transplanting is okay during flowering. 12 weeks is the start to finish average.
What size pots should be used?
I start off in 10 cm pots. The plants stay here for a few weeks until they show sex and are then transplanted into 2 gallon square pots.
Should they be transplanted at all, or started in their final pots?
Entirely up to yourself really. I find that by starting in smaller pots you can control water content easier. It also means I'm not wasting time preparing large pots for the inevitable males in the bunch.
How tall would the plant get on average?
It all depends on the strain you choose to grow. Indicas will obviously be smaller plants. Sativas grow much taller.
What is an average time frame from sprout to harvest?
Once again, this is strain dependent too. A good rule of thumb is to take the expected flowering time of the strain you plan to grow, add 1 week for germination, another week for seedling stage and then another 2 weeks for it to show sex.
Transplanting is okay during flowering.
Hey tokemon, I would only advise transplanting very early on. I like to transplant before the plant starts it's stretch. Transplanting will shock the plants for a couple of days. You don't want this to happen during full flower. It will affect yield substantially.
Dubbaman said:
Well said RBH, for an idea of what you may end up with (depending on the size of your grow area) hit that link in my signature for a current 12/12 from seed grow ;)

Nice grow!
The strains I have are Nirvana White Widow and Haze and will be grown with cfls from start to finish. I know that the Haze is a pure sativa, and could grow very tall, so I may have to top or use lst. Can a 12/12 plant be topped without stressing it too much? I know that you normally shouldn't top durring flowering.
Runbyhemp said:
A good rule of thumb is to take the expected flowering time of the strain you plan to grow, add 1 week for germination, another week for seedling stage and then another 2 weeks for it to show sex.

So is this method used primarily just to sex the plant earlier?
i dont know about flowering with cfls,buy a cheap hps,insidesun sells 400 watters for a hundred bucks.i.m.o. trust me,youre buds will be much denser usin a hps as to cfls for'll be a hundred dollars well spent.
this method's is to cut your grow period by a month or 2
you dont get as many buds as you do veggin a plant out for a month or 2,but you get your buds earlier.
Aurora_Indicas_Dad said:
i dont know about flowering with cfls,buy a cheap hps,insidesun sells 400 watters for a hundred bucks.i.m.o. trust me,youre buds will be much denser usin a hps as to cfls for'll be a hundred dollars well spent.

I would love to get a hps, but I am concerned about heat. I was going to use a very small grow box, (about two square feet and three feet tall)but have decided to scrap that idea, as it was way too hot even with just cfls and several small fans. I am now planning on just using an area in my closet that I will close off with Panda film. The biggest this area can be is about 4 square feet and about 5 feet tall(more like 4 with lights). It has to be in my closet for stealth reasons because I rent. would I be ok with a hps in this area with no exaust?
you'll want the exhaust and for that kind of space you can get a 150 HPS and be just fine i believe that HTG supply has them for less than 100 bucks too and they put off about 22K lumen which would be perfect for a 4sqft area.

*edit* heres a link change the xs to ts after you put it in your browser window hxxp://

this is a 150 for 70 and shipping ;)
Dubbaman said:
you'll want the exhaust and for that kind of space you can get a 150 HPS and be just fine i believe that HTG supply has them for less than 100 bucks too and they put off about 22K lumen which would be perfect for a 4sqft area.

*edit* heres a link change the xs to ts after you put it in your browser window hxxp://

this is a 150 for 70 and shipping ;)

Thats a great deal! One thing I noticed though is that they list the bulb that comes with it as 16,000 lumens. Are there other 150 watt bulbs that I could replace it with that have more lumens?
trillions of atoms said:
a 1 gallon container is PLENTY. you could put three plants flowered from seed in a 1 gallon easy.

No matter what strain?
yes- you can put 2 or three in a one gallon container of indicas- a saviva might want more room to stretch so three in a three gallon would be fine- you will notice when you grow from seed and flower right off the rootmass will not be near as large on a plant with a veg period until maturity.

if you veg a long period of time i wouldnt recommend putting more than one plant in one container unless the container is large enough for good growth. i find roots will run deep until they cant then travel. some soil mixes ppl use growing in 5 gallon containers dont have enough arreation- therefore the rootmass cannot go deep and end up just circling the container.....then when you pull the plantr out the rootmass is shallow and there is unused soil in the bottom. haveing poor arreation and soil mix will also cause air pockets inside the container- water will take the path of least resistance everytime. and if your soil isnt mixed very well- part of the container will be loose and well arreated and then the other side of the container might have more mushroom compost or manure compost- it compacts and roots cant grow into this as well. you then might pull the plant out when its finished and it might have pockets of just soil and hardly any roots.

so what im getting at is if you do plant with more than one plant in a larger container (as runby said use the square containers) you can fit more plants in to one area, and make sure the soil is completely mixed or some plants might not do as well as others and it will have you thinking- well there all in the same soil with the same water and nutes and light- what happened?

alot of problems start with medium conditions- whatever that maybe. So just be aware :D

i love SOG and i will be watching this one :D GOODLUCK!
What happens if you get a male mixed in? Would cutting the male down to a stump cause it's roots to rot? Could I keep them in 18 ounce plastic party cups until they show sex and then transplant them?

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